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Shirodhara: 10 Scientifically Proven Benefits for Mind and Body

Shirodhara is an ancient Indian traditional therapy that works as an excellent program for tranquility. ‘Shiro’ is a Sanskrit word that means head and ‘Dhara’ means flow. Thus, Shirodhara means ‘the flow of oil on the head’. It has since time immemorial to cure several diseases of the body and mind. 

Check out these 10 scientifically proven benefits of Shirodhara. 

Shirodhara helps balance the mind, body, and soul. 

People often confuse Shirodhara with massage therapies. But actually, Shirodhara is quite different from normal Ayurvedic massages. It is one of the best purifying and rejuvenating therapies in Ayurveda.  

Shirodhara triggers healing on different levels. It not only relieves discomfort and pain from the body. In addition, it helps relieve emotional fatigue and balances the doshas. Shirodhara is effective in treating a host of psychological disorders.

What is Shirodhara?

Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic therapy that helps treat a number of diseases. This therapy involves soaking or pouring warm herbal ayurvedic oils on the forehead. The oil is poured from a specific height, in a steady rhythm over a specific period of time. Thus, causing the oil to flow through the head and down through the hair.

Shirodhara is a wonderful therapy that promotes physical health, emotional well-being, and soul consciousness. Most Ayurvedic massages alleviate fatigue and ease muscle strain. But in addition to that Shirodhara also balances the doshas and improves the functioning of the central nervous system. 

The infusion of herbal oil produces a soothing and calming sensation on the scalp. It further improves blood circulation and brings down elevated stress levels. Ayurvedic doctors say Shirodhara is an excellent treatment for insomnia, stress, anxiety, fear, and depression.

After years of studies, researchers also agree with the psychosomatic benefits of Shirodhara. A study published in NCBI quoted that Shirodhara produces an alert calmness similar to the relaxation response observed in meditation.

In recent years, more scientific research has been cropping up on the benefits of this traditional healing practice. From curing insomnia to premature ejaculation, Shirodhara is a panacea. In this blog, I bring you 10 scientifically proven benefits of Shirodhara.


10 scientifically proven benefits of Shirodhara

Shirodhara is the best cure for Chronic Insomnia

Reports say thirty to forty percent of adults report some level of insomnia every year. Though women are more affected than men, it increases in both genders with age. And the numbers are on the rise. Insomnia is often associated with tiredness, irritability, and poor quality of life. 

A “Clinical Study on Psychic Traits in Stress-Induced Chronic Insomnia and its Management with Shirodhara” suggested Shirodhara can relieve Insomnia. This traditional practice prevents and relieves stress. The study used medicated ghee which showed significant improvements in promoting sleep and relieving chronic insomnia.

Also Read: Essential Oils for stress and anxiety

Shirodhara can help in treating tinnitus

Tinnitus is a hearing impairment characterized by the frequent buzzing sound in one or both ears. It is a common problem caused by sound pollution, overuse of earphones, and excessive talking on phones. The loud music and modern pub culture are also fueling the rise in Tinnitus. 

Shirodhara is a relaxing therapy that rejuvenates all organs in the facial region including your ears. This Ayurvedic treatment has the potential to improve your hearing function. A study titled ‘A Case Study of Shirodhara In Tinnitius’ tested the efficacy of Shirodhara in treating Tinnitus. In the case study, Shirodhara relieved Tinnitus.

Also Read: Bhramari Pranayama to cure Tinnitus

Shirodhara can help relieve Hypertension

Shirodhara is an excellent natural therapy to relieve hypertension. It has an immense effect on your psychosomatic parameters, be it stress or anger. It further improves your mood and fights depression. Recent research shows that Shirodhara can reduce both systolic and diastolic pressure.

A 2015 study titled “Role of Yoga-Nidra and Shirodhara on Hypertensive Patients” established the efficacy of Shirodhara in  Hypertension patients. The study noted incredible results in just one month.

Also Read: How Anger Affects Your Heart?

Shirodhara alleviates your Anxiety Disorders

Research proves that the practice of Shirodhara can help in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Studies show brainwaves tend to synchronize with external stimuli. The gentle repetitive stimulation on the center of the forehead helps in promoting calmness. 

