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7 Simple Juices for Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the nagging thoughts that pop up every time you hold the plate. Losing weight, especially around the belly, is a tough challenge. And it’s proven that fad diets don’t work. That’s why I thought of sharing these age-old Ayurvedic Juices for Weight Loss that have worked for millennia. 

These Ayurvedic juices are no magic formula!

But they can help maintain your weight and bolster your weight loss program.

Add these to your daily diet. Switch it for the junky binges. And don’t forget to go for a run, walk or to the gym. A healthy lifestyle combined with these fat-burning juices works better than any of the expensive weight-loss tips. 

Check out these amazing Ayurvedic juices for weight loss.

Also Read: Sprouts for Weight Loss

7 Ayurvedic Juices for Weight Loss

Weight loss is 30% exercise and 70% diet.

That’s the simple mathematics of weight loss

So, if you are serious about your weight loss dreams, then you better correct your diet. I know, it’s hard to make changes especially when it comes to food cravings. 

Switching to healthy options and resisting all the tempting binges.

But for any weight loss program to work your calorie intake should be less than your calorie burn. And adding these simple Ayurvedic juices to your diet can cut down your calorie intake.

All of them are high in fiber, which keeps you satiated for long. They have high water content which is important for weight loss. And they boost your metabolism and further amp up your workout sessions. 

Also Read: Idli for Weight Loss

So, without further delay check out these 7 simple Ayurvedic Juices for weight loss that you can make in a twirl.

1. Aloe Vera Juice for weight loss

The green slimy gel is a boon for all!

This miraculous plant is a cure for a myriad of diseases. But right now, it’s trending the charts for its weight loss benefits. They are calling aloe vera juice the ‘newest weight loss fix’.

Aloe vera juice is rich in antioxidants and works great as a detoxifier. It boosts digestion and accelerates metabolism. Research studies say it can support you in workouts and help you burn more calories. Aloe vera juice is also a good laxative that improves elimination and cures constipation. 

How to make Aloe Vera gel for weight loss?

  • Take a long leaf and peel it. 
  • Extract the gel with a spoon and blend it in a mixer.
  • Add a spoon of honey or lemon extract or grated ginger.
  • Drink this once a day in the morning
  • You can also skip it all and go for Ayurvedic Aloe vera juice available in the Ayurvedic shops.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

2. Karela Juice for weight loss

All that’s bitter is not bad!

And Karela Juice is proof of this. It is not only a great remedy for diabetes but also works magic for weight loss. Drinking karela juice regularly stimulates the liver. It supports the secretion of bile acids which help in metabolizing fat. That’s why it’s called a fat burner.

Moreover, karela is very low in calories. It can keep you full for a longer time and also reduce your hunger pangs. A study confirmed that karela juice extracts can reduce body weight by increasing fatty acid oxidation.

How to make Karela Juice for weight loss?

  • Peel and slice the Karela and take out the seeds. 
  • Cut it into small pieces and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes. 
  • Put the pieces in a juicer and grind it well.
  • Add half a teaspoon of salt and lemon juice to it. 
  • You can also add some honey or jaggery to reduce the bitterness.
  • A pinch of black pepper and ginger can help decrease the tartiness.

Also Read: Ginger juice – A miracle for weight loss

3. Amla Juice for weight loss

Is there anything amla can’t do?

I have already told you in my previous blog that Amla is the secret of looking 20-something even in the late ’30s. And now, I am saying this again, Amla is the secret to a fit and healthy body.

Amla juice is a great detoxifying drink. It smoothens up your digestive system and accelerates your metabolism. A faster metabolism helps in better fat loss with the right diet and workout.

How to make Amla Juice for weight loss?

  • For weight loss, drink amla juice on an empty stomach. 
  • Add a drop of honey to enhance its taste and make it an energy booster. 

Also Read: Ways to beat middle-age weight gain

4. Bottle Gourd Juice

You just can’t hate it!

