Curd and Weight Gain
Ayurvedic conceptsFood

Curd and Weight Gain: Uncovering the 5 Mistakes that Can Make You Fat

Curd is one of the must-have items in your diet, but is there a link between curd and weight gain?

Curd is loaded with several essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B-2, and vitamin B-12. But most importantly, it is one of the best natural sources of probiotics that improve your gut health.

Several studies have shown that consuming curd can improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels, reduce high blood pressure, and provide strength to bones and teeth. 

However, does consuming curd lead to weight gain?

Well, the curd is a rich source of calcium that inhibits the formation of cortisol in your body. It is also a great natural probiotic that boosts your gut health and digestion. If you consume curd in the right amount it can help you in weight loss and managing obesity. Some studies also say that curd can act as a fat burner that keeps you full for a long time and keeps your cravings away. 

But curd can lead to weight gain!

Curd and Weight Gain – What do nutritionists say?

Fat content in curd

The fat content in curd depends on the type of milk it’s made from. Whole milk, low-fat milk, fat-free milk, or high-fat milk, the curd made from each of these milk types contains different levels of nutrients. 

However, most of the fat in yogurt is saturated (70%), which is why it is considered a healthy addition to your meal. However, it also contains a fair amount of monounsaturated fat.

Calories in Curd

Experts found that one cup of curd contains more calories as compared to the same amount of milk. One cup of homemade curd contains around 142 calories when it is made up of cow’s milk. 

However, the calorie content in curd depends completely upon the milk that is used for its setting. Curd made using full-fat milk has comparatively more calorie content than curd made with fat-free milk.

Can eating curd make you fat?

Well curd, when consumed in the right amount and in the right way, does not lead to weight gain. But some people can experience the side effects of curd when they consume more than the healthy quantity. Studies suggest that consuming too much curd can result in weight gain. 

Another common problem that occurs due to overconsumption of curd is constipation. Similarly, people with rheumatoid arthritis can experience pain if they consume curd every day. Because it is heavy to digest, curd when consumed in the wrong way or at the wrong time can result in accumulated ama. And Ayurveda says ama is the root cause of many chronic diseases.

Also Read: How a balanced diet can help you gain weight naturally?

Flavored yogurt

Many low-fat yogurts in the market are loaded with added sugars which can contribute to weight gain. Some studies suggest that full-fat dairy may be a better choice than low-fat dairy. As low-fat dairy is loaded with sugars.

Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt is another popular dessert that is considered healthy. But because it is seen as a healthy alternative to desserts people tend to over-consume it. Furthermore, the toppings on frozen yogurt add more calories and sugar.

Yogurt with sugar

One of the most common ways of consuming curd is by adding sugar to the curd. It is this added sugar that can lead to weight gain. You can either avoid sugar completely or limit the amount. You might also try switching sugar for jaggery. Though the number of calories would remain the same, jaggery has a host of benefits to offer. Remember, moderation is the key.

Curd at night

One of the common mistakes that people make is consuming curd at night. Ayurveda says that curd is cold in nature and it is heavy to digest. It can cause indigestion and lead to sleep disturbances. This can lead to weight gain. 

Also Read: Here’s why you should avoid Eating Curd at Night

Curd with the wrong combinations

Another grave mistake that many people make is eating foods in the wrong combinations. Combining curd with fruits, meat or fish is unhealthy for the body. Such combinations produce ama or toxins in the body which can lead to obesity.

Also Read: Healthy Dinner Recipes for Weight Loss

Curd and Weight Gain – Final Takeaway

Curd is a healthy addition to your diet. It is loaded with essential nutrients and has several health benefits. However, the excess of anything, even the good things, is bad. Thus, excessive consumption of curd can lead to side effects, one of which is weight gain or obesity!

Can eating curd cause weight gain?

Contrary to popular belief, eating curd in moderation is not likely to cause weight gain. In fact, curd can be a part of a healthy diet and may even aid in weight management.

Is curd high in calories?

Curd is relatively low in calories compared to many other dairy products, making it a good option for those trying to watch their calorie intake.

Does curd help with digestion and weight loss?

Yes, curd contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can improve digestion and promote a healthy gut, potentially aiding in weight loss efforts.

How much curd should one consume daily to maintain a healthy weight?

The recommended daily intake of curd varies depending on individual dietary needs and overall calorie intake. Including a small bowl of curd as part of a balanced diet should not lead to weight gain.

Can curd be a part of a weight loss diet plan?

Yes, curd can be incorporated into a weight loss diet plan as a source of protein and probiotics, which can help with satiety and digestion.

Are there different types of curd available, and which one is best for weight management?

There are various types of curd available, such as regular curd, low-fat curd, and Greek yogurt. For weight management, low-fat curd or Greek yogurt may be more suitable options as they are lower in calories and fat.

Does curd contribute to belly fat?

No, consuming curd in moderation is unlikely to cause belly fat. However, an overall unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle are more significant contributors to belly fat.

Is curd beneficial for overall health?

Yes, the curd is packed with essential nutrients like calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which support bone health, immunity, and overall well-being.

Can lactose-intolerant individuals consume curd without adverse effects on weight?

Lactose-intolerant individuals may opt for lactose-free curd or curd made from alternative milk sources like almond or soy milk to enjoy its benefits without discomfort.

How can one incorporate curd into their daily diet for weight management?

Curd can be consumed as a snack, mixed with fruits as a refreshing dessert, or used as a base for smoothies and dips, making it a versatile and healthy addition to any diet.

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