ayurvedic doctor suggests solutions for breast itching
Health TipsHome Remedies

Breast Itch: Causes and Relief for Irritated Chest

My breasts feel itchy during the period, post-workout, or throughout pregnancy. 

Is there a reason for concern? – I get this question from many patients. While some complaint of a tingling sensation, in some it’s severe itching. Many patients find breastfeeding hard because of itchiness.

Breast itching is very common among women. It may be the hormones, hygiene, dry skin, or something more severe like infection or growth. But more often than not, the causes of breast itchiness are not that severe and you can take care of it with simple home remedies. 

Why are your breasts itchy?

Itchy nipples in pregnancy

Itchy nipples are very common during pregnancy. This is because of the fluctuations in pregnancy-related hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Also, your breasts typically grow during pregnancy, which makes your skin stretch. This can result in itching, tingling, and burning sensations around your nipples.

Itchy nipples before or during your period

Itchy breast is also very common before or during your periods. This too is caused by a change in the hormonal levels in the body. Studies have found that changing hormones can make your skin more sensitive. It can also result in increased dryness, inflammation, irritation, and itching in your breasts. 

Itchy breasts because of Dermatitis

Dermatitis refers to various types of skin irritation, including eczema. It can be atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis. An atopic dermatitis is a common form of eczema in which you will notice inflammation, rash, or peeling skin. Contact dermatitis refers to skin irritation caused by specific triggers like toxic chemicals, soaps, or other substances. Atopic dermatitis can cause significant itching and you must consult a doctor immediately.

Itchy breasts because of Yeast infection

Though it is not that common, breast yeast infection can also result in itchy breasts. The common symptoms of breast yeast infections would include – rashes on your nipples, cracked and bleeding nipples, and itchy, burning, and tingling nipples. It can also result in pain in your nipples or breast.

Itchy breasts because of Mastitis

Mastitis is very common during new motherhood. It is often caused by blocked milk ducts or exposure to bacteria in nursing mothers. Mastitis is a kind of breast tissue infection that can also cause breast itching. Along with itchiness, you may also experience, breast tenderness, swelling, burning, or pain when nursing or discharge from your nipple.

Breast growth

Breasts can grow in size during pregnancy, weight gain, or puberty. This can cause your skin to stretch resulting in tightness and discomfort. Growing breasts can also result in persistent itching on or between your breasts. Also, a change in your hormonal levels can cause your breasts to swell.

Dry breasts

Another very common cause of breast itchiness is dry skin in your breast area. This could be because of naturally dry skin, overuse of skin care products, or overexposure to the sun. Dryness can cause itching on or under your breasts.

Allergic reactions

Skin irritation around your breasts can also be caused by allergic reactions. Overuse of soaps, harsh detergents, deodorants, perfumes, and cosmetics, can result in allergic reactions around your breasts. You should look for rashes, redness, or intense itching as symptoms of allergic reactions. 

Wearing the wrong undergarments

Your breasts and nipples may feel itchy if you are wearing the wrong bra. This is contact dermatitis and it can cause redness, itching, or inflammation in the areas of the skin. If you have recently started wearing a new bra then you must check the fitness and fabric. Friction in your nipples can also result in pain or itchiness. 

Prevention and treatment for itchy breasts

Use an intense moisturizer

If you are not massaging your breasts with good hydrating oil then you are not taking proper care of your breasts. A major dose of hydration can relieve itchiness in your breasts. Moisturizer helps to restore the skin barrier and makes the skin less sensitive and irritated.

Take care of your sunburn

If you are suffering from sunburn, then you should opt for cool baths, showers, and aloe vera-based moisturizers. You can also try homemade packs to soothe your sunburns. Keeping the breasts clean and dry can also help in relieving itchiness and tingling sensation in your breasts.

Change your undergarments

Wearing lightweight bras and loose tops can help relieve irritation and the itchiness of your breasts. This will lower your friction and reduce your risk of developing a rash. If you have recently tried a new bra that has resulted in itching, then you may switch to natural, breathable fabric such as cotton. 

Check your medication

If you are taking antibiotics, then that too can be causing itchiness in your breasts. Talk to your doctor as you might be having a potential side effect from the medicines. In addition to medication, always make sure to use non-scented products including creams and detergents.

Consider nipple covers

You can try silicon stick-on covers to reduce friction in your nipples and protect the area. Friction can cause chafing and protecting your nipples with a silicon stick-on can help protect your nipples. You can also slip a cool cloth inside your bra. Keep a stash of cotton clothes in the refrigerator. 

Take care of your hygiene

Taking warm showers for 5 to 10 minutes and gently patting your skin dry can help prevent the itchiness of your breasts. However, do not opt for hot showers as that will strip your skin of moisture. You can also apply an anti-itch cream or moisturizing lotion after showering.

Focus on nutrition and exercise

Obesity can also result in breast itchiness. As your breasts grow, your skin stretches and becomes dry. This can result in a dry, flaky, and itchy sensation. Make sure to have nutrient-dense foods and never skip your workouts. Drink ample water and keep yourself hydrated.

When should you see a doctor?

If you are suffering from itchy breasts, then first try the simple home remedies mentioned above. But in case your itchiness does not go away or you observe rashes, redness, or peeled skin around your breasts then make sure to consult a doctor. If there are signs of infections, like fissures, oozing, or bleeding in your nipples then you must get it treated as soon as you can.

Your Takeaway!

Itchy breasts can be very uncomfortable. Usually, mild itching does not pose any serious threat, and home remedies can help you get rid of the itchiness. But if you are suffering from intense itching then you must visit a doctor for treatment.

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