Breaking Gender Norms : A Modern Family's Journey to Happiness through Role Reversals a curious case study
Society Trends

Stay-at-Home Husbands: Is There Shame? Exploring an Intriguing Case Study

Evolution is an endless process that won’t cease until the end of time! It is necessary to adapt and evolve in order to survive the tides of time. Probably a few thousand years ago, humans on earth smartly gauged their strengths and bifurcated their jobs. The men went hunting-gathering and women held the home together. They did not divide their role just based on their gender; it was a calculated call of capabilities. But today, a thousand centuries later, when the globe has undergone some tectonic transformations, we are still clinging on to such primitive logic!!!

Our brain and body have evolved, our nature of jobs has changed and we no longer live the same life as our ancestors. Then why do we keep walking by the same principles? Does it really make any sense to keep following old customs?

Today, women are emerging to be equally capable, to be the breadwinner, man too should get the privileges and responsibilities of supporting the home. Today’s choice of life shouldn’t be based on their gender but on their choices and strengths!

Here is a story of a truly modern family who found their happiness in Role reversals!

Shreeji walked into my clinic. She is my regular patient who often visits me for advice on leading an organic life. She is a smart strong woman who usually wears a smile on her face. That day, for the first time her smile was dim!

I asked her what the matter was and then she told me that her husband is an electrical engineer. But he never liked the rat races of corporate life. He is more of a laid-back person with a great creative sense. He became an engineer at his parent’s insistence, but his heart was never in the job. 

5 years ago, he decided to give up his job!!!

My husband wasn’t lazy or a slacker. After he quit his job, he held the pillars of our family. He managed our home, made delicious meals, and nurtured and tutored our kids. He stood by all of us, sharing our happiness and worries. Every little chore in the house was taken care of, he gave me and my kids the perfect happy environment to grow!!!

He has showered me with immense love and respect. He is kind, funny, and loving. He is exactly the man most girls dream about. Our home is filled with joy and laughter. It was a paradise. 

But then society started poking its ugly nose. They teased our daughters and taunted me for treating my husband like a servant. They laughed at him for not being the man of the house. A man who could not feed his wife and children is not man enough. “Udyogam Purusha Lakshana”!!!

Every day, one incident would impact at least one of us. 

She was stressed. Being different in a society that celebrates clones is difficult. I empathized and taught them a few natural stress management techniques so that the wind outside won’t disturb their happy bubble!!

(Note: The name of the individuals in this article has been changed to Shreeji  to ensure their privacy.)

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Srinivas Raitha June 8, 2023 at 11:49 am

Shreeji’s husband is a self made man. The family should not be perturbed by this selfish society. Happiness is the essence of life. They are very lucky. God bless them.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak June 10, 2023 at 5:08 am

Absolutely! It’s unfortunate that our society often views individuals through a monochromatic lens. However, it is crucial for families to remain strong and focused on their own happiness. They are truly fortunate to have discovered the essence of life. May their journey continue to be blessed with ongoing joy and fulfillment. May they be granted love and happiness at every step along the way.


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