Guduchi Churna | Health benefits of Giloy
Ayurvedic Medicines

Boost Your Immunity with Giloy: The Ayurvedic Herb Guduchi and Its Health Benefits

The year 2020 will go down in history! Because it’s the year we got the biggest reality check. In the pursuit of name and fame, we neglected the luxury of living in a healthy body. But this pandemic has once again reinstalled the importance of our immunity. So, in this blog I bring you all about Giloy Benefits.

People across the globe are desperately seeking ways to support their immune system. Because of this crisis, Ayurvedic rasanayas and lehyas are making a comeback.

Ayurvedic doctors are recommending Ayush Kwath Churna, Sudarshana Ghana Vati and Samshamani Vati.

One such potent immune boosting formulation is Guduchi Churna!

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What is Guduchi Churna?

Guduchi churna is an ancient Ayurvedic Rasayana. Vaidyas recommend it for boosting immunity and promoting wellness. The Churna is extracted from Giloy plant, also known as Tinospora cordifolia

This plant has amazing properties of boosting intellect and strength. It also supports prolongation of life and prevention of diseases. This churna has many medicinal properties.

This Ayurvedic Churna has rich antioxidizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

It helps in rectifying Pitta aggravating disorders.

This Rasayana also aids in curing indigestion, and constipation.

Vaidyas also use it for treating burning sensation, fever, gout and fatigue.

It also aids in treating jaundice, diabetes, liver problems and debility.

This Churna is very effective in fighting infections and boosting immunity. It can also cure upper respiratory infections. Guduchi is a boon in managing stress. 

Also Read: Guduchi for Coronavirus

Giloy Benefits – The heavenly elixir

Guduchi Churna is another herbal medicine from the pharmacy of nature. It has a prolific composition and incredible medicinal effects.  Here are some of the benefits of using Guduchi as a Rasayana.

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1. Boosts Immunity

Guduchi is a great rejuvenating herb. It is rich in antioxidizing and anti-microbial properties. The churna also has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving actions. This makes Guduchi a great immune booster.

Regular consumption of this churna helps in flushing out toxins. It also shields you from various microbial diseases. Guduchi further improves liver and kidney functions that prevent urinary tract infections.

In other words, it is the immune booster that can help fight the virus!

2. Prevents and cures Fever

Guduchi is antipyretic in nature. It helps fight chronic fever and reduces the risk of other infectious diseases. Ayurvedic doctors use it in treating infections like the common cold, flu, and other fever symptoms.

Guduchi also increases the blood platelets which help in treating dengue and malaria. It is also helpful in curing fever caused by respiratory issues.

Thus, this Ayurvedic rasayana is a must have for fighting infections.

3. Improves Metabolism 

Guduchi Churna amps up cell metabolism and acts as a natural energy booster. It is a great detoxifying agent that aids in digestion and elimination. 

Guduchi Churna corrects cell to cell metabolism and improves the complete internal processing of food. It does not supress your appetite but supports the break down of fatty tissues.

Hence, it is great natural supplement for kids and atheles.

4. A natural antibiotic 

Antibiotics damage the gut flora. It kills the good gut bacteria. That’s why people are looking for an effective alternative. Natural Ayurvedic herbs shows antibiotic effects sans the side effects. Guduchi Churna is one such solution. 

This Ayurvedic churna is very effective against fever. It helps in regulating body temperature. Ayurvedic doctors use this Churna for treating diseases like malaria and dengue.

That’s why most of our ancestors had this Rasayana as a staple.

5. Fights respiratory ailments

Guduchi also helps in curing bronchitis and respiratory infections caused by a chronic cough. The herb is said to pacify aggravation of any imbalances.

It is very effective against asthma as well as coughs. Its immune-boosting properties help fight off the infection especially via the mucous membrane of your respiratory system. 

Because of this, Ayush is recommending Guduchi churna against COVID-19.

6. It’s Anti-ageing 

Guduchi has great anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in reviving the skin’s tissue and helps in delaying the process of ageing. Guduchi Churna has been used as a rejuvenating anti-aging remedy for ages.

It’s anti-oxidizing properties help in fights off free radicals. And free radicals are responsible for speeding the process of ageing. Thus, Guduchi Churna can reverse the damage and delay the process.

7. Pain management

Guduchi Churna has strong anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. This Churna has detoxifying properties which eliminates the ama from the joints.

Studies also proved that Guduchi Churna helps in reducing the chances of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. It helps in reliving pain, inflammation and burning sensation.

Due to this, Guduchi Churna is a great supplement in elders.

How to take Guduchi Churna?

The dosage for Guduchi Churna varies from person to person. It depends on the age, severity and clinical condition. Ayurvedic doctors recommend to take it with warm water, juice or herbal concoctions.

However, herbal medicines too can cause discomfort when used incorrectly. Therefore, you should always use herbal medicines only on doctor’s prescriptions.

Side Effects of Guduchi Churna

Firstly, Guduchi Churna is a natural remedy; safe and effective. It is safe for children and lactating mothers. But it should be taken only after consulting an Ayurvedic doctor because it might not be suitable for all. 

Secondly, people with a weak digestive system should avoid using Guduchi Churna. Thirdly, Pregnant women should also avoid Guduchi Churna. And most importantly, people with pre-existing conditions should consult their doctor before using it.

Giloy Benefits: It’s a multifarious medicine

Guduchi Churna has an impressive therapeutic profile.

Giloy benefits are well-listed in the Ayurvedic texts.

Regular consumption of this Rasayana promises a long healthy life.

From managing stress to diabetes, fighting flu to fever, Guduchi Churna is a complete rejuvenation. It is a great remedy for the heart, skin and weight loss.

In addition, this churna also helps in boosting sexual health. It is good for the libido and helps in treating sexual disorders. Thus, it is a complete package for your health.

In conclusion, this rejuvenating Rasayana ensures overall wellness for the mind and body.

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