Breathing exercises for Anxiety attack
Health TipsStress Management

5 Proven Breathing Techniques to Ease Anxiety Attacks and Find Instant Relief

Anxiety attacks are on a rise. With the stress and burden of modern life, anxiety has become a common complaint. So, in this blog, I bring you some simple breathing exercises for an anxiety attack that works like a savior.

Anxiety is a bigger issue. From causing depression to weight lossinsomnia to heart attack, anxiety is a major problem. It is also named Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Phobia Disorder, and Separation Disorder.

Also Read: 10 Easy and Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Are you battling with an Anxiety Disorder?

Being anxious circumstantially does not mean you are suffering from Anxiety Disorder. But if you get a pulsating-anxious nerve every now and then, sweating the small stuff, over-thinking situations then it pretty much sounds like anxiety disorder.

WHO (World Health Organization) revealed that 1 in 13 globally suffers from anxiety. It also reports that anxiety disorders are the most common health disorders worldwide with specific phobia, major depressive disorder, and social phobia being the most common anxiety disorder. 

Also Read: Self-help Strategies for social anxiety

Simple Breathing exercises for Anxiety attack

Managing Anxiety the right way is very important to control the damage it does. And learning the right breathing skills can be your armor in despise. A growing number of studies remark that effective breathing techniques are great combats against anxiety and insomnia. It’s easy, it’s simple and it’s life-saving!!

  • Lion’s Breath: Sit comfortably on a chair or the floor. Be at rest and fill your belly with air, breathing in through the nostrils. Then release the breath through your mouth with a subtle “Ahh” sound. This is the best breathing exercise you can try anytime, anywhere.
  • Muscle relaxation: While lying comfortably, breathe in while tensing the muscles of the feet and release the breath while releasing the tension. Do it before sleep and enjoy a calm quality doze without your sleeping pills.
  • Breathe in and Breathe out: Sit comfortably and take a deep breath, hold it for a while, and then release it. Repeat this 3-4 times. This is the best breathing exercise you can try at the office or in traffic to calm your tense nerves and make your brain focused.

Also Read: Essential oil for stress and anxiety

The Science of Breathing to beat anxiety

Life begins with a breath and ends with it. It is so simple and mundane yet so wrongly practiced. Most of us sit slumped at our desks all day long which interferes with the natural motion of the lungs, chest, and shoulders.

When people get upset, anxious, or stressed, they usually spend the day sitting on a chair or cuddling on the bed. The abdomen tenses and prevents the big primary muscles from working which burdens the secondary muscles making them stressed. This leads to chronic tension in the shoulders and neck, headaches and fatigue, and shallower breathing.

Also Read: Exposure Therapy In PTSD, Anxiety, and OCD

By breathing the right way, you can beat anxiety and stress in seconds, and all you need is a chair and some air. Deep breathing encourages full oxygen exchange which means a full charge of oxygen and out a surge of carbon dioxide. This effectively slows the heartbeat and lowers blood pressure.

Also Read: 8 Incredible Tips to Manage Anxiety

Other helpful tips

  • Try meditation and mindfulness.
  • Cut down on chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol consumption.

So, next time your heart races, take a chair, sit straight, and breathe your anxiety away!

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Satvik August 8, 2019 at 6:36 am

Simple and amazing tips. Thank you so much Doctor.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 17, 2019 at 6:20 am

satvik, you must practice daily!

Chandrika Gururaj August 8, 2019 at 6:49 am

Very useful article.Sir . Always look forward for your posts !

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 17, 2019 at 6:19 am

thank you, madam, for your appreciation.

VANITHA G August 8, 2019 at 10:23 am

Thank you Sir, very much needed🙏

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 17, 2019 at 6:10 am

definitely helpful to you madam. religiously practice daily

Shweta August 8, 2019 at 4:13 pm

Very useful article.Its always worth reading your articles .
Thanks a lot sir for an informative message through your beautiful writing.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 17, 2019 at 6:08 am

Thank you shweta

Manoj Nair August 8, 2019 at 6:03 pm

Thank you for the article and these very simple breathing exercises for common people. Need of the hour!

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 17, 2019 at 6:08 am

Thank you, Manoj. please share the breathing exercises you practise daily, learnt from professor Sheshan.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 17, 2019 at 6:06 am

Thank you for your comments Sunil. you are right. these simple techniques to be practised daily and make a habit. then only it’s beneficial

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