In the journey of life, challenges, setbacks, and unexpected events are inevitable. As a doctor with a deep understanding of the human psyche, I’ve witnessed...
In a world where health is heralded as the ultimate wealth, the phenomenon of extreme health consciousness has taken center stage. As an Ayurvedic doctor...
Introduction: Amla’s Marvelous Role in Immune Boosting In a world where health has taken center stage, the quest for a robust immune system has become...
Harnessing the Healing Power of Laughter for a Lighter Heart In the cacophony of modern life, stress has become an unwelcome constant. As an Ayurvedic...
In a world that’s increasingly interconnected through screens and devices, the value of face-to-face communication often gets overlooked. As an Ayurvedic doctor who has witnessed...
Introduction: A Glimpse into the Lives of Ditvi, Maithri, and Poorvi As an Ayurvedic doctor, I’ve encountered countless individuals struggling to find solace within their...
Meet Ramesh and Sita, a lovely couple from a quaint village near devanahalli. Ramesh, a 40-year-old farmer, was diagnosed with diabetes a few years back, and...