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10 Easy Snoring Remedies for Better Sleep

Is the loud hoarse sound buzzing by your ear ruining your sleep? Well, it’s a common story of many people. Snoring is one of the most common annoying habits that people don’t care much about. But do you know snoring can cause a range of health problems? In this blog, I will share the health impact of snoring and then reveal 10 Easy Snoring Remedies!

Why do people snore?

Snoring is the hoarse sound that occurs when air flows through your throat making a vibration as you breathe. When you sleep, your neck muscles relax. This is normal. But sometimes the neck can be too relaxed. This makes the upper airway too narrow, blocking the air travelling to the lungs. 

When this happens the surrounding tissue vibrates and results in the awkward sounds of snoring. The narrower the airway gets, the greater the vibration gets and the louder the snores sound.

These vibrations in the relaxed tissues of your throat cause the harsh sound. 

Almost everyone snores once in a while but for some people, it’s a chronic problem.  Snoring may disrupt your sleep. It can also cause serious health conditions in chronic snorers. Some common health complications that can result in snoring:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea (blocked airways)
  • Obesity
  • An issue with the structure of your mouth, nose, or throat
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Sleeping on the back
  • Drinking alcohol before bedtime
  • The shape of your mouth 
  • Stuffy nose 

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10 Easy Snoring Remedies

If sleep position is the root cause of snoring then just changing the position can be the cure.  However, that’s not the only reason that can cause a person to snore. For rectifying this snoring habit, it is very important to understand the root cause.

You can understand the root cause of snoring by focusing on how you snore. If you snore with your mouth closed, then it might be caused by the position of your tongue. While if you snore with your mouth open, then the problem is with your throat.

Check out these 10 simple remedies that can cure your snoring problem.

1. Get your BMI in check 

Science proves that being overweight can be a cause of snoring. In fact, obese people are twice more likely to snore. Obese people tend to have extra fat around their necks. This narrows the airways resulting in the snoring sound.

Thus, reducing the amount of tissue in the throat might help in relieving this problem. The simplest way to lose weight is to decrease your calorie intake. Complementing a healthy diet with a great workout works magic. 

And if this does not work out for you then consult a doctor for a tailor-made weight-loss plan. Maintaining a healthy weight helps in preventing and combating a range of chronic diseases. 

2. Sleep on your side

Sleeping on the back can cause the tongue to move to the back of the throat. This partly blocks the airflow through your throat. Thus, changing your sleep position to the side can solve this problem. It will allow easy flow of air and thus mute the noisy vibrations.

It may not be easy to make a sudden change. So, if are having trouble changing your sleep position, then try investing in a body pillow. A body pillow will help maintain your sleeping side.

Buy Body Pillow

3. Raise up your head 

Elevating the position of your head by four inches may help reduce the sound of snoring. The increased height helps keep the airways open, thus reducing the vibrations.

4. Try opening the nasal passages

Simple habits like a hot shower before the bed not only helps in destressing your nerves, it can also open your nasal passages. Rinse your nose with saltwater while showering for better results.

Jalaneti is another effective solution to opening your nasal passages.

Also Read: Jalaneti – An Ayurvedic technique to cure sinusitis

Stick-on nasal strips are another simple, effective and proven technique to tackle the problem of snoring. You can place it on the bridge of the nose to increase the space in the nasal passage. This makes your breathing more effective and helps in muting the irritating habit. 

A nasal dilator also works well. It is a stiffened adhesive strip that you can apply on the top of the nose. This strip helps decrease airflow resistance and makes it easier to breathe free!

Click here to buy nasal strips

5. Treat your chronic allergies

Respiratory allergies can obstruct the airflow through your nose. Thus, forcing you to breathe through your mouth. This can result in the annoying vibrating sounds of snoring. So, if you have chronic respiratory disorders and your partner complains of your snoring then consider visiting a doctor.

Sometimes, the dust and mites on your bedding can also irritate your respiratory tract and result in snoring. So, make sure to dry your bedding under the sun or change it from time to time!

6. Avoid alcohol before bed

Drinking too close to your bedtime can also be a root cause of your snoring. Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles which leads to snoring. It’s always advisable to quit alcohol. But if you drink then make sure to consume it at least two hours before your bedtime. 

7. Avoid sedatives before bed

If you are on sedatives and your partner complains of your snoring habit, then ask your doctor for alternatives. Stopping the use of sedatives before bed may ease your frequency and pitch of snoring.

8. Quit smoking

I always say smoking is one of the unhealthiest habits. It impairs your lungs, increases your risk of cancer and worsens your snoring. Research shows, smoking irritates your throat tissues leading to inflammation, which results in snores. You can try gums or talk to a doctor might help!

9. Stay hydrated

Hydration is very important for good health. But do you know it is also important for good sleep habit? Dehydration can lead to mucus formation in the nose which leads to snoring. Men should drink about 3.7 litres of water and women should target drinking 2.7 litres of water.

10. Get quality sleep

Stress and exhaustion relax your throat and tongue muscles resulting in snoring. Thus, relieving your stress and getting enough sleep can help in relieving these snores. I often recommend 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night for both men and women. 

 If you are having trouble sleeping, then don’t opt for sleeping pills or sedatives. Rather try for natural alternatives. Simple tips like avoiding caffeine after 5 pm or evening naps can ensure sound sleep all night.

Try Easy Snoring Remedies

Ayurveda says peppermint oil can be an effective remedy for snoring. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing inflammation in the inner lining of your nostrils. This relieves nasal congestion and eliminates your snoring problem.

Ancient Ayurveda also says ghee or clarified butter can also cure snoring. Other effective remedies are olive oil, thyme essential oil and eucalyptus oil. Ayurveda also suggests adding ginger and garlic to your diet for combating snoring.

Eating foods like pineapple, oranges and bananas can also help improve sleep quality and reduce snoring.

Which is the best of these Snoring Remedies?

All of these remedies are simple and works well. So, try them one by one and check out which one works out for you. From changing your position to changing your diet, keep experimenting to find the exact root cause. Maintaining a sleep diary and tracking your sleep pattern can be very helpful in understanding the efficacy of these remedies. 

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