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Digital Eye Strain: Home Remedies for Relief from Computer Vision Syndrome

Digital eye strain is a modern tech issue resulting from prolonged screen use.

Also called computer vision syndrome, digital eye strain is common among both children and adults. Today, many individuals complain of eye discomfort and vision problems because of high screen use for extended periods. It’s either working on the computer for long hours or binge-watching a series for hours that strains your eyes.

According to studies, people who spend two or more hours using a digital screen device every day are at the greatest risk of developing digital eye strain. The most common symptoms of digital eye strain are – dry eyes, headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain. 

These symptoms are aggravated by poor lighting, improper viewing distances, poor seating posture, uncorrected vision problems, etc. It also affects your focus and impacts your performance at work.

Preventive Measure for Digital Eye Strain

Limit your screen time

The most obvious preventive measure is definitely limiting your screen exposure. Especially people who spend hours watching series or playing games on their phones or laptops should take necessary measures to limit their screen time. 

People spending hours on social media sites and shopping sites should try a digital detox. Also, engaging in physical activities, social get together, or indulging in other hobbies can help limit screen time naturally. If you are into reading e-books and newsletters or your work involves long hours on the computer then you might try the 20-20-20 rule.

Try the 20-20-20 Rule

If you are gazing at your screen for long hours then you might try practicing the 20-20-20 rule. Most doctors prescribe this for better eye care. It says that after every 20 minutes you spend gazing at your screen, you should take a 20-second break to look at something that’s 20 ft. away. 

This will help your eyes relax and reduce eye strain caused by high screen exposure. It can also help reduce symptoms like eye strain, watering or dry eyes, and blurred vision. You can download an app or set an alarm after every 20 minutes.

Check your glasses

If you are experiencing any discomfort in your eyes, then you must get your eyes checked at the earliest. Even if it’s a minor power problem, high exposure to a computer screen can aggravate it. However, even if you are not having any major eye issues, you might still consider using a computer glass. 

If you are already using glasses, then make sure to get your power checked after every six months. Also, tell the doctor about your screen usage and he might prescribe you a special kind of glass to suit your needs. Meditation and good eye care can also help correct your eye power. 

Try vision-correcting therapy

Vision therapy is basically a set of eye exercises that can help relax the muscles around the eyes and relieve eye fatigue. Palming, blinking, eye movement, eye focusing, pencil push-ups, and other such exercises can help protect your eye health. 

Vision therapy helps relax and rejuvenate your eyes. In today’s day, it is very important for people who spend prolonged hours on the screen to practice these simple therapies.

Check your posture

The high use of digital devices has resulted in a number of new-age health challenges. Tech neck, carpal tunnel syndrome, digital eye strain, and several such issues are often caused by the high use of digital devices in a bad body posture. 

Make sure to position your body properly while using your digital devices. Use a comfortable chair, check the lighting condition, and keep the screen about 20 to 30 inches away from your eyes. Make sure the screen should be at 15 to 20 degrees below eye level.

Use Triphala Eyewash

Excess exposure to digital screens results in dry eyes. This is because studies show that while focusing on digital displays, a person’s blink rate can be reduced by a third to a half. This can cause dryness of the eyes, eye strain, and other such issues.

Triphala eyewash is very effective in treating several eye disorders. It improves your vision and prevents eye dryness, computer strains, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, and other such issues. It is very simple to use and effective in an eye-care routine. 

Also Read: How to use Triphala Eye Wash for eye care?

Tips for computer work

If your work involves high computer then here are a few self-care steps that can help take the strain off your eyes –

  • Blink your eyes more often. 
  • Take eye breaks. You can either shut your eyes for 20 seconds or take a stroll outside, grab a coffee or follow the 20-20-20 rule. 
  • Always check the lighting of the room and the screen. Adjust it to your eye’s comfort.
  • Adjust your monitor to a suitable angle and keep it at a minimum distance of 20 inches from your eyes.

Your Takeaway!

Digital eye strain is a very common issue among both young kids and adults. Whether it is studying or working on your gadget or using it for entertainment, today most of our needs are taken care of by our gadgets. As such we tend to spend a lot of time on our gadgets. This can easily strain our eyes and result in eye problems. Try these tips like 20-20-20, Triphala eye wash, and eye exercises while working on your screen, and protect your eyes from the screen woes!

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