GREEN GRAM JUICE | Natural energy drink Recommended by Ayurvedic Doctors – Green Gram Drink

Green Gram Juice : Natural Energy Booster

This best natural energy drink recommended by top Ayurvedic doctor sits right at your kitchen shelf! It’s healthy, safe and contains a truckload of proteins. Green Gram Juice – It’s nutrition value, benefits, how to make it and how to take it.

The crazy lives of millennials pushing their health to the extremes have resulted in a wave of revolution. After the steep surge in obesity, diabetes, cancer and all fatal diseases, millennials are now turning into health-conscious creatures. 

Working out like a beast. Munching on the protein bars. Pouring energy drinks down the throat. Following the crazy fad diets. They are doing all the bizarre things in the name of health. Except for the ones that really make sense!

Actually, we have walked so far from the concept of healthy living that now it seems unachievable through simple means. Life actually is much simple, but we see it with a twisted frame!

One such simple natural formula that could replace your expensive energy drinks, for better benefits and zero side effects, is Green Gram Energy Drink!

What is Green Gram Energy Drink?

Green Gram Energy Drink is a rather popular and ancient energy booster. A traditional cooling juice passed on by our ancestors. It is prepared from moong dal which is also known as green gram. 

It’s packed with proteins and low on carbs. Rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, and copper. A glass of Green gram drink also contains folate, fibre, and vitamin B6. This natural energy drink is extremely light and easy to digest. 

It is one of the most highly recommended energy sources in Ayurveda. In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that the great warriors and tough farmers derived their immense energy from this vegetarian superfood.

Do you know A 100 g serving of the moong dal can provide you with about 24 g protein?

Also Read: Health Impacts of Soda

How to prepare this Natural Energy drink?


  • 1/2 cup green gram
  • 3 cardamoms powder
  • 1/2 cup powdered jaggery


  • Wash the green gram and soak it in water for an hour.
  • Grind the soaked dal with jaggery and cardamom to form a fine paste. 
  • Strain the mix and put the pulp back into the mixer. 
  • Repeat the grinding process a few more times by adding the water and straining the pulp.
  • Once you get the consistency, discard the remaining pulp(if any).
  • You can squeeze some lemon or keep it in the refrigerator.

Cardamom adds an amazing flavour and aroma to this juice. Jaggery serves as a natural sweetener to enhance the taste and quality. Lemon brings in the tangy flavour. Apart from their contribution to the taste, they also add their individual benefits to this energy drink.

Ayurvedic Thoughts on this Natural Energy Drink 

  • Moong is described as mudga in Ayurveda. Classified in the group of shimbi dhaanyas (pulses). Ayurveda mentions it as the best among pulses and considers it to be a satvik (pure) legume. 
  • Moong provides nourishment to tissues. In the form of juice, it has an astringent taste, cooling nature, and high fibre content. This makes it a great summer drink that cools the body and aids proper digestion.
  • Ayurveda recommends this drink as a preventive food for diabetes (but without jaggery or sugar). It has a low-Glycemic index. This helps in bringing down the insulin, blood glucose and fat levels in the body.

Check out the amazing health benefits of this natural energy drink.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Green gram Juice

1. A natural energy drink

Rich in protein and low in carbs. There couldn’t be a better replacement of all the artificial protein jars. Rich in vitamin B, it helps in breaking carbohydrates into glucose. Thus, generating instant energy for your body. 

Further, mung beans increase satiety and reduce hunger pangs. This again aids in weight loss!

2. A natural healer 

Green gram is one of the best sources of phytonutrients. It has antioxidizing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, and anti-tumour actions.

All of these properties offer protective and curative benefits to our body that undergoes so much wear and tear. 

3. A Fighter of chronic diseases 

Green gram is rich in protein, but it also contains several other nutrients. Rich in antioxidants, it scavenges harmful free radicals. It’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties can curb age-related diseases. Especially, diseases of the heart, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, arthritis etc.

4. A natural immune booster 

Green gram is a good source of phytonutrients. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it helps in killing harmful bacteria and viruses that cause allergy, irritation, rashes etc. Regular consumption of this natural energy drink improves the defence mechanism. 

5. A natural Digestive 

Green Gram helps in the secretion of a fatty acid called butyrate in the gut. This fatty acid helps in maintaining the health of intestinal walls. It is one of the easiest foods to digest. Moong dal is the choice of food for patients and babies because of its digestive properties.

Apart from these well-known benefits, Green Gram Drink contains a high amount of amino acids. Its antioxidant property is beneficial in protecting DNA damage and cell mutations.

It contains flavonoids that destroy free-radical and lowers oxidative stress. Emerging studies say that this might be helpful in preventing the onset of cancer. 

Also Read: Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Should you hoot for this natural energy drink?

Undoubtedly yes!

Much like the turmeric latte and moringa, green gram juice is sure to become a frenzy, once the west discovers its incredible benefits. 

It is simple to make. Good to Taste. Easy to digest. Can be stored.  

Plus, it’s natural, safe and does not have any side effects!

What’s more?  

It’s an incredible list of health benefits!

Green gram energy drink is a must for all health enthusiasts. Take it as an energy drink or an immune booster, a digestive or a preventive, but make sure to add it to your diet!

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Ranjan August 13, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Sir, your health tips and knowledge sharing is very helpful. Super, as always. Thank you sir

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak August 13, 2020 at 2:53 pm

thank you

Yogesh October 29, 2020 at 11:48 pm

Great article on green gram does it have any side effects if we keep consuming it regularly.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak October 30, 2020 at 8:27 am

you can

Ask Sawal November 16, 2020 at 11:35 pm

I have been looking for this Energy Drinks article since long time. Thanks author.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak November 21, 2020 at 8:13 am

you are welcome

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