Weight Management

Effectiveness of Eating Soup for Weight Loss

Eating soups to lose weight is actually an effective alternative to fad diets.

One of the most important rules of losing weight is to follow a calorie-deficient diet and soups make a perfect choice. Soups are healthy, nutritious, and filling while being low in calories and carbs.

Studies have found that people who consume soups tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI). Some studies suggest that this could be because soup increases feelings of fullness. Thus, eating soup regularly can help you reduce your calorie intake and help in weight loss.


Benefits of eating soups

  • It increases your vegetable intake which is proven to reduce the risk of obesity and its associated diseases. 
  • Vegetable soups can increase your fiber intake, which can help in lowering your appetite. 
  • It increases your water intake which helps in flushing out toxins from your body.

3 Best soups to lose weight

Lentil soup

One of the healthiest dietary choices, Lentil soup fulfills your nutritional needs while helping you lose weight.  Lentil is rich in protein, soluble fiber, and potassium. It keeps you fuller for a long duration, curbs your hunger pangs, and reduces your food intake. Lentils have an appetite-lowering effect.

Recipe for Lentil Soup

Take 2 minced carrots, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tomato, 1 cup split red lentils, 1 tablespoon tomato paste, 1 tablespoon garam masala, salt, and pepper. Put these ingredients in a cooker on low flame and let it boil completely. Once cooked blend it in a blender for a few minutes. 


Carrot Ginger soup

A light and healthy soup, carrot and ginger soup is a healthy and delicious recipe for weight loss. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and carrots are naturally low in calories and full of nutrients. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also contains a lot of water that keeps you full for a long time. Carrots also contain tons of slow-digesting fiber. 

Roast chopped carrots in one tablespoon of olive oil for 15 minutes. Let the carrot turn golden and soften. Add yellow onion, salt, and pepper to taste. Let the onion turn soft and translucent. Transfer the cooked carrots to a pressure cooker and add water to them. Bring it to a boil and add chopped ginger to it. Use a hand blender to make a consistent soup. 


Papaya soup

Papaya is rich in antioxidants, and minerals and has lower calorie content. It also helps in cutting down excess fat and promotes digestion and proper bowel movement. Papaya is low in calories and rich in nutrients. Besides, papaya contains a good amount of water and is loaded with fiber. 

Take a small half-ripened papaya and peel off the skin after washing it. Chop it into small portions and put it in the cooker. Add 4-5 peeled garlic pods, cumin seeds, turmeric, and salt. You can also add cut pumpkin to the cooker. Add one and a half cups of water to it and cover it with a lid. Let it boil for ten minutes. Transfer it to a blender and make a smoothie. 



Soups are great for weight loss, but you must not restrict your diet to only soups. Studies suggest that restrictive calorie intake does not produce sustainable results. It can also result in irreversible side effects. You can try drinking a bowl of soup about 30 minutes before your main meal.

Your takeaway

Soup diets are very popular as an effective way to lose and maintain weight. However, you must be very cautious if you are thinking about going on a soup diet. Eating a healthy balanced diet is the key to good health and a good body. You can try following a soup diet once or twice a week, but do not continue the same for days at a stretch, as it will leave your body stressed and depleted. 

Rather than opting for strict restrictive diets, you must aim to reduce your calorie intake and balance your diet with moderate exercise.

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