Health Benefits of Amla
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Amla: 10 Proven Health Benefits

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is crowned as a ‘super-berry’ in Ayurveda. The Vedic science says Amla can cure all diseases of the body. It can balance all Tridosas and nourish all seven saptadhatus. It’s a complete food that contains all six tastes. The Vaidyas rate it among the best foods for rejuvenation. And now modern scientists are also in awe of this little fruit. Check out these Top 10 Scientific Research on the Health Benefits of Amla.

Amla is one rare fruit that ticks all the boxes of nourishment!

From boosting immunity to aiding digestion to reversing the signs of aging, Amla is one fruit that works wonders in every square inch of the body. The secret to good health is this sour-sweet fruit.

Amla’s long list of health benefits is well-documented in Ayurveda. And now it’s backed by scientific research. In this blog, I bring you the top 10 scientific research on the health benefits of Amla.

Check out these Top 10 Scientific Research on the Health Benefits of Amla

Top 10 Scientific Research on Health Benefits of Amla

1. Amla is a great Immune Booster

Amla has potent immune-modulatory properties. It is super rich in Vitamin C which boosts the production of White Blood Cells in the body. The White Blood Cells are responsible for fighting pathogens and guarding the body. 

In addition, Amla has strong cytoprotective properties. Cytokines are a particular kind of protein that supports the functioning of the immune system. When cytokines don’t work properly, the body becomes vulnerable to a number of fatal diseases. 

Research shows regular consumption of Amla flushes away ama(toxins) and strengthens the immune system. It also helps the body to fight microbial invasions and combat flu and fever. 

Also Read: Immune Boosting Properties of Giloy

2. Amla has super gastro-protective actions

Amla has been used in Ayurveda for its gastro-protective actions for centuries. A recent study on the effects of Amla on peptic ulcers revealed its significant ulcer protective properties

Further, a few Saudi Arabian scientists concluded that Amla can protect the walls of the stomach from erosion. Their study titled ‘Gastroprotective effects of Amla’ confirmed the anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, and antisecretory properties of Amla.

Amla is an effective treatment for dyspepsia, colic, and hyperacidity with no side effects. Research says it can serve as an alternative to conventional gastric treatment. Amla is also a great detoxifier that supports the healthy functioning of the liver.

3. The ultimate weapon for anti-aging

Whether it’s greying hair or wrinkling skin, Amla can wash away all the signs of aging. And it’s not only the physical appearance that Amla works on, it reverses your age internally too. The Indian gooseberry is widely used in Ayurveda as a Rasayana to prevent or treat various age-related diseases. 

Alma can slow down cell degeneration and prevent the erosion of telomeres. Further, this helps in enhancing longevity and youthfulness in aged people. Moreover, Amla has amazing anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties that protect you against a host of aging diseases.

A study “Amla prevents dyslipidemia and oxidative stress in the aging process” revealed that Amla can prevent oxidative stress and the buildup of abnormal lipids in the blood. This too slows down the process of ageing

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4. Possess Cancer Preventive Properties

A wide range of emerging research is supporting the cancer-protective properties of Amla. A study titled “Amla in the Treatment and Prevention of Cancer” revealed that Amla has the potential to prevent cancer. 

Amla has potent free radical scavenging activities. This helps prevent induced DNA damage and oncogenesis. Further, studies proved alma has anti-anti-inflammatory activities.

This can help prevent inflammation-related cancers. Amla also harbors potent antitumor activity. Moreover, studies show low levels of Amla extract can impair tumor progression at early stages. 

5. Amla is an extra-ordinary diabetic tonic

Ayurvedic doctors widely recommend Amla in diabetes management. Today, after tons of research on the positive effects of Amla on blood sugar levels, even allopathic doctors recommend regular consumption of Amla in diabetes.

Firstly, Amla helps regulate blood sugar levels. Secondly, Amla helps boost immunity. A strong immunity can protect diabetic patients from the damaging effects of high blood sugar. 

A study on the effects of Amla on blood sugar reported a significant reduction in blood sugar levels with regular intake of Amla extracts or amla juice. It further recorded an improvement in their lipid profiles.

Also Read: Cinnamon in diabetes management

6. An effective Anti-Microbial Medicine

I already told you about the immune-boosting properties of Amla. In addition to that, Amla is also very effective in preventing diseases caused by microbes. A study on the Antimicrobial effects of Amla revealed its incredible anti-microbial properties.

7. Amla can help reduce LDL Cholesterol

Amla is an excellent detoxifier that can help fight bad cholesterol and protect your heart. A study revealed Amla produces a significant hypolipidemic effect. It can further aid in the reduction of blood pressure. 

Further studies reported that Amla is effective in improving lipid profile and preventing diseases caused by bad cholesterol. In addition, Amla shows a significant impact on the lipid profiles of long-time smokers.

8. Amla Improves Kidney Functions

As I already said, Amla is a saptadhatu nourisher. Hence, it has the ability to nourish all major organs. Regular consumption of Amla reduces oxidative stress and supports kidney function. This was confirmed by a study titled “Amla Attenuates Age-Related Renal Dysfunction by Oxidative Stress”.

9. Amla is the best Skin Care, Specialist

Amla is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. This helps in slowing down cell degeneration and delaying the process of aging. 

Apart from reversing the signs of aging, Amla also helps improve skin complexion. It is also effective in preventing skin infections and skin diseases. Being a great detoxifier, regular consumption of Amla promotes clean and clear skin. A study on the effects of amla on the skin revealed that also enhances pro-collagen production. 

10. Amla is a gold mine of Anti-Oxidants

There is no dearth of research on the antioxidizing effects of Amla. It is a storehouse of essential antioxidants that help fight oxidative stress. Amla helps scavenge free radicals and protect the body against its harmful effects.

Further, amla helps restore body balance and the antioxidants help in fighting fatigue and stress. A study proved “Amla Extracts Reduce Oxidative Stress in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats”.

Your Takeaway!

Amla is a rich natural fruit blessed with potent protective and healing properties. This wonder berry possesses antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive, and anti-atherogenic properties.

Amla also exhibits adaptogenic, cardioprotective, gastroprotective, and anti-anemic actions. That’s not it. Amla also has wound healing, antidiarrheal, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, and neuroprotective properties.

In conclusion, Amla is one rare medicine that nature has crafted with precision. In other words, eating Amla every day is the secret to being healthy and fit. Ayurveda has always hailed the health-protective properties of Amla and now modern research also supports the Vedic scripts.

So, add this amazing fruit to your diet and enjoy a healthy body!

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