Beauty TipsHealth TipsHome RemediesPreventive HealthSkin diseasesSummer HealthCoconut Oil as Sunscreen: Is it Effective and Safe to Use?Dr. Brahmanand NayakNovember 6, 2022April 12, 2023 by Dr. Brahmanand NayakNovember 6, 2022April 12, 20232 1640 Using the right sunscreen can protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Studies have shown that people who wear good sunscreen are at a lower...
Summer HealthPiles Problem in Summer? Know the reasons and how to prevent itDr. Brahmanand NayakApril 4, 2019April 18, 2023 by Dr. Brahmanand NayakApril 4, 2019April 18, 20233 957 Summers are blissful only when you are not suffering from piles and fissures !! Anyone who has ever faced the wrath of a cracked anus...
FoodSUGARSummer HealthSugarcane Juice: The Sweet Secret to Good Health – 10 Surprising BenefitsDr. Brahmanand NayakApril 2, 2019November 6, 2023 by Dr. Brahmanand NayakApril 2, 2019November 6, 20239 849 Summers bring alive the big and small juice stalls dotting the city of Bengaluru. The most common sights are that of the sugarcane stalls. From...
Summer HealthHow to Beat Summer Fatigue in India? Cooling Foods, Herbs, and Lifestyle Changes for Optimal Energy and WellnessDr. Brahmanand NayakMarch 7, 2019April 11, 2023 by Dr. Brahmanand NayakMarch 7, 2019April 11, 202310 744 Summers are bright and sunny, but the whips of the summer heat can be exhausting. The unforgiving summer fatigue sips all your energy leaving you...
Summer HealthHealth Benefits of Kokum Juice: From Weight Loss to Digestive Health, Discover the Power of this Traditional Home RemedyDr. Brahmanand NayakMarch 5, 2019April 18, 2023 by Dr. Brahmanand NayakMarch 5, 2019April 18, 20236 1211 The scorching sun is peeping through the pane. And sweltering heat is driving one insane. Look around for the long bottles brimming with the luscious...