5 health habits
Preventive Health

5 Essential Health Tips for a Healthy Life – Don’t Ignore Them!

When we speak of healthy living, a flash of images float in the frame of our mind. The flamboyant ads about healthy oil and sugar-free sweeteners make an appearance. But these are mere corporate agendas. In this blog, I bring you 5 most important Health Tips for a Healthy Life. 

All of us want to live a healthy disease-free life. 

But most of us think that it’s a far-fetched dream!

Well, that’s not true. 

Living a healthy life is not about some stringent rules and laws. And let’s be honest, though most of us think that going back in time can make us healthy, that’s not a practical plan. We can’t escape the stress and strains of our modern life. 

So, here are 5 most important Health Tips for a Healthy Life that everyone must know.

Also, Read 10 common health mistakes you are making every day

5 Most Important Health Tips for a Healthy Life

Hoot for a balanced food

It sounds cliché but it’s too important to give a pass! A balanced diet is imperative for good health. From building immunity to busting stress, food does it all! Most of the fad diets designed by acclaimed nutritionists lack balance. Be it Keto or Paleo, these diets are disgraced for their side effects.

The simple key to eating a balanced diet is adding lots of green leafy vegetables, pulses, and fruits to your diet. The key here is variety. You cannot eat everything in a day. So, design a diet chart for the whole week and add different things to the list. 

Here are 7 things to keep in mind: 

  • Eat Fish and lean meat twice a week. Milk, spinach and fruits every day. 
  • Choose a different variety of pulses to complement each meal. 
  • Make Salad an absolute must. Tick your Probiotics. 
  • Switch your snacks for nuts and dry fruits.
  • Replace sugar with jaggery and cut down your salt intake. 
  • Love your brews! Tea and Coffee are great antioxidants and they can help boost your health. Research shows coffee improves your longevity.
  • If your water intake is low then put a reminder on your phone and keep the bottle close. Make sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water for a healthy body, brain and skin.

And most importantly, avoid eating out. Always go for the simple and fresh home-cooked foods for better nutritive value! 

Also Read: 6 Lifesaving Gout Diet Tips that you must know

Try an ayurvedic balanced diet

An ayurvedic balanced diet is different from a modern balanced diet.

An Ayurvedic diet does not obsessively focus on the mathematics of nutrients. It also considers the potency and post-digestive effect of the food. According to Ayurveda, every individual has a particular dosha and that determines the actions and reactions of food. That’s why an Ayurvedic diet is different for every individual. 

If you are interested in trying an Ayurvedic diet, I recommend you consult an Ayurvedic doctor. Do not go by what’s shared on the internet!

Also Read: Vegetarian diet may cause a deficiency of Vitamin B 12

Never ever stop sweating

Another very important health tip is that you must stick by your physical routine. Whether it is walking, jogging, cycling dancing, playing, yoga or sweating out in the gym. The body must get that hormone rush every day!

Studies proved that physical exercise helps improve your overall health. It not only enhances your longevity but also improves your quality of life. Exercise improves your blood circulation, nutrient absorption and elimination. Researchers say that regular physical exercise helps in overcoming anxiety and depression.

Just like food, your exercise routine should also be a mix of different things.

Cardio is the best for your mental and physical health. It particularly helps in reducing your belly fat and enhancing your endurance and inner strength. Yoga helps in improving your balance, flexibility and immunity. 

Contrary to popular belief that weight training is for man, it’s beneficial for women too. It is very effective in aiding weight loss and preventing muscle loss. Weight exercises also reduce the risks of injuries, bone loss, heart diseases and diabetes.

On the weekends go trekking, swimming, or cycling in the outdoors and take your dose of Vitamin D. Studies proved that environment is one of the best healers. The air, light and greenery enhance your mood and washes off the stress. 

For the days when you don’t feel like hustling make sure to take a walk or climb the stairs. Remember any kind of physical mobility brings the blessings of good health. 

One important tip to mention is to invest in a good pair of shoes. This not only motivates you to work out but also protects you from potential injury. 

Also Read: Exercise for good health

Be lavish with your Z’s

People often trade their sleep for the most trivial things, not realizing how valuable these hours of sleep are! Completing an assignment, working on a deadline, partying all night, or binge-watching on Netflix. They are ready to trade their sleep for anything and everything!

This generation is turning into a bunch of insomniacs struggling with a range of mental problems. Depression, anxiety, panic, suicides, ADHD, and concentration issues are all on the rise!

Sleep could be a simple solution to all these problems!

Research and studies prove that 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night ensures better mental health. It further improves your immunity and helps maintain a better body-weight ratio.