A study titled “Clinical Trial of Shirodhara in Chittodvega Vis-À-Vis Generalized Anxiety Disorders” recorded visible improvements in patients with anxiety disorders. Ayurvedic doctors highly recommend Shirodhara for treating anxiety and panic.

Also Read: Self-help Strategies for Social Anxiety

Shirodhara can correct Female Fertility Issues

Stress is one of the main culprits for the soaring scenario of infertility. And Shirodhara is very effective in calming stressed nerves. It further helps balance the dosha and stabilize the nervous system. Modern research too concurs that Shirodhara is a simple yet profound technique to correct female fertility issues.

It is especially helpful in managing menopausal symptoms. A study titled “The Management of Menopausal Syndrome With Shirodhara And Shaman Yoga – A Pilot Study” established Shirodhara as a potential cure for female fertility issues. The patients reported less severe symptoms and discomforts after weeks of Shirodhara therapy.

Also Read: Dates for infertility

Shirodhara can help with Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction that many men battle with. Shirodhara is not only a rescue for female fertility problems, but it also helps treat male sexual problems. Researchers agreed that Shirodhara can improve satisfaction, performance anxiety, and a number of penile thrusts.

A study titled “A Clinical Study on Psycho-Somatic Management of Shukraavrlta Vata with Rasayana Yoga and Shirodhara” proved the efficacy of Shirodhara. Shirodhara coupled with psychological counseling and Rasayana yoga is an effective treatment for Premature Ejaculation. 

Also Read: Ashwagandha for Men

Neuro-immunology Benefits of Shirodhara

Shirodhara is a calming and rejuvenating therapy that has great anxiolytic effects. It promotes a decrease in noradrenaline and exhibits a sympatholytic effect. A research paper titled “Psychoneuroimmunologic Effects of Ayurvedic Oil-Dripping Treatment” noted that Shirodhara treatment resulted in the release of dopamine. 

Dopamine is the happy hormone that improves your brain health and overall mood. Recent research also found that happiness is also closely connected to health and immunity. 

Shirodhara brings  Relief from Migraine

Shirodhara has immense mind-calming properties. In addition to that, the oils used for Shirodhara have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Shirodhara helps in relaxing the throbbing blood vessels in the head. The therapy also improves your mood and provides relief from stress-related headaches and chronic migraines.

A paper titled “A Controlled Clinical Study on the Role of Nasya Karma and Shirodhara in the Management of Migraine” concluded that Shirodhara therapy can give immediate relief from migraines and headaches.


Shirodhara for Psoriasis

According to Ayurveda, Shirodhara acts on the Autonomous Nervous system and reduces stress. It has a direct and immediate action on the mind and the nerves. This calming therapy can help in preventing and treating the flare-ups of psoriasis and other psycho-cutaneous diseases. 

Research too supports the actions of Shirodhara in the treatment of Psoriasis. A study by Gondia-based researchers titled “Systemic Review On Shirodhara And Mode Of Action Of Takradhara In Psoriasis” established Shirodhara as a preventive for Psoriasis. It is also effective as an early treatment for Psoriasis.

Shirodhara for Sinusitis with EEG abnormality

Sinusitis is a chronic condition. However, Ayurveda offers effective therapies like Shirodhara and Nasya that can provide permanent relief from this chronic condition.

A study titled “Ayurveda A Boon For Sinusitis With EEG Abnormality” approved Shirodhara alongside other Ayurvedic adjuvants and medicines to provide permanent relief from sinusitis. But in day-to-day clinical practice, the commonly prescribed treatment is Nasya.


Your Takeaway!

Thus, we can now say Shirodhara is a scientifically established traditional therapy with a number of proven health benefits. Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, researchers have also found Shirodhara helpful in managing hemorrhagic hemiplegia. 

In conclusion, Shirodhara is a wonderful therapy. From premature ejaculation to menopausal syndromes, it can heal the body in different ways. 

In addition, Shirodhara is an excellent stress buster. I would say it is a must for modern-day millennials who are constantly battling with a cluster of mental health issues. Try Shirodhara for anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, fear, and more!


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