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Sleep : 12 Golden Tips for Superior Sleep Quality

Poor sleep is a major health underminer.

From tossing and turning on the bed, to waking up multiple times a night, sleep problems are very common among the current generation. And researchers have shown that poor sleep can result in poor memory and brain function, impaired immune system, bad mood, weight gain, low sex drive, and fast aging.

Poor sleeping patterns for a long period of time can also increase the risk of several serious diseases including Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, heart attack/ failure, stroke, diabetes, depression, anxiety, and obesity. 

Now, that you know the importance of sleep, here are 12 tips to sleep well every night –

Listen to your own rhythm

Ayurveda says that every person has a master clock in their brain. This clock operates in accordance with nature’s clock of day and night. Depending on the brightness of light throughout the day, the brain cells signal when it is time to sleep and wake. To be in tune with the circadian rhythm, try going to bed by 

10 pm. Make sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. 

Also, read: Circadian rhythm – The secret to sanity and resilience

Get a dose of the morning sun

Getting a daily dose of morning sunlight is one of the simplest and most effective tips that can help regulate your sleep. Researchers say that 30 minutes of exposure to natural sunlight can help regulate your sleep pattern. It resets your biological clocks and triggers the release of specific chemicals and hormones that are vital to healthy sleep.

Also read: Vitamin D supplements- should you or should you not take them?

Move well to sleep well

If there is one single thing that can guarantee you superior sleep is an exhausted body. Today, most people work from the comfort of their desks and hardly find any time to move their bodies. This is one of the biggest contributors to increased sleep problems, body aches, obesity, and associated issues. Researchers say that walking for 30 minutes during the day can improve your sleep cycle significantly. You can also climb the stairs or join the gym. Any form of physical activity helps in reducing the levels of cortisol and improves the secretion of endorphins. Also, walking after your meals can be very helpful. 

Also read: How fast you walk is as important as how much you walk

Cut down your caffeine cups

Researchers have found that drinking caffeine too late in the evening can disrupt your sleep cycle. For many people avoiding a cup of coffee or tea after 3 p.m. can be a smart idea. Studies have shown that your afternoon coffee can interfere with your sleep for up to 8 hours after drinking it. 


Track your dinner time

Sometimes the good stuff can also work against your sleep. Eating a healthy and heavy meal too late at night can keep you awake all night. Ayurveda highly emphasizes that what you eat is as important as when you eat and how you eat. Eating too much too late at night will give your body all the energy that you do not need. So, the best way to prepare your body for sleep is to finish your evening meals early, probably before 7 p.m. 

Also read: Benefits of walking after lunch and dinner

Avoid the Sweet stuff 

Not all sweet stuff is good for you, sugar is definitely one of them. From weight gain to cavities to poor gut health, there are a million reasons to avoid sugar. But did you know that sugar before bed can make it difficult for you to fall asleep? Now you know why the midnight binges keep you awake all night. 

Also read: Stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar but is stevia safe?

Prepare your body for the winddown

Before you hit the bed, it is important for your body to begin the wind-down process. Turn off the lights and set the temperature right. Keep the gadgets away and you can turn on the calming meditative music. Make your bed and light the scented candles. You can either take a hot bath or soak your foot in warm water. Massage your body with warm oil to relax your tense muscles. Moisturize your body and cleanse your face.

Also read: A practical plan for a digital detox

Switch off your brain

One of the most common problems that keep people from falling asleep is overthinking. Their brain just ceases to stop functioning. Hence it is important to send a signal to your brain to wind it up. Keep all the electronic gadgets out of your bedroom, turn down the noise and get a few minutes of meditation. This will not only calm your mind but also soothe your sympathetic nervous system.

ALSO READ: Multi-tasking slowing down you?

Beat the blue light

Most people have a habit of scrolling through their feeds or watching a show before dozing off. But researchers found that this could be detrimental to your brain health. The blue light from the screen messes with the circadian rhythm. This keeps you awake past your usual sleep time and hinders your rest time. You must not watch the screen at least for one hour before your bedtime. Instead, wind down by reading a book or taking a hot bath. 

Also, read:6 ways to overcome ringxiety

Your bed is your best friend

When it comes to blissful sleep, your bed plays a very important role. Mattresses are a big investment, but it is worth the investment. The right mattress can make a lot of difference. It can help relieve your aching back and improve your sleep quality. Besides a good mattress, the right pillow and cozy blanket are important too. You can try the memory foam pillow. 

Also read: Ayurvastra-Ayurvedic clothing

Avoid daytime napping

A long-time debate has been about the pros and cons of daytime napping. While many studies found that daytime sleeping can help improve performance and memory, the reality is that long naps during the day are not a healthy habit for adults. However, getting a power nap of 15 to 20 minutes can be a boon, sleeping for over 30 minutes during the day can disrupt your night sleep.

Also read: Health benefits of the power nap

Mend your mental health

One of the most common factors that can affect your sleep quality is poor mental health. Your mental health has a cyclical relationship with sleep, where one affects the other. While anxiety and depression can worsen your sleep quality, sleep deprivation can lead to worsening mental health. If you are suffering from mental health issues, then you must try meditation, pranayama, walking, exercising, eating right, and counseling. 

Also read: The healing power of pranayama

Your takeaway!

Good sleep is one of the most important pillars of your health. If you are not getting undisturbed sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours every night, then you are opening the doors to a number of health issues, including obesity, poor skin health, fast aging, diabetes, poor memory, and more. Shutting your eyes can literally shut down the risk of major chronic diseases.

And it is not that hard to improve your sleep quality. Making some simple changes to your daily routine and bedtime habits can have a huge impact on your sleep quality. Try meditation, pranayama, yoga, exercises, and herbal teas to improve your sleep quality. You can also try aromatherapy or Ayurvedic massages to feel the difference. No matter which of these practices works for you, the result should be blissful sleep. 

Also read: Tagara for sleep wellnesss

Also read: Sunday night insomnia

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