Mental Health

10 Effective Tips to Overcome Inferiority Complex

Inferiority complex is the constant feeling of inadequacy, incompetency, and insecurity.

Inferiority complex is a common feeling that not only affects one’s quality of life and performance but can also result in depression and suicidal thoughts. Several studies have shown that people suffering from chronic inferior complexity may have intense feelings of committing suicide. 

Though inferiority complex is not diagnosed as a psychiatric disorder, it could occur because of underlying depression, anxiety, or trauma. Certain studies also link an inferiority complex with schizophrenia, mood disorders, and personality disorders. Social media too is contributing to the increase in incidences of inferiority complexes. Social isolation can also lead to an inferiority complex. However, there is no single reason that’s identified to cause an inferiority complex.

Experts further say that an inferiority complex could be one of the major contributors to unhealthy childhood behavior.

10 Tips to Overcome Inferiority complex

Inferiority Complex is not a new thing. It has been there for centuries and fortunately, there are simple ways to break free of this.

Gratitude can be your getaway

Research shows that people who practice gratitude tend to make fewer comparisons with other people. A 2014 study found that practicing gratitude can improve self-esteem and increase mental strength. It further improves sleep and enhances empathy and psychological health. 

The best ways to practice gratitude are journaling, praying, and being kind. Simply developing the habit of saying ‘thank you’ is also effective. Repeating this mentality of gratitude will help build mental strength and make you more resilient to negativity. 

Mindful Meditation is the best medicine

Several studies have cited the benefits of mindful meditation. It aids in combating stress and improving depression which could be the underlying cause of an inferiority complex. Mindful meditation also helps in improving emotional regulation, enhances cognitive functions, improves memory, and boosts performance. 

Mindful meditation is also a proven remedy for anxiety and stress. Regular meditation and mindfulness are also shown to increase self-acceptance which too can reduce the feelings of an inferiority complex. In addition to that meditation has a host of mental and physical benefits. 

Self-compassion is the secret to confidence

Studies have shown that self-compassion is the first step in self-care. Self-compassion is neither self-pity nor self-indulgence. It is rather being kind, compassionate, and forgiving towards oneself. Self-compassion helps you develop a positive relationship with yourself. And studies prove that it has a range of mental and physical benefits. 

Some of the simple ways to practice self-compassion are prioritizing your mental and physical well-being and taking out a few minutes every day to exercise.  Self-talk and meditation are also effective means of practicing self-compassion.

Also Read: Self-care is self-compassion

Practice Journal Writing

Researchers found that journal writing has a range of health benefits. It is one of the best methods to combat stress that works by providing an outlet to vent out emotions. Studies have also found that journaling can help in dealing with anxiety and coping with depression. Journaling can also prove to be an effective tool for identifying the symptoms. 

Take out a few minutes every day to journal your thoughts. Don’t be judgemental of your thoughts and let them flow. There is no specific format to write so you can write anything and everything that comes to your mind. You can tear away the page or burn it down. 

Consume only positive content

Social media is often criticized for fuelling the rise in mental health issues, particularly self-esteem, inferiority complex, dissatisfaction, and more. However, choosing to feed on positive content can completely change this. Research has shown that listening to inspirational podcasts and following people who inspire can have a positive effect on mental health.

The first thing you need to do is of course limit your screen time. Secondly, unfollow people who bother you or disturb your inner peace. The good thing about social media is that you have a choice. That means you can unfollow the people or pages and replace them with anything from positive quotes to pages to people.

Stay away from toxic people

Steering clear of toxic people is one detox that everyone should try, but it is even more important for people suffering from an inferiority complex. It might be relatives, friends, colleagues, or siblings, if the interactions leave you feeling less valued then it’s time to avoid having those conversations. 

While it’s easy to avoid a colleague or drift apart from a friend, staying away from a close relative could be harder, especially if you share the same house. In that case, you can limit your conversations or keep your conversations around light topics. Try to establish a social circle with people who emit positive vibes. This will certainly help you feel better and may ease your inferiority complex.

Know your strengths

Sometimesinferiority complex could be a result of being stuck in the wrong place. We all have our own unique set of strengths and weaknesses and being able to identify them can make life so much easier.

A person may be great at photography but poor at coding. As such, choosing a career in software engineering might leave the person feeling inadequate or incompetent. However, just switching careers can be the answer here. But the key is to identify your strengths. Also, letting go of unrealistic expectations is necessary to achieve contentment.

Work on your weaknesses

Working on your weaknesses is as important as identifying your strengths, if not more. Whether it’s issued in communication or coding or coping with the competitive work eco-system, addressing these issues and working around them can help boost your confidence.

Working on your weaknesses also helps improve your performance which can lower the feelings of an inferiority complex. If needed, you can also consult a therapist and talk through your issues. This also helps change your focus from the problem to the solution.

Take care of yourself

Inferiority complex can often stem from being conscious about one’s physical appearance. Taking good care of yourself helps improve your health and makes you feel good. It also boosts your confidence.

Take a walk early in the morning or take out some time to bask in the sun. Make an effort to follow a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of your body can also help lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Practicing a few minutes of silence every day can also have a great effect on your brain.

Seek help if needed

Although an inferiority complex is not listed as a psychiatric disorder, it can happen because of an underlying psychiatric condition. People suffering from depression, anxiety, or stress are more prone to feeling an inferiority complex.

In such cases, therapy can help. Consult your doctor if you are stuck with these persistent feelings of incompetency. 

Your takeaway!

An inferiority complex is not knowing or acknowledging that someone else is better at something than you. However, it means constantly comparing yourself to others and feeding negativity or self-criticism. Most people feel inadequate or incompetent at some point in life. However, if the feeling remains persistent and affects the quality of life then it’s a matter of concern. Try these tips and feel free to drop a comment if you want to get in touch with me!

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