Ayurvedic Doctor says Jackfruit Flour can prevent chronic diseases 
Diabetes Care

Jackfruit Flour can prevent chronic diseases

There is hardly anyone who does not know Jackfruit, the large native Indian fruit. But have you heard of Jackfruit flour? It’s trending as the newest superfood, especially good for diabetics. Jackfruit Flour can prevent chronic diseases.

Jackfruit popularly known as the vegan meat is native to South India. For centuries we have known the use of Jackfruit in curries, pickles or salads. But now health experts suggest using Jackfruit in the form of flour.

Experts say Jackfruit Flour can prevent chronic diseases.

Because of the cumbersome nature of the fruit, many people avoid eating the fruit at all. But it’s too nutritious to miss. The rising lifestyle diseases like diabetes and cancer have called for nature’s best. 

That’s why Jackfruit flour is storming the market.

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How to make Jackfruit Flour at home?

Jackfruit Flour is made from raw jackfruit as the Glycemic index of unripe Jackfruit is low.

The thick flesh around the seed is extracted 2 to 4 days before the fruit turns sweet. The flesh shall be creamy white in colour, neutral in taste and doesn’t have any aroma. 

Take out the Jackfruit seeds. Dry roast them in a pan. Remove the thin shell and discard it. Chop the seeds and grind it into a fine powder. The flour has better nutritional value as the moisture content is reduced during drying.

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Health Benefits of Jackfruit Flour

1. Shed weight with Jackfruit Cake

Jackfruit flour can be your perfect weight loss diet. It’s healthy, nutritious and low in calories. The calorie content of jackfruit flour is much lower than rotis or rice. Also, this flour offers high satiation because of its high fibre and water content. 

Thus, it can keep you fuller for longer and curb your hunger pangs. This reduces your calorie intake and helps in visible weight loss.

Also Read: Beetroot for weight loss

2. Control Diabetes with Jackfruit Rotis

Studies say raw jackfruit has a much lower Glycemic load than rice or wheat. According to research, the calorie, carbohydrate and Glycemic load in unripe jackfruit are 40% less than that of rice.That makes it a potential replacement for rice or rotis in a diabetic diet.

Some studies say that continuous consumption of jackfruit flour can gradually bring down the blood sugar levels. It also helps to combat fatigue, insomnia or other symptoms associated with diabetes.

Also Read: Paneer Ke Phool for diabetes

3. It can help combat cholesterol

Jackfruit contains an adequate amount of fibre. The percentage of soluble fibre is particularly high in raw jackfruit. This soluble fibre can help in flushing out the bad cholesterol from the body.

4. Jackfruit flour can prevent colon cancer

As I already said, Jackfruit is super rich in fibre. When you consume it in the form of flour the quantity of insoluble fibre is much higher than rice or rotis. The fibre acts like a bottle-brush and cleanses your intestines. 

Fibre also eases your bowel movement and make bowels regular. This helps in lowering the risks of colon cancer.

Also Read: How to overcome the fear of cancer recurrence?

5. Live long with Jackfruit Flour

Many research and studies unveiling the cons of eating white rice or wheat. Survey reveals Indians do not consume enough fruits and vegetables. Most Indians rely on rice and wheat to fulfil their nutritional needs. 

Research proves consuming a high amount of fruits and vegetable is important for healthy living. And jackfruit flour is nothing but extracts of raw jackfruit. Replacing one spoon of wheat flour with jackfruit fruit reduces the carbohydrate and calorie intake. 

This helps in keeping you fit and make you live longer.

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Efficacy of Jackfruit Flour in managing diabetes: A Case Study 

Anamika (name changed), a 48-year-old woman from Mangalore has been suffering from diabetes for quite some years now. Recently, she came to me complaining of frequent urination disturbing her sleep. 

She was suffering from insomnia triggered by diabetes.

Even after taking the prescribed medicines, she could not find relief. Her symptoms were aggravating with time. And that’s when she turned to natural alternatives. She came to me for Ayurvedic treatment.

Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder and it cannot be cured with just pills. 

So, I advised her on diet and lifestyle changes. 

I suggested her to add one tablespoon of Jackfruit flour to her daily meals. Also, I recommended her to add turmeric, fenugreek and cinnamon tea to the diet. Another effective tip is drinking okra water in the morning on an empty stomach. 

In addition, it’s important to have physical activity and control stress to combat diabetes. I suggested her to go for a 30-minute walk every day. Meditation, pranayama or abhyanga works well in combating stress.

After 30 days she visited my clinic. She was in better health. Her sleep was restored and the urge for frequent urination was controlled. Also, there was a visible decline in her blood glucose levels.

How to use jackfruit flour in your diet?

Jackfruit flour is effective in reversing many lifestyle-related diseases. Most lifestyle disorders are caused by high-calorie and a low-fibre diet. Jackfruit flour is super rich in fibre and very low in calorie. It’s low in fats too.

Jackfruit flour made by grinding raw jackfruit seeds can help control many lifestyle-related diseases. It’s effective against blood pressure and obesity. You can add 1 tablespoon of jackfruit flour to your meals in the form of rotis, Idlis, Dosa or Upmas. 

Store the flour in a clean, dry container away from direct sunlight.

Also Read: Idli for weight loss

How much flour should you consume in your daily diet?

I suggest you take 30 grams of jackfruit flour and add it to your daily meals. It is a must-add to your diet especially during the pandemic as it helps boost immunity. Also, India is the diabetes capital. And diabetics are at higher risk of COVID-19. This makes it more important for Indians to add jackfruit flour to their diet.


  • Excess consumption of Jackfruit flour might cause indigestion and diarrhoea.
  • If not properly roasted the seeds can impair the absorption of nutrients.
  • In some, jackfruit flour can cause gas, flatulence and bloat.
  • Jackfruit seeds might slow blood clotting in some.
  • Some people might have an allergic reaction to jackfruit flour.

Jackfruit Flour can prevent chronic diseases

Jackfruit is one nutritious but underrated fruit.

The healing properties of Jackfruit can be compared to medicine. 

It’s rich in Vitamin C which makes it an immune-boosting food. This fruit is also rich in protein, Vitamin A and potassium. It’s rich antioxidant profile and high fibre content make it a potential preventive of cancer. The low Glycemic index of jackfruit flour makes it a healthy snack for diabetics.

Thus, jackfruit flour may be the cure to all chronic lifestyle disorders.

So, whether you are battling some chronic disorders or you are perfectly healthy, Jackfruit flour is always a good idea!

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