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15 Awesome Tips to protect your memory after 50

Would you believe it if I tell you that ageing does not dampen your memory? In fact, I have met many seniors with impeccable memory! But these days, young adults in their 30s and early 40s are flocking the doctor’s clinic seeking memory-boosting pills. So, in this blog, I bring to you these 15 genius tips to protect your memory after 50.

Forgetfulness is a common issue. We all have experienced the frustration of forgetting the keys or missing an appointment. These memory lapses can occur at any age, especially if you multitask. But as people age, their insecurities increase and so does their fear of memory loss. Memory impairment isn’t only frustrating but also very dangerous. We all have seen those missing posters of elders who forgot their way back home!

But such significant memory lapses in older people, this isn’t because of their age. It is rather, due to organic disorders of the neurons because of a lack of nutritious diet, brain injury, neurological illness, and poor lifestyle choices. Science explains that your brain can create new cells and neural connections at any age. This is called neuroplasticity.

Here are 15 genius ways to protect your memory even as the candles on the cake keep increasing!

Also Read: 10 Shocking Things that are aging you

15 genius tips to preserve your memory after 50

1. Start taking your games seriously

The best tip to keep your memory rust-free is to keep it active. Just like physical exercise tones your body, mental exercise oils your brain. Keep challenging your brain with innovative card games, carrom, chess, video games, newspaper puzzles, and crosswords.

Studies show that stimulating brain games can promote brain health and strengthen your memory. Regular practice of such games can counter memory loss in old age. Also engaging in brain-stimulating games has improved problem-solving skills and better short-term memory.

Some amazing tips to keep your memory refreshed –

  • ReadingReading is a great brain exercise that beats stress, improves longevity, and also promotes your brain health. It won’t be wrong to say that books are like food for your brain.
  • Learning – No matter what your age is, learning shall never stop. The day you stop learning is the day you start getting old. Learn a new skill. Be it playing a new instrument, trying pottery, coding, or anything of your liking. 

Also Read: Reading books can make you healthier

2. Make Every day your workout day

Physical exercises not only help in toning your body muscles, but they also help in powering your brain. Research says that physical activity increases blood flow and oxygen levels which can trigger helpful brain chemicals. Even a 30-minute walk is very effective in preserving memory.

Further, exercising combats stress promotes good sleep, and prevents depression, all of these are great supporters of your memory. Studies revealed that aerobics and resistance training boosts brain power and memory. Research also says that exercise can encourage nerve cells to multiply and thus strengthen your memory. 

Start walking 10,000 steps every day or work out for at least 20 minutes every day in your 30s to protect your memory in your 50s. Walking, stretching, core strengthening, and lightweight training. 

Also Read: Exercise and Heart Health

3. Stop Multitasking right now

If you are someone who has this habit of juggling between jobs then stop doing it right away. Multitasking is basically task switching, which means you have kept multiple tabs open in your brain. This not only makes your brain slow but also impacts your memory.

Studies reveal that people who multitask exhibit poor memory and concentration. They are less likely to retain information and the stress from multitasking can wear down their brain. Several studies proved that children who studied with the TV showed poor memory retention power. So, if you want your memory to stay strong take one task at a time! 

Also Read: How Multitasking is slowing you down?

4. Fall in love with your bed

Most of you might already be in love with your bed, but how committed you really are? Do you sleep 7 to 9 hours every night uninterrupted? Because that’s what doctors are recommending for better memory!

A good night’s sleep is one of the simplest tools to sharpen your memory. It improves your alertness and helps you grasp the information better. Studies show that even a single night of sleep deprivation can impact your thinking ability, concentration, and memory retention.

Further, numerous studies have linked sleep deprivation to Alzheimer’s disease. This is probably because when you sleep your brain gets rid of the waste like amino acid beta-amyloid. An accumulation of this toxin is one of the main reasons for Alzheimer’s plaques. Sleeplessness also increases the risk of dementia.

Also Read: Ayurvedic Doctor’s 10 Simple Sleeping Tips for elderly people

5. Have a break, take a nap

In many of my previous blogs, I have talked about the health benefits of napping at length. Taking a 20 minutes power nap or a 15-minute coffee nap can help in refreshing your brain.

Research shows that people over 65 who took an hour-long nap in the afternoon, showed better memory retention. Another study said that squeezing a nap into your day can improve your memory five-fold. Afternoon napping is also linked to better mental agility!

In one of my previous blogs, I told you that coffee can increase your lifespan and researchers are also saying that caffeine can improve your brain health. Caffeine refreshes the brain and helps in better concentration and retention!

Also Read: Health Benefits of Power Nap

6. Floss your teeth to remember things

Flossing helps in removing the plaque build-up on your teeth. Surprising research results revealed that plaque on your teeth is bad for your brain. It triggers an immune response. This immune response not only attacks the plaque but also the arteries in your brain. So, floss every day to keep the dust away from your memory!

7. Be a social butterfly 

This could seem like a huge task in today’s busy life, especially if you are an introvert. But studies have stated several benefits of having a strong social life. A strong social life does not mean having 1000 people in your circle, just 3 or 4 close friends whom you can connect with!

Maintaining a good social life promotes your emotional health and the production of BDNF(brain-derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF is responsible for brain cell repair and the creation of new connections. Further, a healthy social life helps in keeping stress and depression at bay.

Also Read: Positive Social Relationships are good for your health

8. Eat healthy brainy foods

For your brain to function well, you must feed the right nutrients to it. A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, and fish is very good for your brain. Foods like walnuts, spinach, and blueberries are called memory boosters. So, make a point to add them to your daily diet.

Such foods are rich in Lutein which helps in countering cognitive aging and memory loss. Foods rich in antioxidants like broccoli, and celery are also good for your brain health. They prevent brain degeneration and stimulate the production of new brain cells.

Also Read: Foods for your Brain

9. Shoo your stress away

Stress not only impacts your sleep, and causes fatigue and body aches, but it also impairs your memory and increases your risk of memory problems. Stress is also a big risk factor for several chronic diseases like diabetes and blood pressure that are associated with poor brain health.

Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga. A study showed that the daily practice of meditation improved the brain’s cerebral cortex. Thus, improving decision-making, attention, and memory. Listening to music, walking, massage, and hot water bathing are some other simple tips to manage your stress!

10. Dance your way to old age

Studies show that dancing can improve your brain’s ability to retain information. Dancing is a great exercise, an excellent stress buster, and a mood uplifter. It also acts as a great antidepressant. All of these factors help in guarding your memory against ageing!

Also Read: Nutrition and Mental Health in aging population

Tips to protect your memory after 50- Take away!

As you age, you become more conscious about your health. Mostly because either you are experiencing the pain of ageing or you are witnessing a close one suffer from the woes of ageing. But it isn’t ageing that actually causes the problems, but the poor choice of lifestyle and diet impacts your body. So, take care of your health in your 20s and 30s to live healthy in your 50s.

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Chandrika Gururaj December 7, 2021 at 7:44 pm

Wonderful read Dr like always ! Thanks for sharing insights on this topic !

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