Argan Oil For Armpits?
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Can I Put Argan Oil on My Armpits?

Before answering the main question, let me first explain what exactly argan oil is. Argan oil comes from the kernels of the argan tree, which is native to Morocco. It has been used for centuries by Moroccan women for its cosmetic and anti-aging properties.

So what makes argan oil so beneficial? Well, argan oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E. These components make argan oil an excellent moisturizer. It helps hydrate and soften skin, improves skin elasticity, and even protects against sun damage. Additionally, argan oil contains antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation. This makes it great for sensitive skin issues like acne, eczema, and rosacea.

Now that you know the impressive benefits of argan oil, let’s get into the details of whether or not you can use it on your underarms.

 Can You Apply Argan Oil to Your Underarms?

The short answer is yes, you absolutely can apply argan oil to your underarms!

Using argan oil under your arms provides tons of great benefits.

  • Moisturizes and softens underarm skin
  • Prevents irritation from shaving
  •  Fights body odor
  • Helps heal razor bumps and ingrown hairs
  •  Keeps skin smooth

So as you can see, argan oil makes an exceptional natural remedy for various underarm woes. Keep reading to understand why it works so wonderfully to improve your pits.

 Argan Oil Moisturizes Underarms

One of the best properties of argan oil is its top-notch moisturizing abilities. It contains fatty acids that excel at conditioning and hydrating skin. Your underarms need moisture just as much as any other part of your body.

Lack of moisture under your arms can cause issues like,

* Flaky, dry skin
* Itchiness  
* Redness and irritation
* Cracked skin

By massaging argan oil into your underarms daily, you’ll keep the skin soft, smooth, and supple. This prevents all the problems above.

Plus, well-moisturized skin better withstands friction and irritation from shaving razors. So argan oil helps make shaving your pits less painful.

 It Fights Body Odor

Another fantastic reason to use argan oil under your arms? It helps combat body odor!

Sweat itself doesn’t smell – the problem is when bacteria on your skin start munching on sweat, producing odor as a byproduct. The antimicrobial effects of argan oil help control this bacteria, reducing how much B.O. you produce.

Some small studies on participants found that applying argan oil under arms decreased body odor by up to 60-100%! Those are some truly impressive stats.

So for a natural way to keep body odor at bay, grab that bottle of argan oil before you head out the door each day!

 Argan Oil Prevents Razor Bumps

Shaving your pits carries the risk of annoying razor bumps and ingrown hairs. But argan oil comes to the rescue once more by preventing these issues.

Razor bumps form when freshly shaved hairs curl back into the skin and become embedded. This triggers inflammation and bumps. Ingrown hairs happen when hairs get trapped beneath surface layers of skin instead of growing straight out of follicles.

Both these problems often crop up after shaving sensitive underarm skin. Redness, itching, burning, and pain follow.

Applying argan oil serves as a layer of protection that lubricates the skin and hair. This allows hairs to grow out normally through follicles instead of burrowing into the skin or getting stuck beneath it.

Plus, the antioxidants in argan oil soothe razor burns or bumps that pop up after shaving. It’ll calm the inflammation and help clear up any blemishes faster.

 Keeps Underarms Smooth

Ingrown hairs and bumps aside, argan oil also keeps your pits feeling super smooth.

It exfoliates away dead skin cells through mild acids present in the oil. This reveals fresh new skin – and no one wants scruffy, flaky skin in their armpits!

The fatty acids also plump up skin cells for a smoothing effect. By keeping your underarms moisturized and exfoliated, argan oil offers a quick trick to get touchably soft pits.

 How to Use Argan Oil on Underarms

Using argan oil under your arms requires no complicated routine. Just follow these simple tips.

Clean Underarms First

Make sure to wash your armpits with soap and water before applying argan oil. This removes any deodorant residue, sweat, dirt, or dead skin so the oil can penetrate better.

Pat skin dry thoroughly so any leftover dampness doesn’t dilute the oil.

 Massage Oil into the Skin

Put 2-5 drops of pure argan oil in your palm, rub your hands together, then massage it evenly into each armpit. Do this after showering, before bed, or whenever you have a free minute.

Take 30 seconds or so to gently rub the oil across all areas of your underarms. This stimulation boosts circulation for healthier skin too.

 Let it Soak In

After massaging in the oil, let your pits soak up all that moisture before dressing. Give the oil at least a couple of minutes to fully absorb into your skin before putting on deodorant or clothes.

You want your clothes rubbing against argan-infused skin, not sitting on top of greasy oil!

 Repeat Regularly

For best results, apply argan oil to your underarms 1-2 times per day. Consistency is key to seeing all the wonderful benefits of your pits!

 Are There Any Downsides to Argan Oil Underarms?

Using single-ingredient argan oil on your underarms carries little risk. But there are a couple of potential pitfalls.

  • Allergic reactions – Patch test first if you have very sensitive skin
  •  Greasy residue on clothes – Blot away excess oil before dressing
  • Strong odor – 100% pure argan oil has an earthy, nutty scent

As long as you apply argan oil sparingly, blot away excess, and aren’t allergic – you should have zero issues.

Now, what about using argan oil with your normal deodorant? This works too, as the oil even boosts the deodorant’s efficacy.

However, some deodorant ingredients could potentially dilute or neutralize the beneficial effects of argan oil over time.

So for best results, use argan as your sole underarm product for odor and skin care. But if you love your deodorant too much to quit, applying argan oil underneath is fine too!

 The Takeaway: Why Argan Oil Rules for Underarms  

Hopefully, you now see why argan oil makes an exceptional addition to your armpit care routine!

It offers a ton of benefits

  • Deep hydration
  •  Body odor reduction
  •  Heals bumps and ingrown
  •  Prevents razor irritation
  •  Exfoliates away dead skin cells

Natural argan oil provides all this while being gentle enough for daily use on your sensitive pits.

So next time you’re about to throw out an empty argan oil bottle – don’t! Keep some on hand to transform your underarm skin care.

Your pits will be smoother, softer, and better smelling thanks to this Moroccan “liquid gold”. Not to mention it saves you money on fancy specialty underarm products!

Have you tried using argan oil under your arms? Share your experiences in the comments below! I love hearing about your success with argan oil too.

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