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Garlic Tea for Diabetes: Does it Really Work?

Herbal teas are the new hype. After green tea, tulsi tea, neem tea, and ginger tea, it is garlic tea for diabetes that’s making the buzz. The miraculous health benefits of garlic are well-known and it has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. But does it help in the management of diabetes?

Garlic is natural medicine. Many people consume raw cloves of garlic with warm water on an empty stomach to reap the benefits of this amazing spice. From controlling blood pressure to preventing Alzheimer’s to improving cardiovascular health to controlling cholesterol levels, garlic is the secret to a long and healthy life!  

Benefits of garlic tea for diabetics

Garlic tea is an age-old Ayurvedic recipe that works as a great antibiotic. Studies revealed that garlic tea can help reduce inflammation in the body which is one of the causative factors of diabetes. Studies further found that garlic tea aids in reducing an amino acid named homocysteine which increases the risk of coronary artery diseases. 

Garlic tea also reduces blood sugar levels.

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8 ways garlic tea is good for diabetics

  • Studies found that garlic tea can lower the amino acid homocysteine. This is a huge risk factor for diabetics.
  • Garlic is a great antibiotic that helps improve immunity.
  • A great anti-inflammatory agent, garlic can help reduce the risk of diabetes. A study revealed that raw garlic can help reduce blood sugar levels and lower the risk of atherosclerosis. 
  • A few studies reported that garlic can increase the secretion of endogenous insulin. It aids in increasing insulin sensitivity and insulin-like activity. Garlic can also improve oxidative stress and support the pancreas in insulin secretion. 
  • It is proven to lower cholesterol and reduce the incidence of heart disease which affects approximately 80 percent of people with diabetes.
  • Garlic tea also helps in managing high blood pressure.
  • This amazing herb detoxifies the body and flushes out toxins thereby cleansing the internal organs of our body. 
  • Garlic tea is a healthy substitute for normal tea for diabetics.
  • It lowers your cholesterol and improves your cardiovascular health. 
  • Garlic has a positive effect on the respiratory system, gut health, and digestive system.
  • Furthermore, garlic increases your energy levels and improves your metabolism. This spice further aids in weight loss which is one of the biggest contributors to diabetes.

Also Read: Neem Tea for diabetics

The perfect recipe to make garlic tea

Preparing a hot cup of garlic tea is simple. Take a pan and boil a cup of water. Crush a teaspoon of garlic and let it steep for 5 minutes. You can also add cinnamon, and black pepper for added benefits. After 5 minutes, strain the tea, and add lemon and honey to it. Sip it hot every day. Remember there is no quick fix to reverse diabetes, managing diabetes is a continuous process of self-care.


Garlic is a natural spice that makes it to most Indian recipes. But as Ayurveda says, anything in excess is bad for health. So, avoid consuming garlic in excess as it can lead to bad breath, digestive issues, bloating, and gas issues. 

Simple natural tips to manage diabetes

Maintain your body weight

Obesity is one of the main contributors to this diabetes. Studies reveal that losing even 5 to 10 percent of body weight can reduce the risk of diabetes by 50 percent. Even a simple workout for 30 minutes every day is helpful!

Eat healthily and eat frequently

Diet is extremely important for diabetics. Eating healthy fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated, and including herbs and spices are helpful. Consult your doctor to design a diet that would help manage this chronic disorder. 

Manage stress with meditation

Stress is known to increase the risk of diabetes and worsen the symptoms and complications associated with this disease. Stress triggers oxidative damage which is very harmful to the body. Hence, it is important to manage stress with meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques.

Also Read: Morning Routine for diabetics

Your takeaway

Garlic tea is extremely effective in managing diabetes and regulating blood sugar levels. It does not just aid in keeping the blood glucose levels under check but also helps in combating the risks of complications. From mitigating the risks of heart disease to strengthening the immune system, garlic tea provides a protective shield. In addition to adding garlic tea to your daily diet, make sure you follow a healthy lifestyle, take your regular medications, go for regular check-ups, and control your diet!

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