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Buttermilk: A Cooling and Soothing Digestive Aid

A popular saying ‘Takram Shakrasya Durlabham’ in Sanskrit appears to be an exaggerated phrase, which means that even Lord Indra of Devaloka was deprived of buttermilk. Perhaps this hyperbolic statement signifies that buttermilk is used to treat many diseases or the ‘whey’ protein in buttermilk is very useful or it has a unique taste or that it is readily available. The verse may intend any of these meanings but the important thing is that the ‘Wonders of buttermilk’ has made it very popular in the medical field.

Modern medicine also endorses a similar view held by ayurvedic medicine in this regard. The lactic acid present in buttermilk prevents blood platelet aggregation, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the flexibility of blood vessels, and prevents the accumulation of free radicals in any part of the body. It is said that buttermilk improves immunity and is a useful drink that defers old age. The buttermilk which is prepared using a unique method is called ‘yogurt’ in many foreign countries. 

Buttermilk in Ayurveda Texts

Ayurveda contains an elaborate description of buttermilk. The benefits of buttermilk and whey (water over curds) have been well explained while describing the categories of dietary liquids. Takraarishta, Takraasava,  and many other Ayurveda medicines prepared from buttermilk are often prescribed.

Preparation of buttermilk through a specific method

Ayurvedic text Madanapal Nighantu explains a unique method to prepare buttermilk.

Boil milk completely and allow it to cool till lukewarm. Then add 1-2 spoons of buttermilk to this lukewarm milk and keep the mixture in a warm place. It will yield sweet curd in the next 5 hours. The buttermilk is ready for use after the curd is churned and butter is extracted.

What kind of buttermilk should be consumed?

One should use sweet buttermilk churned out of curds within 4-5 hours of the milk has curdled. Buttermilk churned out after 4-5 hours of milk curdling or sour buttermilk from which butter is not taken out is not beneficial. On the contrary, consuming sour buttermilk can trigger a cold, cough, asthma, and acidity. But sweet curd with cream is nutritious and is not harmful.

Points to ponder over

  • Curd which is simply churned without extracting butter should not be consumed as buttermilk. This may cause cough and cold.
  • Consuming sour curd may cause acidity.
  • It is better to consume buttermilk on an empty stomach than use it with food.


Buttermilk and three doshas

Sweet buttermilk increases the Kapha and neutralizes the Pitta in the body. If the buttermilk is sour, it reduces Vata but increases Pitta.

In the case of Vata disorders, saindhava lavana (rock salt) should be added to sour buttermilk for consumption. In the case of Pitta, sugar should be added to sweet buttermilk and in the case of Kapha disorders, Trikatu churna and an alkaline should be added to sweet-sour buttermilk for consumption.


Buttermilk as medicine

Buttermilk for treating skin diseases 

Using buttermilk instead of soap to cleanse the body in case of scabies, psoriasis and other skin diseases can prove beneficial. Also washing the face with buttermilk will help reduce pimples.

Buttermilk to treat obesity

Only those who can manage buttermilk dietary patterns have to follow this method of treatment. Only buttermilk and no other food should be consumed for a week; after that food should be consumed only in the mornings and only buttermilk in the evening for 1-2 months. If all this is not possible, one should not have dinner and instead consume only buttermilk right from day one. Sweet and butter-extracted buttermilk should be consumed for this purpose. Initially, the intake of buttermilk should be half a liter and should be increased gradually. One glass of buttermilk may be consumed every two hours. Carrots, grapes, and juice of boiled vegetables can be added to this buttermilk. 

This method not only provides nutrition to the body but also checks fatigue. Buttermilk improves the digestive fire and due to this the fat metabolism is carried out properly and prevents fat accumulation in the body. To be more specific, if one resorts to fasting to reduce obesity, there is a temporary weight reduction. But some people begin gaining excess weight once they begin food intake. But the consumption of buttermilk has no such drawbacks. Apart from this, it will not cause any side effects on the kidneys, liver, or heart.

Following this method may lead to constipation in some people. It is advisable that such people take an enema (basti in Ayurveda) with warm water or take Triphala churna.

Buttermilk to treat Anemia

Buttermilk promotes the production of Red Blood Corpuscles (RBCs) in patients suffering from anemia. Lauha bhasma, Mandur bhasma, etc prescribed by Ayurveda physicians in case of anemia can prove more effective if consumed with buttermilk.

