Ayurgenomics | Understanding human individuality

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak

Ayurgenomics!!! So much of this word is yet so little to clarify the concept. So, here we went down every book, every page, every word related to ayur and genomics. We tried finding anything and everything about this new hot buzz shaking the medical world. 

Ayurgenomics is a blend of Ayurveda with genomics. Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old ancient traditional system of medicine based on the extracts of nature. Genomics is the modern science that can decipher genes and unveil the information within. 

So, the integration of Ayurveda and Genomics presents a personalized approach. This helps in the predictive, preventive, and curative aspects of stratified medicine with molecular variability.

Also Read: Human constitution and behavior


Ayurgenomics is the new science that studies individual variability due to genetic variations through generations. It helps in establishing a better, faster and more accurate diagnosis and prognosis, on the basis of a person’s Prakriti. While modern medicine has been successful in increasing the average life expectancy of humans, it has failed in availing preventive and qualitative care.

Today most of the common diseases like diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disorders, mental problems extend throughout life. They require long-term medication with added complications and/or expensive interventions. Such chronic diseases are a manifestaton of sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary habits.

Nearly 1% of the world population suffers from these diseases. And in some cases like diabetes and obesity, the numbers are considerably higher and also dangerously on the rise. Identifying factors that predispose individuals to these diseases, predicting their progression and designing a customized drug regime to minimize side-effects is a major challenge.

Lifetime prevalence, long-term medications, side effects of therapeutic intervention further add to health burden. Prevalence of common and complex disorder today is 1-5%. However, Ayurveda -traditional science is known for its knacks with nature and its simple ways to keep life healthy and happy. An integration of Ayurveda and genomics if attempted in a systematic manner could help fill the gap. 

According to Ayurgenomics, every individual is blessed with their own basic constitution or Prakriti which greatly determines one’s susceptibility to diseases and response to the external environment, diet and drugs. The concept of Ayurgenomics contradicts contemporary medicine, where a preventive and curative regime can be adopted only after an individual suffers or shows signs of impending illness and there are no methods to identify healthy individuals who would be differently susceptible to disease.

Also Read: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s immense contribution to Ayurveda

Final word!

Genomics has recently stirred quite a buzz marking the beginning of a paradigm shift in the practice of medicine from a generalized symptomatic approach to an individualized approach based on his or her genetic makeup. Ayugenomics would be the next big innovation and disruption in the world of medicine when done right. It could not only treat, prevent and predict diseases but it can also improve the quality of life by far and large.

Ayurveda has already penetrated the global scene. India continues to get in the track of their ancestral wealth. Also, genomics has unveiled the risk associations of an individual to a particular disease. This sure is the futuristic approach to medicine and healthcare making treatment easy and affordable.

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