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Breast Enhancement Gels: The Risks You Need to Know and Why You Should Stay Away from Them

Breast enhancement gels cannot give you the perfect breast!

Though there are many such claims, there is no scientific evidence proving the efficacy and safety of such creams. Rather there are many studies that highlight the potential side effects of these gels, creams, and pills. 

If you notice carefully, they call it a ‘breast enhancer’ and not a ‘breast enlarger’. However, the enhancement could mean anything from softer skin to a silkier feel. These gels and creams do nothing to increase the size of your breast. It is the same type of catchphrase used for rapid weight loss, enhanced male sexual performance, and curing baldness. 

Breast enhancement gels are often portrayed as safe and natural means to increase breast size, improve breast firmness, and correct breast sagginess. But be it the size, shape, or firmness, every breast is different and there is no such thing as perfect breasts. However, it is the deep-seated insecurities that a woman carries about her changing body which make them vulnerable to these fraudulent claims.

How do breast enhancement gels work? 

A woman’s breast is made of fats and glands. It is the fats that give the breast its size and shape. So, breast enhancement means increasing the layers of fatty cells to enhance the size. The size of internal muscles or glands cannot be altered, they shall remain the same. 

So, most breast enhancement gels claim to enhance breast size by stimulating the growth of fatty cells around the breasts. But there is no scientific evidence proving that the application of any such gel or lotion can create a visible change in the breasts. Till now, no scientific tests have been performed to verify the use of breast enhancement gels. 

Breast Enhancement Gels are a Hoax: Says, Experts

Experts opine that it is simply not possible to reap these benefits just through the topical application of a cream or gel. There is no credible evidence that says that these creams can penetrate beyond the outermost levels of the dermis.

There are also multiple testimonies of side effects caused by these gels or pills used for breast enhancements. Most of these products are sold under the label ‘generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and are not approved for any indication.

Breast enhancement gels – The Real risks

Breast enhancement gels that contain estrogen may cause breast tissue to retain water. This does make your breast seem larger. But messing up with the estrogen levels of the body can disturb the menstrual cycle, increase the risk of stroke, and increase the risk of uterus cancer and breast cancer.

1. Increased risk of cancer

Researchers suggest that using chemical-ladened gels and creams to increase breast size can increase the risk of breast cancer. They found that some of the ingredients included in these creams are carcinogenic. Gels that contain estrogen can increase the risk of uterine cancer.

Zearalenone and its derivatives are often used in breast enhancement products. There have been several claims that zearalenone can help increase the size of the breast. But this compound zearalenone is produced by a toxic fungus that stimulates the growth of breast cancer cells. 

2. Can impact fertility

Some breast enhancement products work by altering the body’s natural hormone levels. Certain ingredients like zearalenone used in such products can alter estrogen levels and impact fertility. Birth control pills are also known to increase breast size, but the potential risks of consuming such pills are very high.

Estrogen also promotes the growth of cells in the uterus and can increase the risk of uterine cancer and impact fertility. Hence, it is advised not to start using any such products without prior consultation with your health care provider. 

3. The risk of skin diseases

Breast skin is very soft and sensitive. As such, applying chemical-ladened creams in that area can result in severe rash and other skin issues. Also, some of these creams contain compounds produced by plants and fungi that can cause serious health issues and skin problems.

A 40-year woman from Vietnam reported of burning sensation after using breast enhancement cream. After three weeks of use, the woman reported that her breasts felt pain and the skin grew too soft. A few days later, she developed skin lesions that altered the normal shape of her breasts. The doctors told her that her breasts were so damaged that she might never be able to breastfeed her baby.

4. Can mess up hormone levels

Breast enhancement gels that aim to alter hormone levels, can increase the risk of some serious health issues. This includes a higher risk of breast cancer, excessive weight gain, migraines, headaches, hot flashes, fatigue, insomnia, skin diseases, digestive disorders, hair loss, and many more. 

Natural ways to increase breast size

  • The best way to enhance breast size is by exercising. Certain exercises may help tone your breasts naturally. Planks, push-ups, cobra pose, and chest press are some of these exercises that work.
  • Diet too plays an important role in the way you look and feel. A diet rich in fatty acids can help tone and shape your body.
  • Oil massaging your breasts with fenugreek oil, olive oil, and soyabean oil can help increase breast size naturally. These natural oils are a rich source of nutrients that improves blood circulation. Olive oil also contains phytoestrogens that imitate estrogenic activity and can aid in improving breast size.

Your Takeaway!

The beauty industry has raked millions of dollars with bogus claims of weight loss, and body enhancements. There is no shortcut to beauty and there is no singular definition of beauty. Accepting our bodies as they are and then working on our health and fitness with regular exercise and a proper diet is probably the best way to enhance our bodies.

Also Read:

Fenugreek Essential Oil for Breast Enhancement

7 Amazing Home remedies for sagging breasts

How to stop breastfeeding?

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Divya July 7, 2022 at 4:05 pm

Sir ,Please write an article on reducing bad cholesterol and food helps in reducing bad cholesterol.

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