How to manage diabetes without medication?
Diabetes Care

Diabetes Management: Ayurvedic Doctor’s Guide to Hidden Carbs and Healthy Living

Let’s talk about diabetes. It’s not the sugar-coated version, but the real deal.

You’ve been diagnosed. The doctor hands you a prescription, and suddenly, you’re part of a club you never wanted to join. But here’s the kicker – that prescription might be the beginning.

One pill becomes three. Three become five. Before you know it, you’re juggling a pharmacy in your palm every morning. Sound familiar?

It doesn’t have to be this way.

I’m a doctor and here to tell you a secret. You have more power over your diabetes than you think. But first, we must pull back the curtain on some myths that might sabotage your health.

The Breakfast Cereal Trap

Suppose you’re standing in the cereal aisle in a supermarket, surrounded by boxes promising health, vitality, and convenience. Corn flakes, wheat flakes, ragi flakes, and muesli are everywhere, screaming, “Pick me! I’m healthy!”

Stop. Put down that box.

These breakfast cereals are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They’re not your allies in managing diabetes – your worst enemies.

“But doc,” you say, “the box says they’re fortified with vitamins and minerals!”

A candy bar rolled in vitamin powder is still a candy bar.

These cereals are carbohydrate bombs, plain and simple. They’re highly processed foods designed to be addictive, not nourishing. The food industry wins, your pancreas loses, and the pharmaceutical companies are all too happy to step in and “help.”

It’s a vicious cycle, and you’re caught in the middle.

The Carb Conspiracy

Here’s where it gets tricky. It’s not just the obvious culprits – the chips, sodas, and fast food – that are wreaking havoc on your blood sugar. Some foods you think are “safe” are working against you.

  •  Fruit juices (yes, even the fresh-squeezed kind)
  •  Coconut water
  •  “Healthy” breakfast oats
  •  All those trendy millet dishes

And let’s bust another myth while we’re at it. Jaggery and honey aren’t magical diabetes-friendly sweeteners. They’re still sugar, and your body knows it.

Even traditional favourites like idlis, dosas, and parathas can spell trouble. I’m not saying you must abandon your cultural heritage, but moderation and mindfulness are key.

The Four Corners of Diabetes Management

Manage your diabetes like building a sturdy table. It needs all four legs to stay standing.

1. Diet

Low-carb is your new best friend. Embrace protein for satiety and good fats in moderation.

2. Exercise

 Keep moving. Your body was designed for action, not endless sitting.

3. Stress Reduction and Sleep

 Never underestimate the power of a calm mind and a good night’s rest.

4. Regular Monitoring

 Monitor your numbers regularly, but remember—they’re guideposts, not a life sentence.

Notice something? I’m not on that list. As your doctor, I’m here to guide you, but the real work? That’s all you. And that’s empowering.

The Stress Factor

Here’s a truth bomb. You can eat the cleanest diet and exercise like an Olympian, but your blood sugar will show if stress is eating you alive.

Stress is the silent saboteur of diabetes management. Your body reacts similarly to stress, whether it’s work pressure, family drama, or health anxiety.

You can find your stress relief valve. Walking, meditation, a hobby, or long talks with a friend. Whatever works for you, could you make it a non-negotiable part of your routine?

The Ultra-Processed Peril

Let’s talk about that slice of street vendor pizza topped with cheese, mayo, and ketchup. It might taste like heaven, but it’s a metabolic nightmare.

Ultra-processed foods are the ultimate Trojan horse. They’re engineered to be irresistible, but they’re slowly destroying your health from the inside out.

 A quick guide to food processing

1. Unprocessed/Minimally Processed

These are whole foods in their natural state or with minimal changes. They are your go-to category.

2. Processed Culinary Ingredients 

Oils, flours, and salts. Use sparingly.

3. Processed Foods

These are combinations of the above two groups. Think homemade meals. They are generally okay in moderation.

4. Ultra-Processed Foods

 The danger zone. If it comes in a brightly coloured package and has an ingredient list longer than this article, it’s probably ultra-processed. Avoid these like the plague.

The Medication Merry-Go-Round

Remember that handful of pills I mentioned earlier? Let’s break it down.

  •  One for diabetes
  •  One for high blood pressure
  •  One for cholesterol
  •  Maybe something for nerve pain
  •  Another for fatigue
  • Oops, is blood sugar still high? Let’s add another diabetes medicine.

Is blood pressure creeping up? Here’s one more for that

Suddenly, you’re taking 6 or 7 pills a day. If you’re unlucky and end up with heart or kidney complications, that number could hit double digits.

But here’s the truth: lifestyle changes could prevent or minimise much of this.

I’m not saying medication isn’t necessary. For many, it’s crucial. But it shouldn’t be your only strategy.

The Intimate Impact

Gentlemen, let’s have a frank discussion about erectile dysfunction (ED). If you’re dealing with diabetes and ED, getting your blood sugar under control isn’t just about your overall health – it’s about your sex life, too.

High blood sugar damages nerves and blood vessels, and guess what? You need both of those functioning well for a healthy sex life. Losing weight if you’re overweight, managing your cholesterol and blood pressure, and aiming for that golden HbA1c of 6.5% or lower – these aren’t just doctor’s orders, they’re your ticket to a more satisfying intimate life.

No amount of ED medication will work if you’re not addressing the root cause.

Taking Control

Where do we go from here? It’s time to reclaim your health.

1. Ditch the processed junk. Your body deserves real food.

2. Move more. You can find an activity you enjoy and stick with it.

3. Prioritize sleep and stress management. They’re not luxuries; they’re necessities.

4. Work with your doctor, but only partially rely on them. You’re in charge of your day-to-day choices.

5. Educate yourself. Knowledge is power when it comes to managing diabetes.

6. Be patient. Reversing years of habits takes time, but the results are worth it.

Diabetes doesn’t have to define you. It’s not a life sentence of endless medications and restrictions. With the right approach, it can be the wake-up call that leads you to better health than ever.

You have the power to change your story. Are you ready to write a new chapter?

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Naina July 3, 2024 at 1:00 pm

Thank you Doctor for the valuable information!

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak July 4, 2024 at 5:42 am

thank you for reading


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