Ayurvedic Doctor reveals - 10 Sleeping Tips for Elderly People

Get a Good Night’s Sleep: 10 Simple Tips for Elderly People

‘Traya Upastambha’ meaning the three supporting pillars of life – proper diet, good sleep and regulated sex. In this blog, I will share 10 simple Sleeping Tips for Elderly People!

One of the most common complaints in elderly people is troubles in sleep. Be it restlessness, anxiety, pain or insomnia, the elderlies are more prone to poor sleep.

A persistent problem of failing to fall asleep indicates the condition of insomnia, known as ‘Anidra’ in Ayurveda. Fortunately, Anidra and other sleep problems are not non-negotiable part of ageing. 

Herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, mental rewiring, abhyanga, yoga and meditation can help restore sleep. In fact, these little things work better than sleeping pills!

But before looking at the remedies let’s understand the causes of disturbed sleep in elderly people.

Causes Of Poor Sleep In Elderly People

There’s always an underlying reason that results in the manifestation of sleeplessness. And most of the time, it’s either a direct or indirect effect of stress. Stress, depression, loneliness, empty nests, departure of a loved one, bodily disorders are the common things brought by ageing.

These emotional and physical triggers often result in ‘Anidra’. 

Also, the lack of a routine life post-retirement results in increased day time naps. This does more harm than good. While a coffee nap, yoga nidra in between a drilling day is fine, but sleeping for long hours can further wreck the routine. 

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5 reasons of Anidra in elderly people

Stress: Trust me, stress is the main culprit in causing most diseases including insomnia. Be it insomnia, diabetes or cancer, stress is to blame. Stress in aged people can be due to financial problems, loss of closed ones, emptiness or emotional adjustments.

  1. Ageing: Ageing increases the risk of many age-related health ailments.  Alzheimer’s, arthritis, chronic pain, diabetes and many types of cancers are primary health disorders related to ageing.  Night waking, frequent urination and sweating are also common health problems.
  2. Change in Lifestyle: With increasing age, the amount of activity done in a day gets decreased. Mobility reduces because of a chronic condition like arthritis or obesity. It also decreases because of retirement from work. 
  3. Side effects of medication: According to the National Council on Ageing, about 92 per cent of elderlies suffer from at least one chronic disease and 77 per cent have at least two. 
  4. Chronic Diseases: Heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes,cancer are the most common age-related chronic conditions. The medications for these may have side effects which can lead to Anidra.
  5. Environmental Causes: Continuous noise or air pollution can lead to headaches or migraines that can be a factor of disturbed sleep in elderly people. Also, disputes in the family can cause mental trauma that can cause sleeplessness. 

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10 Simple Sleeping Tips for Elderly People

Ayurveda is an ancient science that has a holistic approach to health and healing. It recommends the elimination of the underlying causes to eliminate the effect. Here are some tips to correct the causes and eradicate the problems of Anidra’. 

1. Plan your Z’s 

If you want to get things done, then planning is the best way to start. Plan for your bedtime routine every night. Maintain a regular time to hit the bed preferably before 10 pm and sticking to this serene bedtime routine. 

Take a warm bath or foot bath. Empty your mind and let go of the thoughts. Say your prayers and mantras. Write your gratitude journal. Dim the lights and snooze to sleep. Avoid screen times at any cost before bed.

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2. Focus on the diet

Every function of the body is intertwined with another. So, is diet and sleep. Quality sleep is essential for good digestion and good digestion is crucial for sound sleep. When one is disrupted the other suffers.

As physical activities, stamina and energy decrease with age, so the choice of food should also change. People should focus on simple healthy eating, preferably vegetarian meals, most days of the week. 

Smoking, alcohol, processed food, fast foods should be avoided. Eating late or untimely should also be avoided. Fasting at least once a day, may help to detox and rejuvenate the body.

3. Practice Alternate Nostril Breathing or Pranayama

Ayurvedic doctors recommend Pranayama or alternate nostril breathing as a treatment for insomnia. It reduces Vata and helps balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Sit with your back straight, close your eyes and practise pranayama or deep breathing. Inhale with one nostril while closing the other with your fingertip. Suck in the air. Then release the finger and let the air out with the other nostril. Repeat it with both nostrils for 10 to 15 minutes. 

This can be followed by om chanting or meditation for better benefits.

4. Massage Your Temples and Naval With Ghee

Ayurveda hails ghee as one of the best substances for massage. It’s cooling and calming and penetrates deep into the tissues. Ghee boosts hydration and oleation of the body.