Here are some tips to build a healthy sleep routine:

  • Eat your dinner 2 hours before your bedtime and take the last sip of your caffeine before 6 p.m. And if hunger strikes again then go for something like turmeric milk. 
  • Avoid the use of any gadgets 30 minutes before your bedtime. The blue light affects your sleep cycle. The best practice is not to take your gadgets to your bedroom.
  • Take a warm water bath to wind down before bed or dip your foot in hot water before bed. The warm water destresses your body and helps in get sound sleep.
  • Practice pada abhyanga ( foot massage) before your bedtime. Massaging your feet with warm Ayurvedic oils relaxes the stress knots. It also enhances your quality of sleep.

Also Read: 10 amazing Ayurvedic tips to fall asleep fast

Limit your exposure to toxins

Another important thing that’s very crucial in the modern day is limiting your exposure to toxins. We are living in an era where we are breathing and eating chemicals every day. This puts us at a greater health risk!

Many chemicals around us are labeled carcinogenic. That means they are a potential risk for cancer. Other pollutants in the air cause respiratory disorders like asthma or allergic rhinitis. Ingestion of toxic chemicals even in small amounts for a long time can result in chronic disorders. 

That’s why it’s important to limit your interactions with chemicals. 

Here are a few simple ways to limit your everyday interactions with toxic chemicals.

  • Quit smoking. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health. 
  • Avoid products that contain chemicals especially hair dyes and other cosmetics. 
  • If you are allergic to dust then don’t sweep. Rather use a vacuum or take a wet mop and wipe the floor.
  • Don’t use chemical pesticides or fertilizers in your garden. Also, avoid using chemicals to kill pests and buys. Keep your house and environment clean that should keep the bugs away.
  • Use chemical-free detergents to clean your clothes. The same goes for your choice of soap and shampoos. 
  • Check the air quality index of your neighborhood. Make sure your home is away from factories and industrial sites. Also, keep checking the quality of your home water for toxins and chemicals.

Don’t forget to take care 

Make yourself a priority when it comes to self-care. The quote ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ fits so well when it comes to self-care. If you neglect the small signs of health issues, then it can lead to something serious and sometimes fatal!

Dental care is one vastly ignored subject. Dental hygiene not only affects your teeth and gums, but it also affects your heart health. Follow a routine of brushing, flossing, and oil pulling. Use good toothpaste and consult your dentist even for the slightest inconvenience. 

Also Read: Check out Anushka Sharma’s morning routine

Another important thing to make a note of is skincare. Many people ignore the cries of their skin until it becomes too evident. Feed your skin with essential nutrients through Ayurvedic oil massages. 

Every time you step out in the sun, make sure to wear sunscreen. Apply good quality sunscreen at least 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapply it every 2 hours. Also, check the moles and spots on the skin regularly as certain changes can indicate some skin diseases.

Also Read: 5 self-care tips for dry skin

Another most ignored health quotient is eye care. With the advent of technology, our eyes are the most stressed organ of the body. So, it’s important to take good care of your eyes with regular power checks and daily Triphala eyewash.

Also Read: Benefits of Triphala Eyewash

Don’t take your health status for granted. Schedule a complete health check-up every year. And never miss your follow-ups with the doctor. Go for regular cancer screenings and take the necessary health precautions.

Apart from 5 most important health tips for a healthy life, there are a few more worth mentioning – 

  • Meditate every day for at least 10 minutes for a calm mind. This not only benefits your mental health but also promotes your physical health. Studies proved that meditation improves your performance, sleep, and all major health parameters. It can also lessen your doctor visits.
  • Mind your own mind. In today’s time, it’s very important to take care of your mental health. Be it anxiety, panic, fear, insecurity, anger, or depression, talk to your doctor before things get worse.
  • Socialize. Isolation can be traumatic for human beings. So, it’s important for us to socialize and build a healthy support system for our emotional immunity. 
  • Be happy and celebrate the small thrills. Research shows that good health lies in happiness and contentment. Studies revealed that simple practices like gratitude writing or positive affirmations can help in improving health.
  • Cry. In one of my previous blogs, I shared with you the health benefits of crying. Scientists call it catharsis and I call it emotional cleansing. We all are so stressed in our day-to-day lives that it’s better to unwind once in a while.

An Ayurvedic Doctor’s Health Tips for a Healthy Life!

These simple health tips from a doctor’s diary can save you from chronic and fatal disabilities in the long run. Diseases and disorders are often a result of long-time negligence. So, make sure to take better care of your mind and body today to enjoy a disease-free life tomorrow!

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