
Arthritis Pain: The Best Exercises for Relief and Improved Mobility

Arthritis has affected more than 180 million Indians.

It is a condition characterized by the swelling and tenderness of joints, often accompanied by stiffness which typically worsens with age. Arthritis is one of the most prevalent diseases with an incidence rate higher than common diseases like diabetes and AIDS.

Severe arthritis can have a huge impact on the quality of life as it makes even simple tasks like sitting or walking difficult. In many cases, arthritis hampers the ability to perform daily activities and is often seen to worsen with age. Researchers say that regular exercises can help relieve arthritic pain and its symptoms like stiffness and swelling. 

Arthritis and Exercise

Several studies have proven the importance of exercise in controlling arthritis. Many arthritic patients think that exercise may aggravate their pain, but in reality, lack of exercise can worsen the stiffness and pain.

It is proven that exercise increases strength and flexibility. It further reduces joint pain and helps combat fatigue. Exercise also helps strengthen the muscles around your joints and improves your bone strength. It further improves your sleep, restores balance, and enhances your quality of life. Needless to say, exercise also helps maintain your weight which is a crucial factor in arthritis. 

Best Arthritis exercises for relieving pain

Exercise can be very beneficial for people suffering from arthritis. However, doing the right exercise is equally important. Exercise can reduce painful symptoms, improve joint flexibility, improve motion and boost mood.

Here are a few exercises that are beneficial for arthritis –

1. Practice stretching

Stretching is a set of simple, slow and gentle exercises that help improve flexibility, reduce stiffness and increase range of motion. Regular stretching can be very helpful in relieving symptoms of RA.

Ideally, the stretching routine differs from person to person and it depends on a number of factors, including age, body strength, intensity of pain, and more. It is recommended to consult your doctor or a physical therapist to design a perfect routine.

2. Go for a walk

Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that helps improve blood circulation and reduces inflammation. It also improves joint flexibility, helps bone health, and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. 

Walking further helps in managing weight, improving mobility, and strengthening muscles around the joints. You can choose a distance and pace that you are comfortable with and maintain consistency in your routine. With time your endurance, speed, and distance will automatically increase. 

3. Start your day with yoga

Several studies have cited the benefits of yoga in the management of arthritis. Yoga combines the practice of deep breathing with flowing movements, gentle poses, and meditation. They help increase flexibility and balance while reducing stress, anxiety, pain, and depression. 

Research also showed that yoga can help in improving self-esteem and self-motivation which has a great impact on your quality of life. You can start practicing simple yoga steps by following YouTube videos but it is always better to join a professional Yoga class. 

Watch now – Yoga for arthritis

4. Pull off your Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact activity that works excellently in improving flexibility. Studies say that Pilates can help strengthen core muscles, improve stability and relieve soreness. It also helps in improving blood circulation to muscles and tendons which further aids in relieving aches and stiffness. 

However, before starting a new regime, please consult and discuss it with your healthcare provider. Try to begin slowly and get trained under a certified trainer to avoid making mistakes.

Watch now – Pilates for arthritis

5. Set in your swimming routine

Swimming is an excellent exercise for people suffering from arthritis. It helps stimulate blood circulation, reduce muscle stiffness and ease joint pain. It is also good for building strength and ensuring cardiovascular fitness. 

Swimming further eases your joints and makes them more flexible. This helps in reducing joint stress and stiffness. Swimming is also a great stress buster and it also helps in managing weight. Both of which are risk factors for arthritis.

Watch now – Swimming exercises for arthritis

6. Can you cycle?

Cycling is another fun exercise that’s easy to do and has amazing health benefits. It especially helps in curbing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which is particularly high in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. 

Cycling helps in getting the joints moving. It will also help in building endurance and strength. You can get a stationary bike or go for an outdoor ride. Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise regime.

7. Get the grip exercises on

Arthritis can sometimes result in loosened grip strength because of which people suffering from arthritis tend to drop things more often. Practicing grip exercises a few minutes every day can help in strengthening the grip. Try bending your wrists, curl your fingers and spread them out, and squeeze a stress ball. 

Watch now – Hand exercises for arthritis

8. Try leg raise exercises

Leg raise exercises can help in strengthening muscles that support the weak joints. Side leg raises and straight leg raises can help in improving balance and strength. Lie down on the floor, and raise your legs by tightening your thigh muscles. Repeat it for both legs.

9. Heel raise exercises

Standing heel raise exercises strengthens your calf muscles and improve your balance. You can also try ankle rotation, toe spread exercises, and plantar fascia stretches. These simple exercises help in improving your arthritic foot condition.

Tips for arthritis exercises

  • Be consistent with your routine. For meaningful results, it is important to do the right exercises in the right way and do it every day. Though some days will be tougher than others, it is important to adjust the intensity and continue with the regime. 
  • Make sure to wear the right shoes to keep your feet protected and balance on point. And don’t forget to use a slip-resistant yoga mat. Wear comfortable sweat-absorption clothes.
  • Avoid over-exerting and straining your muscles. Go for a regular routine of exercise rather than a strenuous one. You can also mix and match different exercises to keep your routine exciting and balanced. Do not do it for more than 30 minutes and break it into 10-minute sets.
  • Listen to your body. It is always important to listen to the signals that the body emits. Whenever it pains or you feel fatigued or drained, stop, pause and then get back to the routine.
  • Talk to a professional trainer. If you are trying to get on a new routine, then make sure you have an expert by your side. 
  • For the pain, use a heat pack 20 minutes before exercising and use an ice pack 10 to 15 minutes after exercising. It helps improves blood circulation, decreases stiffness, and relieves pain.

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Exercise and Heart Health - Know the Benefits - Dr. Brahmanand Nayak September 4, 2022 at 2:34 pm

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