Essential oils for stress and anxiety

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak

Stress, anxiety, depression and sleep problems are clouding the globe. These issues are plaguing humanity in the modern era. The tremendous work pressure and financial strain, sedentary lifestyle and gadget addiction, many things are contributing to this new epidemic. So, if you are looking for a natural way to beat these, then you may consider aromatherapy. In this blog, I will be talking about ‘Essential oils for stress and anxiety’.

Essential oils may be trending today, but they have been used for about 6,000 years. Essential oils are widely used to improve a person’s physical and mental health. Some studies also link regular use of essential oils to better quality of life and reduced risk of certain disorders!

Aromatherapy is a simple home therapy where you use essential oils. You can inhale the aroma of these oils through the nose or you may apply the oil on your skin. Getting a good massage with these essential oils is also a great idea. Further, some poeple like bathing in warm water with added drops of essential oils.

Also Read: 10 Easy and Natural Remedies for Anxiety

What are Essential oils?

The cells that give a plant its fragrant smell are called essence. And when we extract this essence from a plant, we get essential oil. It actually takes a lot of the plant cells to extraxt a drop of the essential oil. And that explains why the tiny bottle of essential oil costs so much. Not to forget some of the oils like lavender, cedarwood, chamomile are exotic collections.

But because of their natural healing effect and calming properties, essential oils are so high in demand, despite being so costly. Walking into a room infused with the aromatic essential oils after a tiring day can immediately wash away all the stress. It also uplifts the mood, reduces the feeling of fatigue and ensures a good night sleep.

Also Read: Beauty Benefits of Argan oil

Essential oils for stress and anxiety – How Aromatherapy works?

Ayurveda says aromatherapy activates the smell receptors in our nose. These receptors send messages to our brain via the nervous system to activate certain areas of our brain. Certain smells activates our limbic system, that controls our emotions and moods or hypothalamus which creates a feel-good chemical in the brain like serotonin.

Our sense of smell is connected to the brain’s centres of memory and emotion. So when the brain receives a smell it immediately affects your emotional reactions and memory.  This is how aromatherapy induces a sense of calm, improves concentration and results in better concentration.

Also Read: 10 easy remedies to get rid of snoring

What is Aromatherapy used for?

Aromatherapy is proven effective in easing  

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood disorders
  • Improves sleep
  • Chronic pain
  • Skin disorders

Researchers have proven that aromatherapy can help in improving the quality. It can help people battling with long-term health problems like dementia, cancer or arthritis. Even for healthy patients aromatherapy brings oodles of benefits by uplifting the mood!

Essential oils for stress and anxiety

There are several benefits of using natural, mind-body therapies to sleep better—by helping sleep better directly and by relieving stress, anxiety, low mood, and physical discomfort, which in turn give us good sleep. Aromatherapy can do these wonders. 

1. For sleep

Several pieces of research have shown that essential oils provide relief for disturbed sleep and improve sleep quality. A 2017 study found that a blend of sleep-promoting essential oils worked effectively to improve sleep quality. The blended oil was more effective in improving sleep than a single essential oil.

2. For stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety hamper our sleep or give us disturbed sleep. People who experience stress and anxiety often have difficulty in falling asleep and even have restless sleep throughout the night. Hence, the next morning, they feel tired and fatigued. Studies have indicated that aromatherapy with essential oils help to relieve stress and anxiety symptoms, and in the process help improve sleep indirectly.

Also Read : Ashwagandha Lehya – The Best antidote to stress

3. For Pain

Aromatherapy is a proven therapy for combating pain. Doctors often recommend osteoarthritis patients to try aromatherapy. It can also help reduce the pain caused by kidney stones. A 2015 study also revealed that aromatherapy massage reduces the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps. Self-massage with essential oil on the first day of period for 30 minutes. This simple practice is also effective in reducing menopausal symptoms.

Essential oils effective for good sleep and easing stress 

1. Lavender oil

This is apopular essential oil used in aromatherapy for sleep and relaxation. The soothing scent of lavender is associated with relaxation and sleep and is also used as a natural remedy for anxiety. Studies have found that lavender has anxiety-reducing effects and can also help with pain relief. Lavender also has sedative effects and works directly to help you fall asleep. 

Buy Lavender Essential Oil

2. Vanilla oil

The sweet smell of vanilla relaxes the mind and will relieve you from stress. Vanilla also has sedative effects on the body. It reduces hyperactivity and restlessness, calms the nervous system, and lowers blood pressure. It also helps to relieve anxiety and depression.

Buy Vanilla Essential Oil

3. Peppermint oil

The aromatic scent of peppermint oil can reduce stress and anxiety. Peppermint contains menthol and has a cooling property. It soothes the uneasiness of nausea and headaches. Further, can aid in relieving symptoms like asthma, headache, nausea, scabies.

Buy Peppermint Oil

4. Jasmine oil

The sweet scent of jasmine has serious sleep-promoting capabilities. Research shows that jasmine improves sleep quality and cures restless sleeping. Jasmine oil is also very effective for foot bath or hot water bath. You can use it every day for relaxation!

Buy Jasmine Essential Oil

5. Basil essential oil 

Basil oil helps to sharpen concentration and alleviate the symptoms of depression. It is also very effective in relieving headaches and migraines. The soothing smell of basil is also a great mood booster. It in a very effective stress buster that you must have in your home!

Buy Basil Essential Oil


  • Ingesting essential oils is not recommended. It can damage the liver or kidneys.
  • Essential oils may cause allergic reactions in some.
  • Avoid using this oil in excess.
  • If you are sensitive to smells, aromatherapy may not be right for you.
  • Do not massage the oil directly over your bruises or rashes.


Aromatherapy is an effective therapy that has proven benefits for your physical and mental health. And with the emerging culture of spas and salons establishing this calming vibe, people are talking the essential oils to their home. Apart from the aromatic vibe, this simple practice has marvelous health benefits!

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