Anuloma Viloma
Health TipsYoga

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama: Health Benefits of this Ancient Breathing Technique

Anuloma Viloma is a simple practice of breathing in and breathing out. The right way of breathing can bring ample of benefits.

Anxiety is the modern-day monster feeding on individuals. It pushes the individual into a well of illness. Stress, anxiety, depression and phobia are all the monsters of the mind. They open the doors to an array of diseases.

Many modern medicines help to subside the symptoms. But they do not tap the pain points. Neither they release the blocked emotions. Or uproot the cause of depression!

Plus, many of these have severe side-effects. That’s why the common man is digging the treasures of ancient wisdom. They are striving to find natural alternatives that are safe and superior.

One such simple and effective way of curbing the effects of stress and anxiety is Pranayama

Ayurveda hails Pranayama or breathing exercises as an effective treatment of stress. It also helps in warding anxiety, depression and phobia.

Modern science repackaged the ancient formula of Pranayama as Cardiac Coherence Breathing.

They tagged Cardiac Coherence breathing to the benefits of Stress reduction. It also helps in insomnia prevention, emotion control and improved attention.

Read full Blog on – Cardiac Coherence Breathing

One of the most famous pranayamas or breathing exercise is Anuloma Viloma. It acts as a body and mind cleanser that propels the better flow of ‘prana’ in the body.

Understanding the art of Anuloma Viloma

Anuloma Viloma is one of the several Pranayamas. Breathing exercises make an integral part of Hatha Yoga.

In this practice, you should inhale through one nostril at a time. And exhale through the other nostril. 

But to get maximum benefit, you have to follow the correct discipline.

There is a quantitative proportion of the breath taken in and given out. Also there is a proper timing to perform this particular breathing exercise.

Research on Anuloma Viloma

There are multiple research and studies on the effect of Anuloma-Viloma. Especially its effect on Anxiety and Depression.

One study concluded ‘regular practice of Pranayama can be effective in combating anxiety and depression.’

It further promotes mental wellness. And acts as a shield to mental or physical illness.

The study further highlighted multiple benefits of Pranayama. It is beneficial in treating a range of stress-related disorders. Pranayama also helps in reducing signs of oxidative stress.

Anuloma Viloma – How to do it?

In Pranayam posture and space play very important roles.

A comfortable posture ensures calmness of mind. And so does a comfortable and quiet place.

Sukhasana is the perfect posture for practising this Pranayama. 

Closing your eyes is a way of shutting the world outside. It helps you to concentrate on your inner self.

Also. chanting OM is a way of calming the scattered energy.

Check out the right way to practice Anuloma Viloma

  1. Use your right thumb and place it on your right nostril.
  2. Take a long breath with your left nostril while your thumb closes the right nostril.
  3. While holding the breath, remove the thumb from your right nostril.
  4. And place your middle and ring finger on your left nostril.
  5. Now exhale from your right nostril slowly and steadily.
  6. Repeat this process for 1 min and then a break of 15-20 seconds.

The proportion of breath is another important factor in Anuloma Viloma.

Ideally, one must follow the ratio (1:3:1).

4 seconds for inhalation (Puraka) and exhalation (Rechaka). And 12 sec for holding the breath inside (Kumbhaka).

But for the beginners, one can start with 1:1:1 ratio. And then slowly graduate to the prescribed proportion.

The right time to practice Pranayama

Pranayams don’t have side-effects.

However, following the right way ensures optimum benefit.

Here are a few points to consider before practising Anuloma Viloma:

  • Do it early in the morning for max benefits.
  • You can also do it in the evening; 4 hours after lunch. 
  • It works best when the stomach is empty.
  • You can also do it 4-5 hours after meals.

When not to Practice Pranayama?

Doing things, the wrong way might cause trouble than good.

So, remember the following pointers before you start dragging your breath.

  • Do not do it right after the meal.
  • If you have undergone abdominal surgery recently then don’t do it.
  • Don’t practice Pranayama while walking, travelling or at night.

Quote from Ayurvedic doctor

These organic practices from the ancient Vedas are the most powerful shields. They are the tools we need today to guard our mind and body. Havard School of researchers have also recommended Pranayama to prevent Coronavirus.

These simple and easy techniques can save you a million bucks as well as your life!!! 

So, please incorporate this five-minute of healthy practice in your busy schedule and live a life full of health and happiness!

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Suresh December 1, 2019 at 4:51 pm

Good one sir

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 3, 2019 at 9:19 am

thank you

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