Massaging the temples and naval with ghee balances the Vata by countering the dryness. It also alleviates Pitta because of it’s cool and sweet properties. Ghee massage must be followed by a refreshing bath.

5. Abhyanga

Ayurveda is that stream of medicine which deals with underlying issues along with relieving the symptoms. Its approach towards health and wellness is holistic rather than symptomatic. 

Ayurveda recommends the use of oil massage, Shirodhara, and other purificatory procedures to relieve insomnia. It increases blood circulation and promotes secretion of serotonin, (the happy hormone). This calms the mind and enhances peaceful sleep.

6. Padabhyanga

Abhyanga or self-massage of the whole body may not be possible every day. Hence, Ayurveda recommends padabhyanga which means foot massage as a daily bedtime activity, especially for the elders.

Massage the feet with a warm thick oil like sesame oil. Just soak the feet in warm water. There are over 7,000 nerve endings on each foot and massaging these points helps loosen the entire body, relaxes sore muscles, relieves fatigue and enhances sleep. Massaging the scalp, where the nerves start also has the same effect.

7. Valerian or Tagara Herb

Valerian aka tagara herb is considered as one of the best herbs that helps fight insomnia in adults as well as elderly. It has strong sedative properties that enhance sleep. 

Valerian is recommended before bedtime for best results. It helps in boosting relaxation, alertness and energy throughout the day. It also helps in the digestion process, giving you a peaceful sleep. 

8. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a popular root widely used in Ayurveda. It is well-known for its aphrodisiac and adaptogenic qualities. Ashwagandha also has amazing anti-stress, anti-depressing, anti-inflammatory and sleep boosting properties. 

That means Ashwagandha is one potent herb that can restore several underlying conditions which leads to good sleep. It can relieve pain, calm the mind and induce sleep. 

9. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

High intake of caffeine or alcohol has temporary calming effects. But it causes long-lasting damages. Elders should avoid the intake of alcohol and restrict caffeine after mid-afternoon. 

Sticking to a simple light meal throughout the day is the key to a happy tummy and peaceful sleep. 

10. Herbal Oils

Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massage with warm herbal oil is a simple solution that eradicates many problems rooted deep in the body. Herbal oil massages relax the body, calms the mind, relieves pain and boosts sleep. 

Lavender oil – It is one of the most popular essential oil for combating insomnia. It has powerful anxiolytic and sedative effects. It also has beneficial anti-depressing and pain-relieving properties.

A number of studies have established lavender’s effectiveness in enhancing sleep. It is proven to improve sleep quality and quantity, elevate daytime alertness and treat insomnia.

Jasmine oil – the sweet fragile jasmine has more than its appealing aroma. The floral scent of jasmine has potent anxiety-relieving and sleep-promoting capabilities. 

Research revealed that jasmine is effective in improving sleep quality and calming down restless sleeping. A 2002 study proved that the smell of jasmine can lower anxiety even more effectively than lavender.

Sandalwood – Sandalwood is often known for its divine place in holy rituals.But it is esteemed and auspicious because of its amazing medicinal properties. The rich, woody, earthy scent of sandalwood boosts relaxation, calmness and relieves anxiety. 

Scientific research indicates that sandalwood can be used effectively in relieving anxiety and its symptoms. Further research also establishes the sedative effects of sandalwood. It is helpful in reducing wakefulness and enhancing non-REM sleep.

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How to use these essential oils?

Add a few drops of these essential oils to your bath. It boosts relaxation, calmness and exudes sleep-inducing effects. Take a warm bath with essential oil before bed and enjoy undisrupted peaceful rest.

You can also use a diffuser to disperse oils and its effects into the air of your room. Enjoy the long-lasting benefits of this aroma as you breathe through your sleep. You can also light an incense stick with the aroma of these essential oils.

Apply the oil directly to the body to boost relaxation and calmness. 

Ayurvedic Doctor’s Sleeping Tips for Elderly People

Sleep is essential to life. One can survive without food for months but not without sleep. Hence, it is very important to address sleep issues, no matter what age you are. But insomnia is more critical in elderlies because the body’s capability to cope and recover becomes weak with age.

These simple Sleeping Tips for Elderly People have worked for many. And it will work for you too. Try them and sleep sound like a baby!

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Dr. Brahmanand Nayak June 29, 2020 at 5:02 am

thank you

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak June 29, 2020 at 5:02 am

thank you

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