7 Health Benefits of Panchamrit – A Divine nectar for pregnant women
Ayurvedic concepts

The 7 Health Benefits of Panchamrit for Expecting Mothers: A Nourishing Pregnancy Drink

Panchamrit – the divine nectar of Gods is prepared using 5 holy ingredients. You might know it as the ‘sweet thing’ that the pandit gives you after puja. However, do you know the health benefits of Panchamrit!

That’s true!

Panchamrit is a mix of 5 healthy ingredients. They have potent medicinal values that can heal and nurture human bodies. Ancient sages said it is a boon during pregnancy. It nourishes the reproductive cells and nurtures the little life. 

For centuries, our ancestors have used Panchamrit. They offered this holy nectar to the Gods for its superior healing benefits.Pandits made Panchamrit during puja and other religious ceremonies in India.  Honey, ghee, sugar, curd and milk together gives positive energy. 

What is Panchamrit?

The word Panchamrit comes from the Sanskrit word Panch meaning ‘five’, and ‘Amrut‘ meaning ‘nectar of Gods’.Panchamrit is a blend of 5 vital ingredients. When combined in proper proportion enhances the quality of each other. It is a sacred combination made with milk, curd, honey, ghee, and sugar

The sacred ingredients of Panchamrit


Research says cow’s milk (A2) is the next best thing after breast milk. Cow’s milk helps in preventing obesity, promotes easy digestion, and increases breast milk production. It helps to strengthen immunity. This rich source of proteins, calcium, vitamin B12, A and D is a boon during pregnancy!

Also Read: An Ayurvedic Doctor’s take on milk


A great probiotic, curd brings an instant cooling effect. It contains amino acids and helps in digestion during the early days of pregnancy. In addition, the curd is a good source of calcium and phosphorus. It balances pitta dosha, which governs digestion and metabolism. 

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This sweet nectar is a Yogavahi in Ayurveda, which means it acts as a carrier. Honey helps enhance the qualities of the other four ingredients. It helps boost immunity. Honey is considered to be an antiseptic that promotes healing.

Also Read: Amazing Benefits of Honey


Ghee contains butyric acid which detoxifies our bodies. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps improve bowel health. Ghee is a rich source of nutrients that improves skin complexion. It is beneficial for the eyes, heart, and throat. Ghee enhances memory, intelligence and promotes emotional balance.

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Ayurveda recommends sugar as it provides energy and reduces fatigue in the early days of pregnancy. It also reduces dryness in the body. The quantity of sugar in Panchamrit is minimal. 

Also Read: What’s sugar high?

How to make Ayurvedic Panchamrit?

Most of us have probably made this sweet nectar during Puja. But the ingredients of this concoction should be added in precise proportions. Check out the right way to make ancient Ayurvedic Panchamrit –

  • Take 1 tsp each of sugar, curd and honey.
  • Add 2 teaspoons ghee and mix it to 5 teaspoons of milk. 
  • Use a stainless steel, ceramic or glass bowl for preparation. 
  • Our ancestors used silver bowls for the added benefits of this metal.
  • Blend it well by stirring the ingredients.

Always drink freshly made Panchamrit to stay healthy during your pregnancy!

7 Health Benefits of Panchamrit for Pregnant women

The sweet concoction of five magical ingredients is super healthy, especially for moms-to-be!

It provides vital nutrients that aid in the unborn baby’s development. Regular consumption of Panchamrit in pregnancy boosts muscle strength, increases immunity and enlivens the brain of the mother. It relieves stress and brings a calming relaxing effect in pregnant women!

Further, Panchamrit strengthens the reproductive system of females. Thus, women who are trying to conceive, Panchamrit can be a great supplement!

Check out these amazing health benefits of Panchamrit for Pregnant women – 

1. Healthy and Glowing Skin

Panchamrit is a natural skin cleanser. The blend of five potent ingredients provides nutrition to the skin cells and promotes their growth. It curbs the effects of stress and fatigue during pregnancy. Regular consumption of Panchamrit brings a natural glow to the face. It is also beneficial for the baby’s skin.

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2. Boosts Immunity

Panchamrit, the divine nectar nourishes the seven bodily tissues. It enhances your reproductive, bone marrow and nervous, bone and teeth, fatty, muscles, blood cells, and plasma cells. It enhances your overall health, wellbeing and immunity.

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3. Strengthens the Bones

Panchamrit facilitates the formation of the Astidhatu. It is responsible for the growth of our bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency is a common problem among pregnant women. Panchamrit can boost her bone density and make her stronger.

4. Vitalises the Brain Functions

Panchamrit enhances intelligence, memory, grasping power, and creative abilities. It’s a great brain tonic that promotes brain development of the child during pregnancy.

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5. Balances Pitta Dosha

Panchamrit has dosha balancing properties. It boosts your overall health and enhances your immunity. Panchamrit is especially beneficial for pregnant women as it rectifies Pitta imbalance. Thus, Panchamrit helps ease acidity, nausea, indigestion, and low blood pressure.

6. Improves Digestion

Panchamrit contains honey which is great for digestion related problems. This potent concoction strengthens the digestive system. It helps to relieve acidity and ulcers in the stomach and intestines. 

7. Promotes Emotional and Mental Health

Panchamrit promotes the brain development of the baby. It also improves retention and grasping power, and enhances memory and intelligence. Panchamrit enhances child brain power and encourages tranquillity in women.

Ayurvedic Doctor says drink Panchamrit during pregnancy

Panchamrit is one of the ancient health boosters for pregnant women. It not only nourishes the mother but also supports the development of the child within.  Ayurveda recommends you to drink it for all the nine months during pregnancy. But make sure to drink freshly prepared Panchamrit as the shelf life of this nectar is only a few hours.  

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