Food for the Brain: Ayurvedic Doctor reveals the ideal diet
Child HealthFoodHealth TipsMental Health

Brain Foods: Can Ayurvedic Remedies Strengthen Your Memory?

The best way to know a man is by looking at his plate, not at his shoes. The diet determines more than just the waistline. From the body odour to behaviour to psychology, everything is bonded by the food. And so is the brain.  In this blog, I bring you the best food for the brain!

But many people fail to understand this simple thing. Anxious moms want to make their children Einstein. Elderlies want to hold on their memories. Youngsters want to be better than they are. And the middle-aged ones just want to delay the old age.

And the answer to all these wishes lies in the choice of food. 

Most people know about the role of a healthy diet in losing weight or controlling diseases. But the role of food in feeding the brain is massively ignored. Switching the buckets of junk for simple healthy food is the key that unlocks brain’s potential. 

From the kid’s grades to a memory of charm, it all begins from the food!

Food feeds the brain

The nature of our jobs has gladly drifted from physical to mental. Now we invest our brain to earn our bread unlike our ancestors. Most jobs are now done from the desk. So, more than ever we need to fuel our brains that are operating on high concentration for at least 8 hours a day!

Most people don’t know that the brain is an energy-intensive organ. It uses around 20 per cent of the body’s calories to maintain concentration throughout the day. It needs to be equipped with a well of healthy nutrients.

Omega-3 fatty acids help build and repair brain cells. Antioxidants reduce cellular stress and inflammation. And research proved that stress and inflammation are the main culprits for an ageing brain.

Food frames the structure of the brain

Researchers have already established that a healthy diet plan can lower the risk of dementia. But years of further research have revealed that diet has a direct effect on the structure of the brain. 

Dementia is an age-related problem. Ageing affects the brain by shrinking its volume and decreasing its cognitive powers. Needless to say, an unhealthy diet can accelerate this process. On the contrary, a healthy diet is key to check or cease this process.

Recent studies also reported that better diet quality is related to larger total brain volume. It means larger white matter volume and hippocampal volume. These are the portions of the brain that are related to cognitive function.

Also Read: Role of Meditation and Mindfulness in Clinical Practice

Choice of Food!

Wrong food choice not only affects the body but also the brain. A 25-year-old study examined 3400 people ageing between 18 to 30 years. Researchers found that people with slightly elevated blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol tend to have lower cognitive, thinking and reasoning abilities in their 40s and 50s.

And needless to say, food plays a vital role in preventing or inviting these diseases!

Pick for the plate

1. Nuts

How often do you eat nuts? Well, your brain craves for it every day. Research says so.

Nuts contain the fat-soluble vitamin E which is hailed for its brain-protective qualities. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants which are like an elixir for the brain. 

Eat them raw or roast them a bit. But the best way to give it to your kid is to sneak it in their favourite food.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Walnuts

2. Fish

Though Ayurveda prefers the vegetarian diet more, we don’t ignore the fact that the fish is replete of nutrients. It is one of the best sources of omega-3, the fatty acid that helps in building neurons.

A study also confirmed that high levels of omega-3 increase blood circulation in the brain. This has a direct impact on cognition and thinking ability. If you have no problems with fish then have it at least twice a week.

Also Read: Is Dry Fish good or bad for health?

3. Dark chocolate

Who does not like chocolates? Well, some might not like the luscious dark chocolate for its bitter taste. But it sure has fair reasons to compel its consumers.

Dark chocolate is good for the skin. It helps in losing weight. But best of all, it is amazing for your brain. Cocoa flavonoids further stimulate blood flow in the brain.

Dark chocolate contains cocoa flavonoids which are highly beneficial for the brain. Researchers found that they may encourage growth of neurons and blood vessels that are involved in memory and learning.

4. Herbs and Spices

The Indian cookbooks are rich in herbs and spices for a reason. Our ancestors were well aware of the magic contained in these little pieces. Turmeric, cinnamon and ginger are packed with antioxidants that boosts brain functioning. 

5. Tea and Coffee

Tea and coffee are loved all across the world. Apart from their addictive taste, these amazing beverages come with a bag of benefits. I have already revealed the relationship between coffee and longevity. And several studies have shown that coffee can improve memory and decrease the risk of dementia. 

Tea is not far behind in the race. Black and green teas contain brain-boosting antioxidants. Consuming them on a daily basis offers a daily dose of brainpower.

Also Read: Coffee and Longevity – The secret to long life

6. Eggs 

Eggs are rich in protein but you all know this already. But the egg yolk contains vitamins B, D and E which helps to improve memory. Children need lots of nutrients in their growing age. So, one egg a day is good for them. 

7. Vegetables

Veggies particularly the Green leaves are hailed for the nutrients they contain. Kale, collards, spinach and lettuce are proven to be beneficial for dementia and cognition. These veggies are packed with nutrients like folate, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids. 

One serving a day can slow the brain from ageing. If that’s too much then six servings a week of green would do fine. 

8. Peanuts

Peanuts are excellent source of nutrition. They are rich in unsaturated fats and protein that fuels the brain. It contains high levels of vitamin E and resveratrol. These key vitamins and minerals to keep the brain healthy.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Peanuts

Food for the Brain – The final verdict!

The list does not end here. But anything that’s healthy, comes from nature and eaten in moderation heals the body and boosts the brain.

Foods fresh from the farm, vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans are better than the best supplement this world can ever make. So, if you serve your child with lots of veggies, fruits, pulses, milk and eggs with a few herbs, then you are raising an Aryabhata.

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