GASTRIC DIET | 5 healthy food recipes for gastritis patients
Digestive HealthPreventive Health

5 Nutritious and Easy-to-Digest Foods for Gastritis Relief

Gastritis is a very common clinical complaint. About 25-33 % of Indians suffer from gastritis. However, the global incidences are even higher, with over 50.8% of the global population suffering from this disorder. This can be attributed to the fact that Indians followed an Ayurvedic lifestyle for centuries. And the rising incidence in present times is because of a drifting lifestyle. Recent studies revealed that diet and lifestyle choices can play a crucial role in reversing this disorder. So, in this blog, I bring you 5 healthy foods for gastritis patients that can save the day!

Picking the right food is very crucial for gastritis but it is also very tricky. While the right foods can ease your stomach troubles, the wrong ones can aggravate the condition. Also, suppressing your gastritis issues with a pill can result in future complications. Thankfully, gastritis is highly treatable with the correct diet and lifestyle choices.

Furthermore, contrary to popular thinking, healthy food need not be tasteless. Here are 5 simple and easy-to-make healthy food recipes for gastritis that you must try. These are suitable for anyone who wishes to eat healthy, nutritious, and delicious.   

5 healthy foods for gastritis patients

1. Vegetable Khichdi

Khichdi is a popular Indian dish that’s not only healthy but also super tasty. It is a great detox food that’s easy to digest and goes easy on your system. This simple comfort food aids in combating acidity and gastritis. You can easily prepare this dish by putting rice, moong dal, potato, and carrots in a pressure cooker. Add a pinch of salt and turmeric to it and you have the perfect healthy nutritious meal!

Some people also prefer frying their vegetables before adding rice and moong dal to them. But eating boil is a better choice. Also, don’t forget to add a spoonful of ghee to your khichdi.

Also Read- Ayurvedic Khichdi

2. Oats

This amazing breakfast meal is a non-acidic, nutritious, fiber-rich food that helps maintain the health of your digestive tract. Oats absorb stomach acid and reduce symptoms of GERD. It is very helpful, especially, for patients suffering from acute or chronic gastritis. It helps in soothing the irritation or inflammation of the stomach wall lining. 

Add fine slices of banana, apple, or pear, and a few pieces of raisins and light toppings of your choice to your oatmeal. Have it for breakfast every morning for a fuller feeling and calming effect!

3. Brahmi soup 

Brahmi, also known as Gotu kola, is a popular Indian home remedy for gastritis and stomach issues. Its strong anti-inflammatory actions help relieve swelling in the lining of the stomach. This herb is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and promote healing of the stomach lining. 

Brahmi is commonly available in Indian households. Grab a few leaves and wash them thoroughly. Put it into a blender and make a smooth paste of the leaves. Heat a pan and add a few drops of oil to it. Add cumin seeds, salt, and a pinch of turmeric. Now, add the paste and let it boil. Your super healthy stomach-soothing soup is ready!

Also Read : Health Benefits of Brahmi

4. Garlic and sprout soup for gastritis

Garlic is a wonderful herb with amazing medicinal properties. And sprout is alkaline in nature that fights back the acid in your stomach. Further, it contains enzymes that aid digestion.  

Peel and smash a few cloves of garlic and add them to sprouts. Put it in a pressure cooker. Add salt, thyme, and cumin powder to it. Now let it cook and serve it hot! You can also eat a clove of raw garlic every morning to promote digestion. 

5. Banana Smoothie

Another simple, healthy, and easy-to-make recipe is a banana smoothie. Bananas are low acid fruit that can relieve acid reflux instantly by coating the irritated oesophageal lining. It also has stomach-soothing, anti-inflammatory properties that can ease heartburn, acidity, and other symptoms of gastritis. Further, bananas have high-fiber content that helps strengthen the digestive system and wards off indigestion.

Add banana, yogurt, ginger, and turmeric to a blender. Mix everything and make a smoothie. Avoid adding sugar or artificial sweetener to your smoothie. You can opt for honey or jaggery to it.

Foods To Eat for gastritis

Certain foods aid in reducing gastritis symptoms and provide relief to stomach irritation and bloating. 

  • Eat a handful of raisins every day. It helps absorb excess acid and reduces gastritis naturally.
  • Drinking Aloe vera juice can aid in soothing gastritis.
  • Cucumber is a cooling vegetable that soothes your stomach and reduces gastritis.
  • The juicy delicious Musk melon is effective in reducing gastritis.
  • Drink warm water on an empty stomach early in the morning. Stay hydrated.

Things to avoid in gastritis

  • Tomatoes and citrus fruits.
  • Caffeinated drinks and sodas.
  • Pickles.
  • Alcohol and smoking.
  • Dairy products.
  • Sugar and sugary products.
  • Processed, fatty, or greasy foods.
  • Avoid self-medication.

Lifestyle choices for gastritis patients

  • Avoid stress and burnout.
  • Eating slowly and mindfully.
  • Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes.
  • Avoid emotional eating.
  • Follow a strict food routine.

Final Takeaway – healthy food recipes for gastritis patients

Almost everyone suffers from an episode of gastritis, but for some, it’s chronic and happens more frequently. Rather than popping a pill, try these simple recipes for gastritis. Having these foods regularly can help in reversing the damage.

Apart from these healthy foods, follow a healthy lifestyle and stick to your healthy eating routine. But if you are still struggling with gastritis, then do visit a doctor and get treated. Untreated gastritis can lead to severe medical complications!

In case you are suffering from gastritis or know someone who is suffering from gastritis, then save this blog. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any queries related to gastritis!

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[…] Also Read: 5 healthy food recipes for gastric patients […]


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