
7 Simple Tricks for Quitting Coffee in 7 Days

Caffeine is the most common stimulant that many are addicted to, including me! However, coffee may not be a healthy choice for all. Those who suffer from gastritis, insomnia or addiction often lookout for a way to quit coffee. So, in this blog, I bring you some amazing tips and tricks that will help you a lot in quitting this caffeinated beverage!

Coffee is not an unhealthy drink. In fact, if you have followed my previous blogs on coffee, I have been sharing many health benefits of this brew. But it’s also true that coffee may not suit everyone. 

Especially, an addiction to coffee is bad. An addiction can cause headaches, insomnia and digestion troubles. Too much coffee during pregnancy is not good. Also, if you are drinking your coffee with sugar then that too is harmful. 

Many people have many reasons to quit the coffee club. But it’s not easy leaving something that feels so warm and good. But when it comes to your health, you will have to make a hard decision. Because of health over everything else. Isn’t it?

Also Read: Is coffee a boon or a bane?

Who should try quitting coffee?

As I already said, coffee is not safe for everyone. If you tick any of the following points, then quitting coffee should be on your agenda 

  • Sleep troubles or Insomnia.
  • Ulcers or GERD.
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Migraines or headaches.
  • High blood pressure.
  • On medication
  • Anxiety issues
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat.

Also Read: Is it safe to drink coffee during pregnancy?

So, check out these simple tricks that will help you quit coffee without the cravings!

7 Easy tricks to quit coffee in 7 days!

Prepare yourself with a plan

After you take the pledge to quit coffee, prepare yourself mentally for it. The journey of coffee detox is not going to be easy. Depending on your level of addiction, you might experience withdrawal symptoms. So, be mentally prepared to deal with it all and  not to give it up halfway!

Make a note listing the benefits

Prepare a list writing the reasons, why you wanted to quit coffee in the first place. Follow it with a list of benefits of quitting coffee. Some of the most noted benefits that you can add to your note are:

  • Reduced hypertension risks
  • No tooth decays.
  • Reduced risk of anxiety.
  • No addiction/dependence.
  • Less intake of sugar and dairy.
  • No more disrupted sleep habits.
  • Money-saving.
  • Weight loss.
  • A healthier pregnancy.

Choose a replacement beverage

Leaving something is difficult, but replacing coffee is not. Drink more water which is the healthiest drink in this world. You can also find your new comfort in green tea, tulsi tea and other herbal tea.

Go slow with your weaning

If quitting coffee is extremely hard for you then go the smart way. Start weaning by cutting down small portions of your coffee. Go for the medium or small-sized cup, rather than your large-sized latte. If you are making your own coffee then go for a half-cup rather than the brimming cup!

Get plenty of rest on your decaf journey

For many, a cup of coffee is the wake-up brew that actually arouses all the senses. Thus, many complain of sluggishness and sleepiness if they skip their first cup of coffee. So, if you are on embarking on a coffee detox, then sleep as much as you need each night. Daytime naps can also be refreshing, so grab a quick nap on the weekends.

Know your withdrawal symptoms

Depending on your level of coffee dependency, your body might experience different withdrawal symptoms.

  • Fatigue and Sleepiness
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Muscle Pain or Stiffness
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation
  • Anxiety 
  • Nervousness

Find Alternatives to Quit Coffee Happily

Withdrawal symptoms are quite common in coffee quitters. Here are a few herbs that can make your withdrawal process smooth and easy. You can make herbal Kadhas or teas using these herbs and take a sip whenever your system craves some coffee.

Ginger – Ginger tea isa great alternative to your caffeinated drinks. It works great in boosting your digestion and improving your metabolism. This in turn helps in weight loss. Boil around 4 cups of water and add 2-3 inches of smashed ginger. Sip it throughout the day!

Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha is a great herb for the mind and body. It has a long list of benefits for women, men, athletes and everyone else. It helps increase your energy, strength, stamina, muscle strength, vitality, fertility and immunity. (Remember it’s bitter in taste).

Brahmi – Brahmi can be a great alternative to your coffee, as it does the same job even better. This herb promotes mental alertness, clarity, focus and concentration. Take 1 cup of boil water. Add ½ tsp Brahmi, ¼ tsp ginger powder, and a pinch of pepper powder. Let the ingredients blend for 5 minutes and drink this concoction.

Green Tea – The health benefits of green tea are well-known.It’s easy to prepare and helps boost your metabolism and concentration. It is also effective in weight loss, stress management and preventing a range of diseases.

Licorice Tea – Licorice tea has a wide range of health benefits. It aids in detoxifying the body, soothes spasms, eases menstrual cramps. It also helps in raising blood pressure, eliminating respiratory infections and reducing inflammation. Further, licorice is effective in correcting stomach disorders.

Tulsi Tea: Tulsi is a rich source of anti-oxidants. It calms your mind, relieves your stress and also helps in preventing respiratory disorder. It is also very effective in protecting against diabetes.

You can consume these concoctions twice a day in place of coffee. These Ayurvedic herbs are healthier than caffeine and bestow you with amazing health benefits. 

Quit Coffee if you want to!

Being addicted is never a good feeling. You should always have the power to switch on and switch off. So, if you are addicted to coffee then maybe you can go for this de-addiction and then come back to coffee once in a while. Everything in moderation is good! 

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