Case StudiesWomen's Health

Embracing Adoption and Overcoming  Infertility: Sharada’s Journey to Motherhood

Motherhood is a magical word that transcends biology. It is an experience that comes from the heart, a love that knows no bounds, and a journey that requires resilience. Whether a woman holds a baby in her womb or in her arms, the depth of her love and devotion is immeasurable. This is the story of Sharada, a woman who underwent a long and difficult journey to become a mother.

Sharada was 32 years old and had been married for 7 years when she realized she was struggling to conceive. Despite undergoing multiple tests and evaluations, there seemed to be no identifiable issues. Sharada and her husband were both perfectly healthy and eligible for childbirth, yet the baby-making was not happening. She was determined to embrace motherhood and underwent IUI and IVF after years of medication and trying, but nothing worked. Her repeated failures dragged her into depression, and she sought the help of psychiatrists and counselors.

It was a dark and difficult time for Sharada, but with the support of her husband and the guidance of her counselors, she found the strength to keep going. As per her counselor’s advice, she registered for child adoption in Bangalore, knowing that the process could take days, months, or even years. She and her husband kept waiting for their child, and one Sunday evening, they saw a news report about a gory, hair-raising accident that killed 8 family members, sparing only a nine-month-old baby. The couple prayed for the deceased to find peace and for the little one to find a loving home. One month later, the couple received a call from the adoption center, and they were overjoyed to learn that they had been chosen to adopt the same child.

Sharada and her husband raised the child with all their love and devotion, and he grew into a wonderful and brilliant child. After a year, Sharada felt something stirring within her, and she wanted to give pregnancy one more try. She visited my clinic for Ayurvedic treatment and discussed her idiopathic infertility, sharing her medical journey, struggles with depression, and the adoption of their child. I recommended new tests, and the ultrasonography revealed Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Her blood tests also revealed that she was anemic.
I recommended a combination of Ayurvedic medicines, yoga, an organic vegetarian diet, and regulated sleep patterns to Sharada. She diligently followed this advice for six months, and soon received the good news that she was pregnant. Sharada successfully carried the baby to full term and delivered it via cesarean section at Cloud Nine Hospital.

After the delivery, Sharada’s husband visited my clinic and expressed his gratitude. He presented me with a large box of sweets, which filled me with happiness and a sense of satisfaction.
Sharada recently came to my clinic with her two kids, both suffering from upper respiratory infections. As she showed me her children, her heart was bursting with joy. She couldn’t believe that she had been blessed with two little miracles, one through adoption and the other through her own pregnancy. It was a testament to the power of faith and God’s grace.

Sharada shared with me that her adopted child had been a constant source of amazement to her, despite the traumatic events he had experienced early on. He had grown into a happy, intelligent, and loving little boy, bringing so much joy and light into their lives. And then there was her biological child, whom she had conceived after struggling and enduring pain. It was as though she had been given a second chance at motherhood, experiencing all the joys and challenges that come with bringing a child into the world.

As she held her two children close, Sharada felt overwhelmed with gratitude. She knew that she had been through a lot, but all the struggles had been worth it to get to this moment. She was surrounded by so much love, happiness, and hope for the future. The depth of love in her eyes was evident, and it was clear that Sharada’s journey to motherhood was a testament to the power of love and resilience.

(Note: The name of the individual in this article has been changed to Sharada to ensure their privacy.)

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