Epidemics in Ayurveda: The #medical and #non-medical dimensions,explained by ayurvedic doctor
Ayurvedic concepts

How Does Ayurveda Treatment Help Prevent Epidemics?

India is a country that boasts a rich history! The 5000-year-old scripts of Ayurveda is a testament to the same. India has gifted the world with yoga, meditation and Pranayama. Along with herbal medicines, herbo- mineral formulations and natural therapies. So, let’s see what we can find about Epidemics in Ayurveda.

The ancient pages hold the answer to every disease and distress, including epidemics. After all, it is the oldest science of medicine on earth. That’s why the recent outbreak of Coronavirus has made the world turn the pages of Ayurveda.  

Be it adapting ‘Namaste’ or using Ayurvedic immune booster. Practicing yoga or living an Ayurvedic lifestyle. Even in this modern-day, the ancient Indian medicine has an irreplaceable role to play.

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The history of epidemics and pandemics

I think you know that Coronavirus is not the first epidemic!

The first recorded pandemic was the Justinian Plague (541–542). Followed by the Black Death in the 14th century. Smallpox was another epidemic that has killed more people than all the wars in history. 

India too has quite a long history of epidemics. The most populous nation endures a number of viral epidemics every year. Especially during the post-monsoon months. Common seasonal viral outbreaks include Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, Swine Flu etc.

However, the worst pandemics in India were –

  • 1st Cholera Pandemic (1817),
  • 2nd Cholera Pandemic (1829),
  • 3rd Cholera Pandemic (1852),
  • 4th Cholera Pandemic (1863),
  • 5th Cholera Pandemic (1881),
  • the Bombay Plague of 1896,
  • 6th Cholera Pandemic of 1889
  • 1918 Influenza Pandemic or the Spanish Flu.

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Epidemics in Ayurveda: medical aspect

Ayurveda describes Epidemics as Janapadodhvamsa vyadhi. Janapada translates to ‘large human settlements’ and Udhvaṃsa means ‘to be destroyed’.

Suśrutasaṃhitā says epidemic mostly affect the respiratory system. It presents the symptoms of fever, cough, breathing difficulty, rhinorrhoea, headache and even anosmia.

Even after centuries, the epidemics of SARS, MERS, Swine Flu and latest Coronavirus fits right into the description.

Suśrutasaṃhitā elucidates the modes of contagion as –

  • physical contact (gātrasaṃsparśāt),
  • inhalation (niḥśvāsāt),
  • eating together (sahabhojanāt),
  • sitting and sleeping together (sahaśayyāsanāt),
  • contact with clothes,
  • garlands and so on (vastramālyānulepanāt). 

Sushruta highlighted the importance of social distancing in the face of epidemics. Sushruta also said abandoning public places is the most important measure in mitigating an epidemic. 

Thus, social distancing indeed is the first line of defence!

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Epidemics in Ayurveda: The non-medical concept

The non-medical dimension of Ayurveda points that the root cause of an epidemic outbreak is ‘Adharma’. According to Ayurveda, it is the unsustainable ways of human action that abuse the environment. 

Firsty, eating what’s not eatable. Secondly, drinking impure water. Thirdly, inhaling polluted air. And most importantly living against nature. Brings the doom of an epidemic.

An epidemic brings with it a moment for introspection, self-reflection and self-transformation.

Ayurveda on microbes

Even when there were no modern tools and instruments, Ayurveda knew a lot about the microbes. The Sanskrit word ‘krimi’ translates to those that can migrate from one location to other. 

Ayurveda further categorizes these organisms into – natural (sahaja) and pathogenic (vaikārika). Ayurvedic classics contain a detailed description of 20 types of krimi (micro-organisms). Charaka Samhita discusses the details about the features, effects, treatment about the microbes. 

Ayurvedic advice on treating an epidemic

Charaka saṃhitā says that it gets difficult to find a cure for an epidemic after an outbreak. So, it is all about staying ahead and stopping it before the outbreaks happen. 

According to Ayurveda, the line of treatment should include –

  • Procurement of medicine with anti-microbial activity.
  • Improving immunity and strength. 
  • Moving to a safe place if the microbes are present in air or water.

In many epidemic diseases, vaccines do not exist. Hence, it is important to study the host factors. An infective disease commonly occurs only when the host is vulnerable; physically, mentally or emotionally.