Buttermilk to treat Dysentery

Those suffering from loose stools, stools with mucus, stomach ache, and related problems should consume only buttermilk for a week or at least 3 days. To tackle this problem permanently, one should sustain one entire day per week only on buttermilk.


Buttermilk to treat urticaria 

Consuming only buttermilk (around 2 liters per day) for 3 days by giving up all the other foods treats urticaria (a skin disorder).

Buttermilk to treat tastelessness

Fry cumin seeds, mustard, dry ginger, and asafoetida all of them separately in ghee, and powder them. Mix this powder with rock salt and curd prepared from cow milk and sieve it. Mix sufficient buttermilk made out of cow milk. Consumption of this buttermilk will titillate the taste buds quickly. The quantities of mustard etc can be altered as per taste.


Extensive research has been carried out on the benefits of buttermilk in various countries. Here is a summary of the studies.

  • According to the research carried out by National Science Laboratory, the proteins present in buttermilk enhance the mineralizing activity in bones and increases proline and hydroxyproline amino acids, which strengthen the bones. This increases the density of collagen, the protein in the bone. This enables the reduction of hollowness in bones and the breakage of bones in minor accidents.
  • As per the research conducted by Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd, Japan, the proteins present in buttermilk improves the efficiency of the bone cells or osteoblasts and enable an increase in bone mineral density.
  • According to the research report published in ‘The Journal of Microbiology, May 2001 edition, the proteins in buttermilk protect our stomach from harm that may be caused by the bacteria H.pylori. Patients suffering from acid reflux, vomiting, and stomach ache are benefitted from the consumption of sweet buttermilk. It also protects the stomach wall.
  • Mother’s milk consists of 40 percent whey protein whereas it is just 15 percent in cow’s milk. Due to this mother’s milk is considered to be the best for babies. So infant feeding formulae are based on demineralized whey in which the protein has been modified to achieve a curd so that the baby gets the same amount of whey protein equal to that from the mother’s milk. This was published in the December 1989 edition of ‘Diseases in Childhood’ published by Sorrento Maternity Hospital, Birmingham.
  • December 1989 edition of ‘Clinical Investigative Medicine’ states the following results on research- According to the research conducted on rats, regular intake of buttermilk prevents the biological aging process. It has been proved that the whey proteins in buttermilk increase the glutathione content in the liver and heart.
  • As per the research carried out by the Psychology and Neuroscience department of the Maastricht University of Netherlands, consumption of the watery buttermilk improves memory. Consuming buttermilk leads to an increase in plasma tryptophan levels in the body. This means that the efficiency of serotonin in the brain improves. Alpha-lactalbumin increases the functioning of tryptophan and serotonin in those working under stress and increases memory recall capacity.
  • According to the research analysis carried out by Arkansas State University, the incidence of cancer is minimal in the races, which consume buttermilk on a regular basis.
  • The results of the research conducted by Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan are as follows- In the case of liver disorders, particularly in Hepatitis conditions, consumption of buttermilk showed a reduction in ALT (alanine transaminase) levels in just 12 weeks. In patients with chronic Hepatitis B, consumption of buttermilk showed an increase in plasma glutathione levels. It showed a reduction in serum lipid peroxide levels and an increase in Interleukin-2 levels. This clearly shows that buttermilk can be used as an important part of the diet in Hepatitis patients.
  • Takanashi Milk Products Co. Ltd., Yokohama, Japan recently conducted research. The research summarises that- An eight-week study showed that consumption of buttermilk leads to an increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in patients. In patients with high triglyceride levels, a reduction in levels was seen within 4-5 weeks. Consumption of buttermilk showed a significant reduction in the systolic blood pressure of the patients who participated in the research.
  • The special edition of ‘Health for all’ magazine describes buttermilk as follows- Buttermilk keeps a check on body weight. The bacteria called bacillus bulgaricus present in buttermilk aids in digestion and prevents indigestion and gas accumulation in the stomach. Buttermilk is an ideal food for people with obesity. Although buttermilk contains the same amount of proteins as that milk, it is easily digestible. Calcium and Vitamin B present in buttermilk get digested easily.

The world has now begun to accept the goodness of buttermilk and its consumption has been increasing. But it is equally important to use properly prepared buttermilk for good health.


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10 Amazing Home Remedies for Acid Reflux - Dr. Brahmanand Nayak December 17, 2022 at 4:49 am

[…] Also read: Buttermilk in Ayurveda […]


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