how meditation prevent diseases
Alternative HealingPreventive HealthYoga

Can Meditation prevent diseases? 8 Things you need to know

Emerging research suggests that meditation is a potent preventive tool against diseases.

In fact, it has been proved that meditation is effective in reversing several chronic conditions including heart diseases, stress-induced diseases, depression, and pain. Recent research also asserts that meditation can be an effective therapy in coping with cancer.

There is strong evidence suggesting that meditation may reduce blood pressure and combat irritable bowel syndrome, and prevent ulcerative colitis. It can further ease the symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression, and insomnia.

Can meditation prevent diseases?

Research says yes!

Meditation could be a natural preventive tool against a range of diseases. From combating blood pressure to regulating emotions and managing hormones, meditation can shield your mind and body against a range of diseases.

Modern doctors are now recommending meditation as a complementary therapy for treating disorders of the gut, mind, and brain.

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Meditation improves your mental health

Meditation helps calm the mind.

A 2014 study found that mindful meditation programs for over eight weeks can help ease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Another study revealed that meditation can improve mood, enhance memory, boost emotional regulation, and promote concentration.

Meditation is also effective in reducing symptoms of general anxiety disorder. Another study examined the effect of meditation on people with chronic pain and the participants reported significant improvement in depression, anxiety, and pain.

Yet another study found that meditation can be used as an effective therapy against job-related anxiety. Participants reported improved confidence, reduced job strain, and better job performance.

Meditation can help treat heart diseases

Meditation is proven to lower stress which can help in controlling blood pressure. 

A 2014 study found that practicing mindful meditation for eight weeks resulted in a drop in blood pressure. In 2017, American Heart Association (AHA) too announced that practicing meditation can reduce the risk of heart disease. Researchers found that practicing regular meditation can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by about 48%.

Research further states that transcendental meditation for 20 minutes can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by lessening blood vessel blockage. Meditation further decreases the level of stress, anxiety, and depression, thus lowering the risk of heart disease.

Meditation to Treat Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia

Mindful meditation is a proven remedy against chronic pain.

Studies found that meditation can ease chronic pain by about 22%. Studies state that meditation can alter the structure of your brain making you less sensitive to pain. It further induces your body’s own opioid system.

A 2016 study found that mindful meditation can help improve the symptoms of chronic lower back pain in adults by as much as 30%. Another study showed that meditation helps decrease inflammation which is directly associated with pain.

Doctors often recommend meditation as an effective complementary treatment for fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by musculoskeletal pain with stiffness.

Meditation as a coping mechanism for Cancer

Doctors are now suggesting meditation as an effective coping mechanism for cancer patients. 

Meditation is proven to help cancer survivors deal with the emotional turmoil that comes with the disease. A 2015 study found that mindful meditation could significantly reduce the symptoms of stress and depression in breast cancer patients.

Studies have shown that meditation can help diminish pain, reduce stress, improve the immune system, and enhance mood in cancer patients.

Meditation as a cure for sleep problems

Studies reveal that meditation promotes relaxation and improves the sleep cycle.

A 2015 study found that people who practiced mindful meditation had lesser episodes of insomnia or sleep fatigue. Another study revealed that meditation is effective in reducing dependency on sleeping pills.

Studies found that meditation could improve the quality of sleep. Mindful meditation can also improve sleep quality, fasten sleep pace and reduce sleep disturbances in people with sleep problems.

With improved sleep, better focus, and reduced stress, meditation also increases attention span. 

Meditation can prevent problems in the gut

There is ample research verifying the brain and gut connection.

Researchers found that stress can exacerbate symptoms of stomach disorders like (IBS) or ulcerative colitis. A 2015 study revealed that meditation can significantly improve the symptoms of gut issues.

Meditation also improves consciousness which results in better eating choices and better lifestyle choices. This too can aid in improving gut health and preventing diseases of the stomach.

Meditation can relieve psoriasis

Meditation can help reduce stress which is a known trigger for psoriasis.

In addition to that meditation is found to improve immune health. Regular meditation improves breathing, combats stress and reduce inflammation which further aids in improving immune health and prevents psoriasis and other diseases of the skin.

Meditation can reduce age-related memory loss

Meditation can improve cognitive health and increase attention span.

Several studies have shown that meditation can prevent age-related memory degeneration. Furthermore, another study found that meditation increases attention, memory, and mental quickness.

Researchers also found that meditation can help improve memory in people suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s. It can help control stress and improve the coping mechanism in the patient. Focused meditation also improves attention span and focus.

Also Read: Transform your bad habits with Meditation

Your Takeaway

So, the answer to – can meditation prevent diseases is – Yes. The research concludes that meditation can help improve mental, emotional, and physical health and help in preventing several diseases. Meditation is particularly effective in preventing physical manifestations of mental disorders. For example, meditation can prevent stress-related disorders like heart disease, pain, and even cancer.

Meditation is known to improve quality of life. However, there are different styles of meditation and it is advised to seek your doctor’s advice before practicing meditation as a therapeutic remedy.

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13 Amazing Benefits of meditation for sex  - Dr. Brahmanand Nayak April 11, 2023 at 6:58 am

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