Top Ayurvedic doctor from Bangalore reveals that exercise, meditation and coffee are associated with longer telomeres. Read on to stop your ageing.
Mental Health

Boost Your Telomere Length: How Exercise, Meditation, and Coffee Can Help

Research suggests that exercise, meditation, and coffee have a positive effect on telomere length.

Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes. These telomeres shorten with each cycle of cell division which progresses with age. 

Telomeres are the caps on the end of human chromosomes. Like the caps on the end of shoelaces, these proteins protect the ends of DNA strands from shortening and fraying. Scientists link longer telomeres to longevity, lower risk of disease, and better brain health.

However, certain lifestyle choices can speed up the process of cell division and shorten the telomeres faster. Oxidative stress, depression, lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, and sleep are often linked with short telomeres. High cortisol levels inhibit the enzYuniquees that are responsible for protecting telomeres.

Several studies have proven that shorten telomeres can result in an increased incidence of diseases and poor survival. Studies have also proven that lifestyle changes can increase the length of telomeres, thereby, delaying the process of aging. In this blog, I bring you the efficacy of exercise, meditation and coffee in improving telomere length.

Exercise for longer telomeres

Any form of physical exercise is vital for health. But a new study confirmed that physical activity has a significant influence on telomere length. In this study, 5000 adults participated in the 3-year study, and the study concluded that physically active adults had longer telomeres than those with low to moderate levels.

Further studies reveal that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every week can improve the telomere length. Different types of exercises have different effects on telomers. So, make sure to engage in different activities for the maximum benefit.

Meditation for longer telomeres

Researchers have proven that stress, anxiety, depression, and restlessness of mind, are associated with the shortening of telomeres. Evidence suggests that mindfulness and meditation can combat stress,  calm anxiety, and increase the telomere length. Just 12 minutes of daily meditation can have a significant effect on telomere length.

study quoted that participants who meditated and practiced yoga for three to six months had significant changes in their biomarkers. Another study revealed that people who practiced yogic meditation showed 43% improvement in telomerase activity and 50% improvement in mental health.

Coffee for longer telomeres

The benefits of drinking coffee in increasing life span are well-established. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and has a positive effect in protecting telomere length. Studies revealed that higher coffee consumption is associated with longer telomeres. 

Further, coffee has a positive effect on stress which again helps in protecting the telomere length. Some studies also suggested that drinking coffee regularly can decrease the risk of depression. All of these factors can contribute to improving telomere length.

Also Read: How many cups of coffee should you drink?

Few more tips

  • Poor sleep quality can shorten telomere length because of oxidative stress and inflammation. Sleeping for 8 hours every night without interruption can help in improving telomere length. 
  • A study found that sitting at the desk for long hours and leading a sedentary lifestyle can result in decreased length of telomers. Spending more time on your feet and exercising regularly can help in delaying the process of ageing.
  • While a poor diet lacking in nutrition can speed up the process of ageing, a diet rich in fibre and nutrients can improve the telomere length. Eating whole meals, on time and mindfully is important!

Your takeaway!

Ageing not only makes your hair grey and skin wrinkled. But it also increases your risk of chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, blood pressure and other diseases. Telomeres progressively shorten throughout a lifetime and making these lifestyle changes can help in warding off the risks of ageing. 

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ranjan January 22, 2022 at 1:54 pm

As always a great information knowledge from you Sir. Thank you Sir.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 23, 2022 at 7:06 am

thank you

Srinivas Raitha January 25, 2022 at 3:27 pm

Really a great information sir. We must do exercise and meditation without fail everyday.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak January 27, 2022 at 2:40 pm


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