Bottle Gourd makes a great weight loss juice that has been used for centuries. It is very high in fiber and low in calories with no fat. Since the fiber takes time to digest, it can keep you satiated for a long time. Thus, curbing all the unhealthy hunger pangs.

Bottle gourd also has a rich water content that can keep you hydrated and makes your metabolism speedy. It further contains a host of nutrients. Including Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Iron, Folate, Potassium, and Manganese.

How to make Bottle gourd juice for weight loss?

  • Take a fresh bottle gourd and peel off the skin. 
  • Chop it into little pieces and put it in a juicer.
  • Add a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Drink it for breakfast instead of sugary beverages.

Also Read – Wine and Weight Gain: How the glass of wine affects your waistline?

5. Carrot Juice for weight loss

Carrots are good for more than your eyes!

Carrots are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibers. It’s the fiber that takes the longest to digest. Thus, it promotes a feeling of fullness and prevents hunger from binges. A tall glass of carrot juice at breakfast can keep you full till lunch. 

In addition, carrots are very low in calories. Further, it increases the secretion of bile juice that aids in burning fat. You can spruce up this juice by mixing beet, orange, or ginger. 

How to make Carrot Juice for weight loss?

  • Take 2 big pieces of carrot, peel and chop it.
  • You can also add 2 cups of chopped beetroot.
  • Pour half cup of water and blend it well.
  • Add 5 tsp lemon juice and add a pinch of salt. 
  • Garnish it with mint leaves.

Also Read: 10 easy and healthy ways to make salads: Ayurvedic doctor’s recommendation

6. Cucumber Juice for Weight Loss

This one is a great weight cutter!

If you are serious about your weight loss goals, then make cucumber your favorite snack. Cucumber has high water content and is low in calorie content. It is also rich in fiber which fills you up quickly and keeps you full for longer.

You can also squeeze a lemon and add a few mint leaves to make it your detox drink. Cucumber and lemon juice improve your metabolism and boost your fat-burning mechanism. 

How to make cucumber juice for weight loss?

  • Peel a cucumber and chop it into small pieces.
  • Add some water and grind it in a mixer.
  • Squeeze some lime juice and add a few mint leaves.
  • You can sprinkle a little salt for taste. 

Also Read: Drinking Hot water can help in weight loss

7. Ginger Juice for Weight Loss

How can I not add this to the list!

Ginger Juice is a powerful and proven natural weight loss formula. It is a great detoxifier that melts your stubborn toxins and flushes it out. A warm glass of ginger juice is super hydrating and hot water further helps in weight loss.

Ginger has ample health benefits. It makes you feel fuller and accelerates your mechanism. Ginger also works great in supporting your digestion which is the first step to losing weight. 

How to make ginger juice for weight loss?

  • Take water in a pan
  • Grate ginger and drop it into the pan. 
  • Cover the pan with a lid and bring it to boil.
  • Let the water cool. 
  • Put it in a jar and sip it all through the day.

Also Read: Amazing benefits of ginger juice

Bonus Tip

Pomegranate Juice for weight loss

The red bloody juice is great for cutting fat!

Pomegranate juice is a healthy nutritious punch. It fires up your digestion and gives you a punch of antioxidants. It is also rich in polyphenols. This helps in burning fat and boosting metabolism.  

This healthy and tasty juice enhances satiety and appetite control. Thus, cutting down all the unhealthy binges responsible for weight gain. Pomegranate is a low-calorie fruit. That makes it a perfect weight loss juice.

Ayurvedic Juices for Weight Loss: You must try these

Weight loss is a long journey and there are no shortcuts. Especially if you want permanent and sustainable results. It all comes down to a healthy lifestyle and wise diet choices. This is complemented with Ayurvedic spices and herbs.

Try these simple amazing Ayurvedic juices for weight loss and enjoy the combo of a healthy body and glowy skin!

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