Thus, one way to counter the contagion is by strengthening the host’s defence. Strong defence helps the body counter any intrusion of virus or bacteria. It renders the pathogens weak making them unable to cause disease.

Ayurvedic ways to improve immunity at the time of epidemics

1. Rasayana

It is a rejuvenating therapy proven to boost immunity and prevent diseases. Rasayanas have DNA protective and immunomodulatory properties. Further, these help strengthen the body’s defence.

Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Amalaki, Haritaki are used in Rasayana treatment. Also, Haridra, Tulasi, Dadima, Chirayata and Bhumyamalaki have anti-viral properties that help in fighting the symptoms.

2. Ayurvedic Antioxidants

Antioxidants and immunomodulators help prevent the occurrence of infectious disease. They are widely recommended in the management of all epidemic diseases. Some Ayurvedic drugs that have antioxidant properties are Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Amalaki etc. Neem extracts also work amazing as an inhibitor of microbes.

3. Panchakarma

Panchakarma is a natural detoxifying therapy that comprises of five purifying measures. It is scientifically proven that panchakarma eliminates toxic substances without causing any side effects. Also it is a boon for strengthening host defence. 

Ayurvedic perception of prevention from epidemic 

When it comes to curbing an epidemic, prevention and protection are pivotal. 

Prevention from an epidemic comes with precautionary steps of social distancing. And protection centres around two aspects – health and immunty. It is important to understand that any infection can intrude only when the body is vulnerable. 

Hence, it is imperative to keep the body in better condition with the right diet, rest, sleep and exercise. When the body is strong the cells can combat the disease.

What to eat during an epidemic? 

When an epidemic strikes, crisis follows. As such, getting even basic necessities can be challenging. People tend to panic and stockpile foods, veggies, fruits and herbs leading to a crisis. 

That’s why, it is crucial to have the right foods at stock and eat them in the right way. 

The use of uncontaminated water is also as important as eating healthy food. In case, the epidemic is rooted in contaminated water then it is best to use Boiled Water. 

Ayurveda also recommends the use of processed waters which are useful in conditions of an epidemic outbreak. Intake of water processed with suitable herbs has proven benefits.

The do’ s and don’ts during an epidemic

  1. Stick to a light diet. With reduced physical activity and increased mental pressure, digestion can go for a toss. Hence, eating light can keep your system active. 
  2. Reduce your frequency of meals. Try to stick to two meals a day, if not three a day. Your body may not require as much energy as before.
  3. Further, engage in some form of physical activity.
  4. Also, drink boiled water and do not drink water in excess.
  5. Avoid sweets and sour dishes.
  6. Stick to a healthy sleep regime. Also, do not sleep in the day and do not sleep late. 

The #non-medical aspects to fight an epidemic

  • Practice “truthfulness”, “compassion”, “charity” and “worshipping”.
  • Also, light Dhoopan prepared with medicinal plants having anti-microbial activities. The fumigation acts as a disinfectant and prevents infectious diseases. Some common plants used are Nimba Parta, Sirishabeeja, Curcuma longa. 
  • Bedsheets, clothes should be fumigated with Sarsapa, Ashoka, Brahmi.
  • Further, gain control over your sense faculties.
  • Also try to practice “prayashchitta”.
  • Wear or hold the “precious stones and medicinal herbs”.
  • Do Japa –Homa-Yaga
  • Stick to “Anjali” mudra ( Namaskara mudra)

Epidemics in Ayurveda: Take away!

So, in conclusion, Ayurveda has always played a role in curbing the spread of an epidemic. As much stopping the microbes is crucial, body’s response towards them is also important.

Because it is not always possible to find a vaccine or cure for an epidemic, it is important to find preventions. 

The ancient scripts mention effective ways to manage infective pathogens. Time and again, herbal medicines have been effective in boosting the body’s immunity and curing the symptoms. But further research is needed to prove their actions on the microbes. 

Hence, Ayurveda can help in effectively preventing communicable diseases!

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ranjan June 8, 2020 at 11:18 am

Thanks and Super are the Superlative degree, I donot know any other word than these two to be conveyed to you Doctor sir. ( Thanks again)

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak June 9, 2020 at 3:20 pm

thank you ranjan

Kiran Kumar June 9, 2020 at 5:19 pm

Great article doctor. Very good read and informative.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak June 10, 2020 at 2:54 pm


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