Digestive HealthHome Remedies

Acid Reflux Got You Down? Try These 10 Natural Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a very common and very unpleasant condition, but home remedies for acid reflux can help!

If left unchecked, acid reflux can result in severe conditions including heartburn, ulcer, and even cancer. Most people trust their pills to take care of acid reflux, but regular intake of antacids can cause severe side effects. 

Thankfully, there are simple natural home remedies that can help you handle the symptoms of hyperacidity. Ayurveda highly recommends trying these home remedies to treat acid reflux. These home remedies are simple, easy, and very effective. Most importantly, they do not have any side effects.

Check out these 10 home remedies for heartburn.

Also Read: 7 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for acidity relief

10 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Eat a ripe banana

A ripe banana is alkaline in nature which helps in neutralizing your acidity. They are rich in potassium and fibre that aids digestion. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce bloating in the intestines. Banana is rich in vitamins that can help stop gastrointestinal spasms and relieve stomach pain associated with acidity. 

Also read: Banana for breakfast- good or bad?

Drink a cup of Tulsi tea

Tulsi tea is one of the best natural remedies for acid reflux. Tulsi has excellent anti-stress and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in soothing heartburn and gas. Its anti-ulcer properties help in lowering the acid level of the stomach.  

Also, read: Amazing benefits of Tulsi tea

Eat a ripe Papaya

Emerging studies have shown the benefits of papaya in soothing hyperacidity. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which plays a significant role in treating heartburn and acid reflux. Papain further improves digestion, flushes toxins, and reduces flatulence and bloating. Papaya juice is also very effective in treating ulcers.

Also read: Papaya in pregnancy? 

Try Ajwain for acidity

Ajwain is one of the best natural remedies for hyperacidity. Since ancient times, Ajwain is trusted for bringing instant relief from acidity, indigestion, and flatulence. Ajwain contains thymol, an active ingredient that can help relieve acidity and improve digestion. 

Add one teaspoon of Ajwain and one teaspoon of Jeera to a cup of boiling water. Let it boil till the water turns golden brown. This drink is one of the best home remedies for hyperacidity.

Buy Online: Ajwain Seeds


A tablespoon of jaggery is an easy and excellent home remedy for hyperacidity. Jaggery is rich in potassium and magnesium. Potassium helps in maintaining pH balance and stimulating the production of mucus in the stomach lining. Magnesium keeps your digestive system strong which reduces the risk of acidity and other digestive issues.  

Also read: Is jaggery safe in diabetes?

Mint Leaves

Chewing a handful of mint leaves can calm the burning sensation caused by hyperacidity. Mint leaves have a cooling effect on your digestive system, reducing the pain associated with acid reflux. It further lowers the acid content of your stomach and improves digestion. 

You can either chew a few mint leaves or put them in a pot of boiling water and drink this water after it cools.

Also read: 9 Amazing health benefits of mint leaves


The lactic acid in buttermilk normalizes the acidity in the stomach and brings a soothing effect. Add a pinch of ajwain, black salt, and coriander to the buttermilk. This will help ease your symptoms of hyperacidity instantly.

Also read: Buttermilk in Ayurveda

Black Cumin Seeds

Black cumin seeds are gastro-protective in nature. Drinking water infused with black cumin seeds can help in reducing and prevent acidity. It also soothes the symptoms of heartburn, pain, nausea, bloating, and constipation.  

Aloe vera juice

Aloe Vera is one of the best home remedies for heartburn relief. It is loaded with powerful vitamins that protect your intestinal lining. It is also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties that soothe your heartburn and brings comfort to hyperacidity.

Extract the pulp from the Aloe vera leaves. Mix it with water and have it 2-3 times a day for effective heartburn relief.

Also read:6 super healing actions of Aloe vera

Simple Lifestyle Remedies for Heartburn

Stress, sleep, and bad habits can contribute to acid reflux and heartburn. Making lifestyle changes can help reduce your frequency of heartburn and prevent future flare-ups.

  • Do ‘Eat’ Right – Try mindfulness to avoid overeating. Overeating is known to cause hyperacidity and reflux. Eating too fast can also cause hyperacidity, so make sure to chew your food well. Also, eating early dinner and keeping it light can help in reducing hyperacidity. 
  • Sleep well – Sleep plays a very crucial role in improving your digestion. Some studies say that sleeping on the left side can ease your hyperacidity. Also elevating the head using a pillow while sleeping can help.
  • Ease your stress – Stress can trigger reflux symptoms. Try managing your stress with mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and yoga. 
  • Exercise – Regular exercise can also help in boosting digestion. It stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolism, and eases indigestion-related problems.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking – Smoking and drinking are known to cause hyperacidity. Also, carbonated drinks, soda, and caffeine can trigger acid reflux. 

Also read: How to chew the food properly?

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux: Your Takeaway!

Hyperacidity is a widespread problem among Indians. While temporary uneasiness is one concern, untreated hyperacidity in the long term can result in severe health issues including ulcers or cancer. These simple natural home remedies for hyperacidity can protect you against the wrath caused by unmanaged stomach acid.

Also, read:5 simple and healthy foods for gastritis patients

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