Coffee vs Tea | Old debate, New facts -  Which one is better?

Coffee or Tea? Uncovering the Newest Facts in the Age-Old Debate of Which One Reigns Supreme for Health and Wellness

Coffee vs Tea – which one is better for your health? 

The battle of the beverages has been on for ages. 

And the fandom for both goes on a frenzy defending their favourite drink. 

But honestly, which one do doctors vouch for?

Even I get this question very often. ‘Sir should I start drinking tea and coffee or shall I quit caffeine.’

Coffee or tea: the answer depends on the health status of the individual.

While a hot cup of coffee in the morning gives you a splash of energy. You come home to tea after a stressful day. Whatever be your passion, they both have some amazing health benefits.  After years of studies that warned us against both, recent researches are affirmative. 

From reducing the risk of cancer to keeping hypertension and depression at bay. These popular beverages have a lot of health benefits. However, there are a few cautions too!

That’s why in this blog I bring you everything you need to know about this age-old battle of beverages!!!

Also Read: Is coffee a boon or a bane?

Are you a coffee addict?

The reputation of coffee has undergone a complete changeover with new facts emerging from research. WHO’s Research on cancer recently took coffee out of the list of suspected carcinogens. 

In fact, it listed coffee as food to reduce the risk of liver, colon and prostate cancers. 

Studies also quoted that coffee in limited quantity is actually good for our health. It has the potential to reduce the number of health risks. And studies also suggested that coffee can help you live longer. 

Coffee can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It’s also a preventive for Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, heart disease and heart failure. Studies also show that coffee improves concentration and cognitive function. It’s good for mental health and has even acted as a mild anti-depressant. 

Some research experts also say that coffee might help in the ED. It is rich in polyphenols that boost an erection. It can pump up testosterone concentrations. Thus enhances the blood flow to the penis.

Researchers also found that chemicals contained in coffee may help to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the reason for age-related health problems. It’s the main cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The study concluded that coffee may slow down the metabolic processes that lead to premature ageing.

Also Read: The proven link between Coffee and Longevity

Are you a tea lover?

It’s not just coffee, tea also researched widely!

Researchers say habitual tea consumption is a health-promoting lifestyle behaviour.

Various studies revealed that tea lowers the risk of skin, breast, and prostate cancers.

Tea, particularly green tea, can limit cell damage and boost the immune system. Green tea is a rich source of flavonoids that can lessen oxidative stress and relieve inflammation. It is also rich in antioxidants that have a positive effect on the brain, mind and body.

In fact, tea in equal strength as coffee is more effective at sharpening the mind. 

Also, studies say that tea drinkers get long and restful slumbers. 

It’s said that tea and sympathy go hand-in-hand in relieving a distressed soul. Tea can soothe your nerves. It’s seen that regular tea drinkers tend to have a calmer physiological response to unsettling circumstances. It is also found to prevent depression and anxiety.

Tea also keeps your blood pressure under control and lowers your risk of dying of a stroke.

Also Read: Amazing benefits of hibiscus tea

It’s the Caffeine in tea and coffee

The good and the bad in tea and coffee is because of the caffeine.

It is the caffeine that stimulates your brain and provides you with a stash of refreshing energy. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant for the central nervous system. Hence it is considered as a performance-enhancing substance and good for athletes.

It’s proven to improve athletic performance, mood, and mental alertness. A review concluded that caffeine improves endurance exercise outcomes by 12%. Caffeine has a positive effect on mental alertness. It’s found to improve performance in both simple and complex tasks.

Further, caffeine intake reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and depression. In fact, moderate intake of caffeine enhances weight loss, cognitive function and alertness. That gives a great reason for the enthusiasts to relish! 

Also Read: Amazing health benefits of tulsi tea

Antioxidants in coffee vs tea

Both tea and coffee are loaded with antioxidants primarily polyphenols. 

This protects our body against free radical damage and helps prevent us from chronic diseases. 

While tea contains theaflavins, thearubigins, and catechins. Coffee is rich in flavonoids and chlorogenic acid.

Studies say theaflavins and thearubigins kill lung and colon cancer cells. Black tea also has cancer-protective properties. Coffee’s anticancer properties protect against gastrointestinal and liver cancer. 

Polyphenols are found in both beverages.

It lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps put off Alzheimer’s disease and other brain-damaging illness. Tea has more polyphenol, so experts believe that drinking tea has been linked to lower risks of cancer and heart disease. Black tea or Green tea also improves weight loss. 

Also Read: A coffee nap is more powerful than coffee and nap

Caffeine Caution

Anything in moderation is good. 

But an overdose of caffeine can be devastating.

Drinking too much caffeine every day can cause a number of problems.

Nervousness, anxiety, irritability, upset stomach and gas, and even irregular heartbeat.

An overdose of caffeine can also wreck up your night sleep and sex life.

So, about caffeine, it’s important to know how much and when to take caffeine. 

Also Read: How many cups of coffee should you drink in a day?

Coffee vs Tea: It’s difficult to pinpoint which beverage is better 

Both tea and coffee are addictive morning stimulants. And both have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. According to experts, it is very difficult to give out a verdict on coffee vs tea.

It all depends on your individual health choices.

So, if someone comes up to me and say, ‘I don’t like tea or coffee. But shall I start drinking them?’

I often say, ‘No. Diet is all about taking in nourishment in the form you like.’

And for those who ask me, ‘Should I switch from one beverage to another?’

Both coffee and tea contain several ingredients including caffeine, polyphenols, and antioxidants. While coffee has higher caffeine content, tea has more polyphenol. Black Coffee and only black tea can aid weight loss, depending you don’t pour the sugar in.

If you have gastric troubles due to caffeine the black tea might be your option. For a quick dose of energy in the morning, coffee can help. But for a relaxing evening, the healing anti-oxidants in tea can be more beneficial.

In conclusion, both have their own weighing of benefits. And it’s your choice primarily which one to go for. That’s why it’s been a never-ending debate. However, if you want a more personalized assessment of the two beverages, then consult an Ayurvedic doctor. 

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Anuradha Balsavar October 20, 2020 at 7:18 am

Excellent article. As you have written in this article, anything in moderation is good. 👍

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak October 21, 2020 at 3:22 am

yes anu. thank you

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