Health Tips

How to Naturally Beat Post-Workout Pain

Post workout pain is actually the pleasure of walking towards a healthier and happier version of your own self that only the brave and dedicated kind gets to enjoy. The recent hype of healthy living and fitness regimes has inspired many to hit the gym. In fact, recently the Indian government has also launched the Fit India Movement to uplift the same spirit.

Working-out is unquestionably the best way to attain a healthy body and achieve the perfect weight goals. But it is the post work out pain that has appalled many making their third day the last day in the gym.

Also Read: Jeevaka – one of the Legendary Ayurvedic doctor in history

What is Post workout pain?

Post workout pain is the body’s response to applaud you for the hard work. It is a signal that you have pushed yourself to burn the fats and tear the muscles to replace it with stronger and leaner muscles. 

In medical terminology, this pain is termed as “delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMS). This Post workout pain usually kicks in 12 to 24 hours after a strenuous workout and the pain peaks between 24 to 72 hours. The microscopic tears within the muscle tissue are the main reason for this pain.

How to beat Post workout pain?

There are many ways to soothe the pain from a strenuous work out regime. From the extravagant jacuzzi to anti-inflammatory pills, many solutions are available. But the best of all is the simple natural tricks when done right brings the body back to normal.

Ayurveda the ancient traditional science of healthy living has introduced the concept of Rasayana – the rejuvenation some 5000 years ago. According to Ayurveda, a disciplined post-workout routine is as important as the workout to maintain a sustained continuity. Ayurveda has defined some simple and easy ways to keep the muscles happy.

Ayurvedic tips to beat Post workout pain

1. Stick to Stretching

Stretching your body before and after a workout is essential to maintain flexibility and reduce the pain from a hardcore workout routine. Though it won’t make you immune to the pain, it will definitely reduce the intensity of the pain.

2. Hot water Bath

After a sweaty tiring session at the gym, it is best to unwind with a warm water bath. It not just destresses the body and calms the nerves, but also improves blood circulation and beat the soreness. Adding essential oil or sea salt increases efficiency.

3. Ice packs for inflammation

Ice packs are great anti-inflammatory agents. It relieves the tension in the muscles and reduces muscle soreness after work-out. Keeping an ice-pack handy is the simplest solution to pain!

4. Massage with Mahanarayana Taila

Massaging the body with ample Mahanaraya Taila relaxes the body, and improves blood circulation. It further loosens the stressed muscles and relieves pain considerably. Performing self-massage or Abhyanga every day is highly recommended in Ayurveda for a myriad of reasons.

5. Direct your Diet

Diet plays an important role in providing the body with the necessary nourishment. A healthy diet rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents is recommended during strenuous workout times.

Add the following foods to your diet chart immediately

  • All sweet fruits
  • Dry fruits like almond, dates, figs, raisins
  • Rice and wheat
  • Cooked vegetables, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, beans and sprouts
  • Lentils, moong beans and soya
  • Milk and ghee
  • Sesame oil, olive oil, sunflower oil and peanut oil
  • Black pepper, ginger, coriander, turmeric, asafoetida, garlic, clove, sesame seeds
  • Avoid junk and cold food items
  • Add eggs and moringa to your daily diet.

6. Apply Aromatherapy 

Indulging in the soothing smell that enchants the senses helps in relieving stress and induces good sleep.

7. The soothing Sleep

This is very crucial but highly ignored factor of boosting the body. A proper sleeping regime of at least 7 hours is mandatory to allow the body to heal and repair. 

Apart from these key facts, here are a few added takeaways for you

  • Don’t give up but give in. When the body screams a little, move it a little and shakes it a bit. Don’t engage in a strenuous workout but don’t give up movements either.
  • Hydration is the most important thing to keep in mind while working out. Drink a lot of water, natural fruit juices, milk and other healthy liquids to increase the fluid present in the body.
  • Trust the slow transition formula. Start with gentle work-outs let the body prepare itself, then go on increasing the levels gradually.

Post workout pain – Final Take away!

Don’t worry about the pain when you have so much to gain. Hit the gym or do some yoga or brisk walking or running. Remember to move the body and go higher one step at a time.

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