Weight Management

How a Balanced Diet Can Help You Gain Weight Naturally?

Many patients ask me, ‘Sir, how to gain weight naturally!’

This especially comes from worried mothers of skinny kids. Being underweight not only increases your risk of injuries but also causes body image issues and impacts your confidence.

In addition to this, being underweight can increase your risk of malnutrition, osteoporosis, hypothermia and lowered immunity. It also results in reduced muscle strength, weakness, dizziness, poor hair growth, irregular menstrual cycle and infertility.

Thus, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight throughout life. In this blog, I will be introducing a few Ayurvedic food items that are effective in promoting weight gain naturally.

But before that, I would like to tell you something about your Dosha and body structure.

According to Ayurveda, people with Vata-dominant physiology are typically thin. While people with Kapha dominant physiology tend to be overweight. So, if your body structure is lean then your body type is likely Vata. There is a limit to how much weight you can gain. 

I have personally known many people who have a lean body structure but their strength and endurance are as good as athletes. Also, many people who follow a restrictive diet style find it hard to meet their nutritional potion. Apart from these reasons, genetics too plays a role in designing your body structure.

So, rather than stressing too much about the numbers on the scale, we will focus on your fitness. 

Here are a few Ayurvedic tips to gain weight naturally that work better than any mass gainer or supplement.

Also Read: Curd and Weight Gain

Ayurvedic tips to gain weight naturally

Here I share some of the amazing ways to maintain a healthy weight. Living a disciplined and active life and following a healthy diet are the basics of attaining a healthy body. Check out these Ayurvedic ways to gain weight naturally.

Diet to gain weight naturally

If you are planning to gain weight, add these simple foods to your diet.

1. Potatoes 

The forbidden carbs in all weight-loss diets, potatoes are ideal for weight gain. They are full of carbohydrates, fibre, plant proteins and vitamins. However, don’t munch on the unhealthy fried potatoes or chips. Go for healthier options instead. 

2. Banana

Add this fruit to your basket if you want to gain weight. Banana is one of the most recommended natural mass gainers. The calorie-rich fruit is a great energizer that enhances your endurance during workouts. This happy fruit is an anti-depressant that enhances your mood. 

According to Ayurveda, you should eat two bananas every day for a few months. Try to add natural fruit juices to your diet to gain weight.

3. Ghee

One of the best natural fats, ghee helps build tissues and acts as a natural mass gainer. It increases your appetite and enhances your digestive fire. In addition, it has many medicinal properties and acts as a natural remedy to minimize Vata dosha. 

Take it in an Ayurvedic way. One tsp of ghee plus one tsp of sugar can help increase body weight. Take it half an hour before lunch or dinner. Follow this for a month for visible weight gain. 

Also Read: What is the big deal about desi ghee?

4. Nuts and dried fruits

Rich in calories, the delicious nuts and dried fruits can help you gain weight. Almonds, figs, peanuts and raisins are especially beneficial for weight gain. You can eat four to five almonds every day. Take it with milk for better results.

Also Read: 5 super health benefits of raisins

5. Spices 

How can a pinch of these tiny spices aid your weight gain? Well, spices are excellent appetizers. They enhance the taste and flavours of your food, thus increasing the portion of your food.

Some of the great digestive spices are cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, cardamom, clove, cinnamon, ginger and black pepper. These spices are a natural cure for bloating, gas and flatulence. They also help improve your digestive metabolism.

6. Milk and milk products

Dairy products are an ideal food to gain weight. They are rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Milk, yoghurt, paneer, ghee, and butter, are all good choices for weight gain. Just make sure to do it in moderation. 

Ayurveda recommends drinking 2 glasses of natural milk daily. Warm the milk before consuming. You can add turmeric, saffron, cinnamon or almonds to the milk as per your preference. 

Also Read: Ayurvedic doctor’s take on Milk

7. Avoid stimulants

Caffeine, cigarette, energy drinks, and chocolate are all stimulants. They are good sources of energy but they don’t help you gain weight. Stimulants exhaust your metabolism and disturb the natural rhythm of the digestive system. 

