Weight Management

10 Easy and Effective Tips for Losing Weight

Being overweight is one of the most common health concerns that the world is facing today. It is the main culprit behind many chronic ailments including diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and heart diseases. Thanks to all the talks about body positivity and healthy living, the world is awakening to the importance of living in a fit body. With healthy eating and exercising as the main mantra for weight loss, my patients have been asking me for simpler ways to achieve a healthy weight. So, in this blog, I bring to you 10 surprisingly simple tips to lose weight.

When it comes to weight loss tips, many people resort to fad diets. Such diets are not only unhealthy, but the results are never sustainable. That means, even if you succeed in losing weight by going on a hunger strike, you are more likely to gain double once you come out of this regime. If you continue such diets for longer periods then this could lead to malnutrition, eating disorders, anorexia. There are multiple instances when these fad diets proved to be fatal.

As with exercise, this too is only beneficial when done in a persistent manner. Overexercising for a short period to get faster results has its own set of risks. Further, many gym-goers complain of zero weight loss or slight weight gain even after exercising. This is because exercise increases hunger and if the diet is not controlled properly then it can lead to weight gain.

What works in weight loss?

Managing a healthy weight is a continuous process. Eating a balanced diet, regularly working out in moderation, leading a stress-free life, maintaining good sleep hygiene, and drinking ample water are some of the basic things that can result in a remarkable change in the weight meter.

10 Simple Tips for weight loss

1. Eat well to lose weight

Eat for your body, not for the tongue. As I have always said, weight loss begins in the grocery store. Make mindful choices while picking your grocery. Avoid buying and stocking these junk foods that come wrapped in a package, bread, biscuits, cookies, snacks, cakes are a strict no-no. Make sure to include 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables in your diet. Keep adding different varieties of fruits and vegetables to keep your meals interesting. 

Keep your hunger satiated with yogurt, buttermilk, seasonal foods, sprouts, peanuts, popcorns, oatcakes, seeds, and nuts.  Carry these snacks in your purse to avoid unhealthy binges when going out. 

  • Another smart tip to losing weight is using a smaller plate. 
  • Cut back on your salt and sugar intake, switch your sugar with jaggery.

Never skip your breakfast

  • Idlis are the most nutritious and healthy choice of breakfast that also helps in weight loss. Neer dosa, regional meals, daal chapati, are all good for weight loss.
  • Chew your food well, studies have shown that it is very effective in losing weight.
  • Eat mindfully as that increases satisfaction and lowers your hunger pangs.

2. Sweat your fats out!

Some form of regular exercise is very essential for your mental and physical health. If you are a beginner who is not usually physically active, then start with 30 minutes of walking and gradually increase it to 60. This will help improve your endurance. Once you are comfortable with your 60 minutes of walk, level it up with sprints, lunges, push-ups, and free-hand exercises. Surya Namaskar is also very effective for weight loss.

If you are planning to lose considerable weight then it is important to follow a good workout regime. You can hire a certified trainer to assist you in the process. Give yourself at least a year’s time to achieve your desired body. Also, make sure to follow a balanced diet and avoid eating out. Be persistent to witness remarkable results!

  • Take care of your hydration when you work out.
  • For sore muscles, bath with warm water and take massages.
  • Don’t exercise when you are under stress, whether physical or mental.
  • Stop when you feel exhausted.
  • Eat a banana before your workout for an energetic session.

3. Eliminate your liquid calories

One of the most common mistakes that people make is gulping down bottles of soda thinking what harm could liquids cause. Caffeinated drinks, soda, cola, sparkling water, energy drinks, fruit punches, whatever the label says, are all slow poisons that cause obesity and heart diseases. Well, studies have proven that soda contains a high amount of empty sugar which is very harmful to your health. 

Researchers have proven that soda is linked to several chronic and irreversible health conditions. Yet, people don’t see soda in the same light as alcohol, though both are detrimental to health. Avoid drinking these beverages and opt for natural water intake.

4. Take care of your Hydration.

Hydration is very crucial for your body. It not only helps your skin glow but also aids in losing weight. Aim for a minimum of 2 liters of water daily. Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water or lemon juice which will further aid in weight loss. Many people mistake dehydration for hunger. So, whenever you feel hungry sip some water. Researchers show that people who drank two glasses of water before a meal lost more weight.

If you don’t like to drink plain water then you can choose natural coconut water, sugarcane juice, buttermilk, beetroot juice, Kokam juice, Amla juice, ginger juice, and other herbal juices. Beetroot juice is the secret of Neeta Ambani’s weight loss. Green tea and coffee are also good for your health. Fruits and vegetables like melons, cucumbers, also contain a good amount of water. 

5. Lose weight in your dreams 

Studies revealed that insufficient sleep is associated with a high risk of obesity. Research reveals that lack of sleep results in an increase in your hunger hormone, ghrelin and decreases the satisfaction hormone, leptin. Sleeplessness also increases your cravings for unhealthy foods.

Studies have revealed that sleeplessness impairs your decision-making capacity. Hence your brain would most likely fail to make conscious decisions. It is scientifically proven that when you sleep right you are more likely to eat right.

6. Lose weight in the grocery store

Studies have proved that you can actually lose weight in the grocery store. Choosing the right foods and filling your cart right can have a huge impact on your weight loss journey. Avoid buying anything that comes in a package and you will automatically start shedding some kilos.

7. Eat mindfully

One of the most common traits that we can see is mindless eating and believe it or not studies have proved that mindless eating can lead to weight gain. It leads to less satiety and more hunger pangs which can increase your overall calorie intake.

So, keep your phones away and switch off the TV when you sit to eat. Smell the food and use all your senses while consuming your food. Feeling grateful for the foods further improves your eating experience. Avoiding conversations and conflicts at the dinner table is another tip to eat mindfully.

8. Positivity is the way getaway to fitness

Several studies have proved that positivity improves your eating routine and physical regime. People who have a positive attitude find it easier to work out and follow a healthy regime. This has been proven by several studies that proved that depressed people are more likely to binge eat especially high-carb foods like ice cream and chocolates. Also, people with a negative mindset found it difficult or rather painful to follow an active lifestyle.

9. Let your teeth bite your fat

Chewing your food right can help in your digestion. Better digestion can lead to faster weight loss. It further slows down your eating pace and reduces the number of calories you take in. It also increases blood flow to the stomach and gut. This further aids in your weight loss process.

10. Drink down your water

Research found that drinking two glasses of water before a meal aids in more weight loss. This aids in lowering your calorie intake and curbs your hunger pangs. Further studies proved that drinking a glass of lukewarm water early in the morning on an empty stomach can boost metabolism, improve digestion and increase weight loss.

Your takeaway!

Being fit does not mean being zero figure or having six-packs. This is one of the biggest misconceptions that’s misleading the new generation.  Being fit means maintaining a healthy BMI and leading a healthy lifestyle. It takes commitment and dedication to follow a healthy lifestyle. When you choose the right way to lose weight you are nourishing your body, you will feel better and live a longer healthier life!

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Why Walking Isn’t Helping You Lose Weight? - Dr. Brahmanand Nayak September 12, 2022 at 5:38 am

[…] 10 Surprisingly Simple Tips to Lose Weight […]


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