FoodHealth Tips

Health Benefits of Arrowroot: 13 Reasons to Add This Superfood to Your Diet

Arrowroot is rich in protein, folate, iron, phosphorus, and potassium.

It has been used for centuries as a thickening agent in different recipes. Studies have shown that this gluten-free starch is effective in promoting weight loss, aiding the immune system, and preventing diarrhea.

But did you know that arrowroot health drinks are quite popular as pre and post-workout energy boosters? It gives you an instant dose of energy and boosts your stamina and endurance for a power-pumped workout.

Arrowroot is a root vegetable widely used in culinary, medicinal, and cosmetics. It is easy to digest and high in nutrients, which makes it a key component in many infant formulas. Arrowroot is also given to teething babies.

Arrowroot is also effective in soothing painful gums and sore mouth by applying arrowroot. It is also widely consumed by adults as a replacement for corn starch, and as a treatment for intestinal disorders. Check out these amazing health benefits of Arrowroot.

13 Health Benefits of Arrowroot

1. Arrowroot aids in weight loss

Arrowroot is rich in starch which behaves like soluble fiber. This slows down your digestion, gives you a prolonged feeling of fullness, regulates your appetite, and promotes weight loss. 

A study showed that people who took arrowroot starch in their diet had significantly lower calorie intake. While it is a good source of protein, it also aids in weight loss. 

2. Arrowroot can help fight diarrhea

Arrowroot can be helpful in treating diarrhea by firming stool because of its high soluble fiber-like content. It helps improve stool consistency and size and reduces the frequency of evacuations.

In a study, 11 people suffering from diarrhea took 2 teaspoons of arrowroot powder three times a day. They reported relief in abdominal pain and diarrhea.

3. Arrowroot promotes digestion

Arrowroot is a potent digestive. It is very effective in regulating your bowel movement and acts as a natural demulcent. The high starch content works as a perfect mild laxative that eases bowel and aids in treating irritable bowel syndrome. It has beneficial to gut bacteria that promote your immune health.

4. Arrowroot is gluten-free 

Arrowroot is naturally gluten-free. The powder of arrowroot is often used as a substitute for wheat flour. It is particularly beneficial for people suffering from celiac disease or those looking for a gluten-free diet.

5. Arrowroot promotes Sleep

Arrowroot is high in magnesium and provides about 25% of your RDA-recommended portion of magnesium. Studies have shown the efficacy of magnesium in improving your sleep quality and duration. It also improves the tranquillity of a good night’s sleep.

6. Arrowroot Improves Your Heart Health

Arrowroot is rich in potassium which is a vital mineral essential in maintaining fluid balance in the body. It aids in dilating your blood vessels and arteries which helps regulate your blood pressure and lowers the risk for heart diseases and stroke. Furthermore, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, flavones, and saponins aid in boosting cardiac health.

7. Improves Circulation

Arrowroot is rich in vitamin B complex, iron, and copper. These nutrients are essential for the formation of red blood cells and help maintain blood flow to vital organs. This improved blood circulation aids in easing fatigue, weakness, and anemia. In addition to this improved circulation also boosts cognition, memory, and brainpower. Arrowroot drinks are widely used as an energy booster that uplifts stamina and endurance.

8. Treats Athlete’s Foot

Arrowroot powder, when topically applied to an athlete’s foot can help relieve the symptoms of the athlete’s foot. This is owed to the strong antibacterial and antifungal properties of arrowroot that help in combating this fungal infection. In addition to that, arrowroot powder absorbs moisture and sweat. This inhibits the growth of microbes. 

9. Arrowroot improves Kidney Health

Arrowroot is rich in potassium which aids in clearing waste and toxins from the kidney. It also aids in regulating blood pressure and supports your kidney function. In addition to that, arrowroot possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating bladder and urinary tract infections.

10. Arrowroot for skin 

Researchers showed that arrowroot is rich in healing nutrients like vitamins, antioxidants, and protein. This helps in treating blemishes, acne scars, rashes, and pigmentation. Using an arrowroot face mask can help in restoring dead cells and improve moisture. Rich in antioxidants, proteins, and vitamins, arrowroot can help in delaying the signs of aging and endowing a natural radiance to your skin. 

11. Arrowroot for pregnant women

Fresh arrowroot is a good source of folate which is often recommended during pregnancy. Studies have shown that adequate intake of folate-rich food can help in preventing congenital malformations in the offspring. Being rich in many essential nutrients, arrowroot can help in the healthy growth and development of infants. It is also widely used as a substitute for breast milk. 

12. Arrowroot for babies

Arrowroot powder is an excellent substitute for breast milk. Rich in magnesium, zinc, and iron, it is loaded with many essential nutrients that promote your baby’s growth and development without causing any side effects. Arrowroot is also a safe and effective remedy for treating diarrhea, bronchitis, and cough in infants.

13. Arrowroot is diabetes-Friendly

Arrowroot is an excellent choice for diabetics. Being low in Glycemic index and high in potassium, arrowroot is often recommended for diabetics. Researchers are probing the benefits of arrowroot as a healthy snack for diabetes.

Arrowroot uses

Arrowroot is often consumed in the form of powder or as a thickening agent for sauces, jellies, cookies, and cakes. It is also a popular replacement for wheat flour in gluten-free recipes. Another popular use of arrowroot powder is in cosmetic applications. It’s a common ingredient in dry shampoo, deodorant, talcum powder, and moisturizers.

Arrowroot side effects

There are no side effects reported on the consumption of arrowroot. This naturally occurring starch is generally safe for consumption for all age groups when used in prescribed amounts. However, excess consumption of arrowroot can result in adverse effects.

Health Benefits of Arrowroot – Your Takeaway

Arrowroot is rich in essential nutrients and bioactive compounds that make it very beneficial for health. It is proven to bolster immunity, digestion, growth, and development. This natural starch also helps in preventing diabetes, diarrhea, and stomach issues. Knowing these health benefits of Arrowroot, you must try this!

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