
Boost Your Memory: The Surprising Link Between Coffee and Cognitive Function

A cup of coffee can improve your memory!

Researchers have found new evidence that suggests caffeine possesses cognitive-enhancing effects. It can help strengthen your memory and enhance your recall power. 

We have known for centuries, what a strong cup of coffee can bring to the table. From igniting your creative thinking to increasing your alertness, fighting lethargy to enhancing your life span, the benefits of the black beans are myriad. Some studies also say that consuming coffee can help in reducing the risk of prediabetes and liver disease.

One of the world’s most beloved beverages, coffee is brimmed with hundreds of bioactive compounds. It’s rich in antioxidants that can help fight the damage caused by harmful free radicals in your cells. Mind you, these harmful free radicals not only fasten your aging process but also impacts your memory power.

Also Read: Coffee Nap – The secret to activating your super brain

Coffee and Memory

Studies have proved that caffeine can affect the brain in several ways. It helps to increase your alertness. This effect of coffee on sleep is attributed to the way it interacts with adenosine – a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep. Adenosine attaches to the neurons in our brain and it can inhibit the firing of the neurons. Thus, inducing a feeling of sleepiness. 

Coffee can help you fight this adenosine. How? Caffeine and adenosine have quite a similar molecular structure. So, when coffee hits your brain, it competes with adenosine to bind with the receptors in the neurons. Caffeine does not slow the firing of your neurons rather it prevents the adenosine from doing so.

Also read: How many cups of coffee should you drink?

But can Coffee boost memory?

For that let’s first understand why it becomes difficult to remember things. First and foremost is lack of alertness or concentration, and the second is a memory disorder. Coffee can help you with both. 

Caffeine enhances resting brain entropy which is vital for your brain function. 

This enhances your information-processing capacity. Furthermore, caffeine promotes the release of neurotransmitters including noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. This helps in improving your mood, reaction time, vigilance, attention, learning, and boosts your general mental function.

Also Read: 15 genius tips to protect your memory after 50

Research on coffee and memory improvement

Several studies have probed this relationship between coffee and memory improvement. The question is coffee good for memory has been a topic of debate for decades. Researchers found that coffee can have a significant positive effect on memory.

A study in John Hopkin’s university checked on the memory function of participants after consuming coffee. The results suggested that coffee does help improve memory function, both short-term and long-term.

Also Read: Coffee and Longevity

Coffee can lower the risk of memory loss

Caffeine is a stimulant drug for the brain and it is very effective in increasing alertness. Certain studies have linked regular consumption of coffee with a 65% reduced risk of Alzheimer’s. A recent study has also shown that consuming 3 cups of coffee can lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 29%.

Some research also says that using caffeine can counteract the natural decline in memory in older adults. However, more research is needed to support coffee as a memory-enhancing drug.

How much coffee is good for your memory?

Certain studies have claimed that consuming 200 mg of caffeine before an activity can enhance your memory. For coffee lovers, experts suggest 400 mg of caffeine in a day is safe, this translates to roughly 4 cups a day. 

Tips to improve your memory!

If you are on a hunt to find ways to improve your memory, then here are some tips – 

  • Stop multitasking – Multitasking divides your attention and makes it difficult to recall.
  • Practice meditation – Meditation clears your mind and makes it easier for you to remember things.
  • De-stress – Stress can clog your brain. De-stressing your mind and body helps in improving alertness, concentration, and memory.
  • Avoid sugar – Research shows that sugar can lead to reduced brain activity which impacts your memory.
  • Get enough sleep – Lack of sleep can impact your memory and performance to a great extent. Make sure to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Practice mindfulness – Mindfulness is a proven technique in improving memory. The habit of being aware and present helps in retaining information with details
  • Exercise more – Exercising increases the levels of dopamine in your brain. It is proven to beat stress and slow down the gradual decline of memory.
  • See the sun – Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for your memory. Getting enough sun every day can help your memory retain important information.
  • Keep your gadgets down – Too much information or stimulation is not good for your brain. 

Your Takeaway!

Coffee is a beloved beverage that most of us already love. Now, knowing these scientifically-proven benefits of coffee will just enhance your experience of drinking coffee. The only thing to note is that the efficacy of coffee improves when you drink it just before committing the information to your memory.

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Satvik February 6, 2022 at 10:24 am

Great article!! A coffee a day keeps laziness away.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak February 6, 2022 at 2:38 pm


Srinivas Raitha February 6, 2022 at 1:48 pm

Very good informative article sir. I love coffee because of you. You had written about coffee earlier.
Thank you so much sir

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak February 6, 2022 at 2:37 pm


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