Thyroid disorders

Do you know Thyroid diseases tripled in recent years? Are you taking the right precautions?

Let’s begin with, why you should care about the Thyroid diseases. It is a major hormonal gland that is crucial for your metabolism, growth and development.

problem in the thyroid gland results in hormonal imbalances. It further results in weakness, weight gain, fatigue, depression and high cholesterol. When left undiagnosed and untreated thyroid problems can lead to life-threatening conditions.

In recent years, thyroid diseases are pacing like a wildfire. An article published in economic times said that “Nearly every third Indian suffers from one or the other kind of thyroid disorder”.

Studies claimed that even the cases of thyroid cancer have tripled in recent years. Also, Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder in India, affecting one in ten adults.

Thyroid incidences are increasing

Though many doctors and epidemiologists opine that the increased incidences reported in thyroid disorders are just a matter of better diagnosis.

In recent times, I came across many patients with asymptomatic thyroid problems. In many cases, the thyroid problems were accidentally found during a master health check-up.

Another group of patients with acute hair loss either got it tested themselves or by doctor’s prescription. Many such incidences resulted in this increased numbers of reported thyroid problems.

Also, its noteworthy that earlier higher incidences of Thyroid problem were linked to iodine deficiency. But now as India emerged as an Iodine replete country, this does not seem much of a burden. 

However, another report stated that better diagnostics have also contributed to this surge. These factors are making an impact on the increasing rate of thyroid diseases.

Also Read: Are Cruciferous Vegetables bad for Thyroid Patients?

Reasons for increased incidences in Thyroid diseases

The first and most significant contributor to the increased rate of thyroid problem is obesity. It goes unsaid that obesity has increased rapidly in the past decade. Unhealthy food, poor sleep regimes, zero physical activities and many such factors have led to this modern epidemic of obesity which is the main culprit behind most of the diseases.

The second and more concerning reason is exposure to a host of harmful chemicals and pollutants. A chemical called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) which is present almost everywhere, from clothing to furniture to food is a major endocrine disruptor.

Another major concern is Goitrogen exposure which interferes with the functioning of thyroid glands. Other factors to consider are unregulated use of pesticides, exposure to endocrine disruptors, unclean drinking water and exposure to industrial pollutants like resorcinol and phthalic acid.

Ayurvedic Prevention & Management of Thyroid diseases

Ayurvedic Diet for thyroid problems

Ayurveda highly advice dietary modulation for all health disorders and thyroid is no exception. Some of the simple dietary tips to prevent and treat thyroid problems are

  • Mindful eating of fresh food.
  • Eat at least one fruit daily including fresh food and dry fruits.
  • Foods rich in fibre is very helpful.
  • Do not skip lunch and dinner.
  • Any food prepared in the factory is a no-no, that includes bread and biscuits as well.
  • Add milk, ghee and milk products in your diet in regulated amounts.
  • Moringa or drumstick is very beneficial in this condition.
  • Dhaniya and Jeera Water help in recovery.
  • Pippali, black pepper and dry ginger powder mixed with water.
  • Coconut oil helps in improving body metabolism in thyroid patients.

Physical Workout for Thyroid Problems

  • Mild exercise, walking and yoga help in controlling obesity.
  • Pranayama and Meditation have also shown improvements in soothing thyroid problems.


Finally, my verdict would be that though better diagnostic tools are making a major contribution to the increasing numbers of thyroid cases, however, emerging factors of obesity, environmental pollutants and toxic chemicals also need immediate attention.

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