Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Ringworms
Home Remedies

Say Goodbye to Ringworm with Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Is there any Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Ringworms? I have often stumbled upon this question over the years of my clinical practice. So, here is what I suggest to be effective in treating ringworms at home!

But first, Ringworms are not caused by worms!

In fact, it is a very common fungal infection.

It’s a circular rash that resembles a ring! 

But the trouble with ringworms is that they are itchy and contagious. The fungi that cause ringworms can live on the skin as well as other surfaces! Clothing, towels, bedsheets can pass on the microbes.

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About Ringworms

Ringworm is a skin disease caused by direct contact with a type of fungi called tinea. They are very common in children but can infect adults too. In most cases, it’s the contact with soil or exposure to animals (pet) that causes ringworms. But they can also be transmitted from one person to another.

That’s why you should not share your wardrobe or bed with a stranger!

The patches of ringworm are mostly seen in the arms, thighs, trunks, shoulders, scalp and back. But they can also occur in the groin, feet, face or other areas of the body. So, along with the itchiness and redness, it’s the embarrassment that comes with ringworms. 

Many people shy away from talking about it. Some even find it difficult to discuss with their family and take it up to the doctor. Thus, they either drop me a message or search google as their first aid to this woe. Hence, I thought of adding my Ayurvedic knowledge to the google repository. Hoping it would help someone in need!

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Ringworm

Ayurveda offers simple and effective ways to treat and cure ringworms naturally. The benefit is that the effect is permanent and side effects zero! 

Let’s check out a few of the most popular skin remedies for Ringworms –

1. Garlic

Garlic is the most-efficient and easily available home remedy for ringworm infection. It is rich in sulphur and antifungal in nature. Garlic helps prevent the regrowth of the fungi that causes ringworm.

Crush a few buds of garlic. Apply the paste directly or make a mix with coconut oil. Cover the affected area and leave it for 2 hours. Repeat it twice daily until symptoms resolve.

2. Coconut oil 

Coconut oil has strong antifungal properties. The fatty acids in coconut oil contain lauric acid and antimicrobial lipids. This makes coconut oil effective in fighting fungus and eradicating infections. Furthermore, coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin K that helps rejuvenate skin cells. Even scientific studies consider it as a potential remedy for ringworm

Apply it as a moisturizing lotion on the affected area. You can also apply coconut oil by blending it with other home remedies for ringworm.

Also Read: Oil pulling with coconut oil

3. Turmeric

Turmeric has antibiotic and antiseptic properties. This makes turmeric an effective agent against tinea. Studies show that turmeric is very effective in curbing infection-causing microbes. It further soothes itchiness and inflammation. 

Apply it as a paste or drink a glass of turmeric milk. Ingesting turmeric also builds up your immunity thus shielding your body against such attacks.

Also Read: Anti-viral properties of turmeric

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar contains acetic acid that can kill the fungus tinea. It also regulates the PH level of the skin. Thus, making your skin hostile to fungus. Apply vinegar regularly on the infected area for 2-3 weeks.

Vinegar and salt paste is also a good combination for treating ringworms. Apply a paste of salt and vinegar and leave it for 5 minutes. It helps in curbing the infection and removing the scars.

5. Tea tree Oil 

Tea tree oil has antifungal characteristics. Apply tea tree oil on the affected region regularly. And the results are visible within 2-3 weeks. You can add carrier oil like coconut oil along with Tea tree to intensify its effect.

Dab the oil with a cotton ball and continue it for 2-3 weeks. You can also use a carrier oil preferably coconut oil. 

Aloe vera 

The natural green jelly has potent antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is one of the most commonly used home remedies for ringworm. 

Aloe vera soothes infections and relieves the symptoms of itchiness, inflammation, and discomfort. The gel is to be applied topically. For best results, Ayurvedic doctors recommend applying it at least 3 times a day.

Crush a leaf of aloe vera and apply it to the infected area. You can also use a trusted Ayurvedic Aloe vera cream or gel. 

Apart from the mentioned Home Remedies for Ringworms, you can also try – 

  • Apply holy basil(tulsi) to relieve itching and infection,
  • Try applying raw papaya to the affected area. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Maintain proper hygiene. Don’t share your closet with others.
  • If you have pets at home then keep them clean.

Also Read: Health benefits of Banana blossom

Conclusion: You must try these!

Many diseases can be prevented and cured with simple Ayurvedic home remedies. Our ancestors have relied on them for centuries. And now modern research is concurring that the treasure of good health lies in the kitchen!

Try these home remedies and if the problem persists then visit your nearby Ayurvedic doctor!

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Mr.Paramashivam September 29, 2021 at 4:20 am

this was nice blog

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