Fruit juice with meals
Ayurvedic conceptsFood

Why Mixing Fruit Juice with Meals is a Recipe for Digestive Disaster

A glass of juice seems like the perfect way to complement your meal for complete nutrition. Be it breakfast, lunch or dinner, many people keep a jar of juice handy. But what you think as healthy might actually be hampering your health. Ayurveda says, Fruit Juice with meals may not be a good combo!

In fact, mixing Fruit juice with meals is one of the biggest mistakes!

And I am not talking about those packaged juices with artificial flavouring. They are a truckload of sugar added with preservatives. That’s anyway bad. But here I am talking about the fresh fruit juices that you make at home.

Most people think fruit juices to be one of the healthiest drinks!

For all our lives we have known that fruits are superfoods. 

And I am not denying this!

Fruits and vegetables should make up at least half of your plate.

Most fruits contain a diverse range of nutrients. They are a good source of essential vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. I often say this – ‘Fruits are the best way to fulfil the daily requirements of your body.’ 

But fruit juice with a meal is an incompatible marriage!

Ayurveda on Food Combinations 

Ayurveda has an in-depth understanding of the human body and its interactions with nature. This Vedic science knows exactly how the food we consume can react in our body.

As per Ayurveda, certain food combinations make a healthy recipe. While some super healthy foods, when combined, can turn into poison. The wrong food combinations disturb the functioning of the gastric fire. It can also cause imbalances in the body.  

It often leads to indigestion, fermentation, gas formation and bloating.  

One known incompatible food combination is milk and salt. However, that’s not the only combination that does not go together. ‘Fruits juice with meals’ is another such incompatible combination.

Why you must not drink Fruit juice with meals?

Fruits are no doubt a healthy meal. But it’s important to know that you should not have fruits at any time of the day. They should especially be avoided before bedtime, with meals or right after meals.

Ayurveda says you should avoid eating fruits or drinking Fruit juice with meals. According to the Vedas, eating a fruit or drinking fruit juice with a meal is an unhealthy habit that harms your health. 

There are scientific reasonings to these sayings! 

Firstly, fruits in itself is a complete meal. They should never be combined with other meals. Meals that are rich in proteins take a lot of time in the digestive process. Thus, making the fruit juices wait for its turn. This can cause fermentation of the sugar in fruits. 

Secondly, it’s rich in nutrients, proteins, fibres and sugars. It takes time and energy to break down these nutrients. Thus, combining it with other heavy to digest foods overburdens the digestive system. 

Thirdly, fruit juice or fruits should never be mixed with anything salty. Sugar and salt are of opposite nature and they don’t go together. Combining the two increases the risk of skin diseases along with 42 different types of diseases. It can also trigger problems like hyperacidity or obesity

The best drink to accompany your meal is buttermilk!

Also Read: Health benefits of Kokum Juice

Never drink fruit juice at night 

1. Do not drink fruit juice at night or before bedtime. 

Eating fruits before bedtime releases a lot of sugar which can cause a spike in energy. This gush of energy tends to confuse your brain which is preparing to slow down and rest. I would suggest you eat your last fruit two to three hours prior to your bedtime.

2. Eating fruits right after a meal is also not a good idea.

Fruits mixed with meals can make the digestive system sluggish. This results in bloating, indigestion and other discomforts. According to experts, you must leave a gap of at least 30 minutes between meals and fruits. 

What’s the ideal time to drink fruit juice?

The best time to eat fruits or drink fruit juices is in the morning right after a glass of water. 

Drinking a glass of fresh fruit juice acts as a great detoxifier. It also supplies you with a great deal of energy for the day. The heavy nutrition in a glass of fruit juice keeps you fuller for longer. Thus, it promotes your metabolism and aids in weight loss. 

You can also eat your fruits or drink fruit juices between your breakfast and lunch. 

Drinking a glass of juice half an hour before your meal curbs your hunger and helps control your portion at lunch. Fruits are low in calorie and rich in nutrients. Thus, it is one of the healthiest ways to cut down your meal portions to reduce weight. 

A fresh glass of fruit juice also serves well as a great evening snack

It’s healthy, nutritious and super hydrating. It definitely serves better than the sodas and carbonated drinks. Evening snacking time is one such gap where most people pick an unhealthy option. Thus, replacing that with a glass of juice is a smart option!

Also Read: Health impacts of drinking soda

Are fruits better than fruit juice?


I always suggest my patients go for whole fruits rather than juicing them. 

Whole fruits provide a lot more nutrition than fruit juice. This is because most of the nutrition in a fruit lies in the skin and the pulp. Both of which are lost in the process of juicing. 

The skin of the fruit is the place where the fruit interacts with sunlight. Thus, it contains essential pigments like carotenoids and flavonoids. These antioxidizing pigments are very beneficial for the body. 

From lowering the risk of cancer to protecting the body, the skin of the fruit does it all. But you peel off this skin while juicing the fruits. Thus, throwing an abundance of nutrients into the dustbin.

Another important thing lost in juicing is the pulp of the fruit. It is the pulp which is a rich source of fibre. It also contains several important nutrients like vitamin C, flavonoids etc. All of this too goes in the dustbin in the process of juicing!

Also Read: Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Ayurvedic doctor’s opinion | Avoid that jar of juice with your meals! 

Most people think drinking juice with meals to be a healthy habit, but it isn’t!

In fact, it is one of the unhealthy habits that can cause a lot of troubles.  This combination disrupts your digestion. It often results in bloating, gas, heartburn, acid reflux or uneasiness. But that’s not it!

A disruption in the digestive system is the root cause of almost all diseases. 

This can result in the accumulation of toxins which can lead to an array of diseases. From skin troubles to inflammatory diseases, toxins are the culprit. Thus, this mistake of mixing incompatible meals can lead to disaster. 

It’s important to eat healthily, but it’s equally important to eat them in the right way!

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Johan Broberg January 1, 2022 at 7:52 am

Is it the same trouble with red beet juice? I have been drinking red beet juice with meals and feeling sick afterwards, bloating and some strange sick feeling..

gralion torile August 6, 2022 at 8:10 am

I am not real good with English but I get hold this really leisurely to understand.


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