Also Read: How much food should you eat?

Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements to gain weight naturally

Here are a few Ayurvedic Supplements that help improve your immunity and strengthens your digestion. These herbal remedies balance your doshas and help you attain a healthy body. They are nothing like artificial mass gainers. These natural remedies are safe, natural and free of side effects.

Check out these 5 Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements to gain weight naturally –

1. Ashwagandha Churna

Also called the ‘Indian Ginseng’, Ashwagandha Churna is a herbal tonic. It exhibits great adaptogenic properties which help in combating stress-related weight loss. Consult an Ayurvedic doctor to know more about its dosage.

Also Read: Easy Home remedies of Ashwagandha

2. Shatavari

This is another natural weight gainer that helps balance hormones in women. It stimulates your digestive system and improves your metabolism. 

3. Chyawanprash

Known for its immune-boosting properties, Chyawanprush can help in weight gain too. This herbal blend enhances your digestion and improves your appetite. Further, Chyawanprash improves your bone density and muscle strength. 

Also Read: Swamala Chyawanprash for immunity

4. Yashtimadhu

Yashtimadhu is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies for weight gain. It enhances your immunity, stamina, endurance and nutrition absorption capacity. This aids in better physical performance and increased food intake. 

5. Triphala 

Triphala is another herbal tonic that can help you attain a healthy and fit body. This blend of three potent fruits has numerous medicinal properties. It aids in detoxification of the digestive tract and strengthens the process of digestion. 

Also Read: Triphala Churna – All you need to know

Supplements or foods alone can’t bring you desired results. You also need to make some lifestyle changes that will you achieve your weight goals. Whether it’s weight gain or weight loss you are aiming for, these lifestyle changes work well for both.

1. Exercise

It’s a common notion that physical exercise is only for weight loss. But the right exercise helps you to build your muscles and strengthen your bones. So, rather than stressing too much about the numbers on the scale, focus on your fitness. 

2. Detox

This is another myth that detox helps in weight loss only. Detox is basically cleansing your body and getting rid of toxins. Drink lukewarm water with lemon juice after every meal. This hydrates your system, boosts digestion and increases your weight.

3. Destress

Stress can mess up your entire system. It can lead to obesity in some and weight loss in others. If your weight loss is stress-related then destressing is the right medicine for you. Practice Pranayama, Meditation, Abhyanga and Yoga to destress your body. 

Try Abhyanga with sesame oil to calm your Vata dosha. It enhances your metabolic process and helps the body expel accumulated toxins. 

4. Sleep

Lack of sleep or rest can also result in abrupt weight loss. Your metabolism goes out of order if your circadian rhythm is disrupted. That’s why it’s important to maintain good sleep hygiene. Go to bed by 10 pm and get a good night’s sleep for eight hours daily.

If you are suffering from insomnia or sleep problems then try taking turmeric milk before bed. Aromatherapy, abhyanga or a warm bath before bed also helps in getting better sleep.

5. Diet

As I always say, eating in the right way is as important as eating right. Avoid distractions like TV or mobile while eating. Focus on chewing your food well for better digestion. Practice mindful eating for better digestion and absorption of your food.

Avoid eating heavy spicy foods or chilled and cold foods. These are hard to digest and result in bloating or indigestion. Also, try to eat three heavy meals each day and maintain regular diet timings for better results. 

Also Read – Wine and Weight Gain: How the glass of wine affects your waistline?

Ayurvedic Doctor – Gain Weight Naturally

Ayurveda brings you holistic ways to lead a healthy life. Be it gaining weight or losing weight you can achieve your weight goals naturally by leading a simple, stress-free life. Eating the right foods, doing proper exercise and self-care are the keys to healthy living!

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Wine and Weight Gain: How the glass of wine affects your waistline? - Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 27, 2021 at 9:10 am

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