Hair Removal Strips for the Face
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Hair Removal Strips for the Face: Pros, Cons, and How-To Guide

‘Hair Removal Strips for the Face – Are they safe’?

I often get this question from my patients. So, here is what I tell them.

Face Hair Removal Strips are perfect for women who have a lot of facial hair. These strips are much better than bleach or shaving.

Shaving your facial hair can make the hair grow hard as it cuts the hair shaft at the base where it is thicker. This makes your hair grow darker and tougher. Bleaching too makes your hair grow coarse and dense. Facial hair removal strips uproot the shaft of the hair from the roots. This makes your hair grow smooth. 

Face Hair Removal Strips – Pros

Facial Strips give you long-lasting results

Facial strips are a highly effective hair removal option that gives you long-lasting results. It keeps the skin smooth and the results last from two to six weeks. Most other hair removal treatments last for 3 to 4 days only.

Facial strips make your hair light

Facial strips destroy your hair follicles. This leads to lighter and sparse hair growth. Also, the hair that grows back is finer and less coarse. This makes facial strips a better option than shaving or bleaching

Facial strips can give you a flawless look

Facial strips remove a layer of dead skin that resides on the top of your skin. These strips also help in removing flaky and chapped skin. This will help you achieve a smooth and supple look. It also helps prevent pigmentation and diminishes blemishes.

Facial strips give you finer hairs 

Unlike shaving, facial strips make your hair grow finer and less dense. Facial strips also exfoliate your skin gently. This helps in cleansing the outer layer of your skin. Waxing your facial hair with facial strips ensures a soothing effect to prevent it from unnecessary damage.

Facial strips are inexpensive

Facial strips are super easy to use. They take little time, minimal preparation, and limited use of materials. It is a cost-effective solution for facial hair removal.

Also Read: Home Remedies for facial hair removal

Face Hair Removal Strips – Cons


Facial hair removal strips may cause irritation on your skin. Check for irritation, rashes, or redness on your skin. Make sure to do a patch test before using facial strips.

It might be painful

Another con of using facial strips is the pain associated with them. Facial skin is delicate and using waxing strips on your face may be painful. So, people with low pain tolerance should avoid it. 

It is not suitable for everyone

People with skin diseases should avoid using facial strips. It can result in a breakout or skin irritation. Also, people taking medication or suffering from chronic conditions should avoid it. Facial strips are also not suitable for people with dry or sensitive skin. Waxing will exasperate those problems because of its abrasive nature.

Ingrown Hairs

Facial strips are not ideal for removing ingrown hairs. It can lead to whiteheads and pus-filled boils. There is a risk of allergic reactions when using facial strips. There is also a chance of skin darkening and other skin issues.

Temporary bumps and redness

Using facial strips can result in bumps and redness on your face. They may also cause patches of blood. Using Aloe vera after using facial strips can help the skin heal faster. 

Also read: How to get rid of strawberry skin?

How to use facial hair removal strips?

  • Before using facial hair removal strips, take a look at your hair growth. Don’t do it if your hair is still very short or if you have ingrown hair.
  • Exfoliate your face using a coffee and sugar exfoliation pack before using a facial hair strip.
  • Hydrate well before starting your hair removal session.
  • Apply the strips on your face and strip off the hair gently.
  • After the session, use soothing Aloe Vera gel to reduce the pain and irritation.

Also read: Kasturi Manjal for hair removal


Facial hair removal strips are perfect for removing hair from your eyebrows, upper lip, cheeks, sideburn, and chin. You can use these strips easily without any assistance. They are perfect for your DIY hair removal session. However, make sure not to overdo it and use these strips in the correct way. Incorrect use can result in irritation and rashes. 

You can also try Ayurvedic ubtan or other natural ways to lighten your facial hair. Using cosmetic strips on your face is not only risky and painful but over the course of time, it can lead to damage to your skin texture.

Also read: All about waxing

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