Natural  Hair Conditioners |  An Ayurvedic Doctor’s Recommendation 
Hair care

5 Ayurvedic-Inspired DIY Hair Conditioners

Ayurvedic Doctor reveals 5 DIY Natural Hair Conditioners that your can try today!

‘Let’s go green!’ said the earth. 2020 has been quite a lesson on minimalistic living. While some are doing it for cost-cutting, some are really worried about earth’s healing.

Whatever be your reason, it’s always good to go back to mother earth!

So, why not begin with your hair conditioning.

In this blog, I bring you 5 DIY Natural Conditioners that I learnt from my Ayurvedic teachers!!!!

These are proven, effective, safe and has been around for centuries.

These natural conditioners bring you the same effect as your store brought chemical conditioners. Plus, the bonus is that they are free of side effects and free of cost. Trust me, these natural conditioners are worth your time!

But first, why is conditioning your hair so important?

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Hair conditioner – Your hair needs it!

Hair conditioning has always been a part of good hair care.

While shampoo washes away the dust and dirt, conditioner restores healthy balance. It makes your hair shiny, smoothens hair cuticle and makes it silky soft.

Avoiding this basic makes hair more prone to breakage.

Skipping the conditioner not only makes your hair appear messy and fuzzy. It also results in thinning and damage. Skipping this basic is no doubt a bad idea!

Also Read : Home Remedies for volumnous Hair

3 Reasons why hair conditioning is ‘yay-yay’ 

1. It Protects your hair 

Regular conditioning protects your hair from damage due to styling. It also protects your strands from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Conditioner also reduces colour fading and may prevent premature greying.

2. It detangles your locks

Conditioners are evidently effective in preventing tangles in your hair. Conditioning your hair makes it easier to detangle damp strands without damaging the cuticle. It also reduces frizz and makes your hair more manageable.

3. It increases Elasticity and Shine

Dry damaged hair lacks the lustre and looks lifeless. Brittle strands can easily break off. A good conditioner nourishes and strengthens the hair shaft and improves elasticity.

Conditioners are really important for healthy hair. But a lot depends on the conditioner you choose. It’s not about going for the costliest one but for the one that brings the benefits without the weight of side effects!

Also Read: How to regrow hair naturally

Natural Hair Conditioners – Sans the chemicals!

Artificial hair conditioners are ladened with chemicals that can result in harsh side effects. From thinning to damaging, the wrong hair conditioner can damage your crown. 

Check out these 5 chemicals that are commonly present in the store brought conditioners.

  • Sulphates – Sulphates are chemical detergents. They are good at cleaning the oil and dirt. But the washes away the natural moisture.
  • Fragrances – Fragrances are a big ‘no-no’. Over 3,100 chemicals are there used in making fragrances. And each chemical has its own side effects.
  • Polyethylene Glycol – Polyethylene glycol contains cancer-causer dioxane. It also hampers human development.
  • Parabens – Xenoestrogens in parabens disrupt hormones. Researchers also doubt this to be a carcinogen that means cancer-causing agent.
  • Triclosan – Triclosan disrupts endocrine. Its side effects are the same as the xenoestrogens. 

It’s very important to read the label before buying a conditioner. Long term exposure to these toxic chemicals has led to disastrous results. You can either pick your conditioner with proper caution or try these chemical-free natural conditioners that give the same results without hurting your hair or pocket!

DIY Natural Hair Conditioners

1. Banana Hair conditioning mask

Banana is a natural hair conditioner. It fixes the roughness and fizziness of your hair. Adding an egg to the banana brings on the protein content. This simple quick conditioning mask is quick to make and easy to apply.

How to use a banana as your hair conditioner?

Make a paste using – 

  • A banana
  • An egg 
  • Milk  – 3 tsp
  • Honey – 3 tsp
  • Olive oil – 3 tsp

Apply the paste on your hair and wash it off after 20-30 minutes.

2. Vinegar and egg home-made hair conditioner

Eggs keep the shine of your hair intact. Vinegar helps in fighting hair loss. Olive oil strengthens the hair. And honey hydrates the hair. 

How to make your egg and vinegar conditioner?

  • Take two whole eggs and add two tablespoons of lemon juice and two tablespoons of vinegar. 
  • Mix it well. 
  • Add one tablespoon of honey and one and a half tablespoon of olive oil. 
  • Make a thick paste in a blender. 
  • Apply the paste on your hair tips. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes before washing it. 

3. Coconut oil and honey natural conditioning

Coconut oil is full of benefits in terms of hair. It makes the hair soft and smooth. Also, help the hair grow faster and thicker. The fatty acids and the essential minerals in coconut oil nourishes the scalp.

How to make your own coconut and honey mask?

Make a mixture of

  • Coconut oil – 1 tbsp
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Rosewater – 1 tbsp
  • Curd – 2 tbsp
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbs

Apply it after shampooing and wash it off in 10-15 minutes.

Also Read: Benefits of Curd in hair care

4. Shea butter conditioner

Butter is really good for your hair. Its rich natural fats and oils make your hair smooth and shiny. It is also rich in vitamin C which makes your hair strong. Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, shea butter protects the scalp from infection. It tames the damaged hair, split end and hydrates your hair.

How to make your own Shea butter conditioning mask?

  • Heat two tablespoons coconut oil and one tablespoon shea butter until it melts. 
  • Add one tablespoon of argan oil into the mixture. 
  • You also add a few drops of essential oil (optional). 
  • Apply the mixture from the roots to the tips of your hair. 
  • Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then wash it off.

5. Apple cider vinegar and guar gum conditioner

Many hair conditioners and shampoos contain guar gum as a conditioning agent. It helps in gaining thickness the hair. Apple cider vinegar reduces dandruff. ACV keeps the pH level of your hair balanced.

How to make ACV and guar gum conditioner?

  • Boil two cups of water with two tablespoons of guar gum. 
  • Remove it from heating after boiling the mixture about a minute. 
  • Add one tablespoon of carrier oil and half tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. 
  • Pour 10-20 drops of rosemary essential oil. 
  • The mixture will get thicker after cooling. Use this conditioner on a normal basis.

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Let’s go gaga over Natural Hair Conditioners

Conditioning your hair is important. But choosing the right conditioner is more important!

In my clinical practice, I have been advising these simple natural tricks for years. 

And the effort did bear fruits.

People came back to me raving about the change they felt in their hair after they switched to nature.

However, your hair might favour one ingredient over the other. So, try these natural hair packs and find what favours your hair!

Only using chemical-free conditioner can help. Otherwise, the conditioner works in opposite direction. It is hard to find a conditioner in the market which is chemical-free. So make yourselves a conditioner using only organic things.

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