ayurvedic doctor's tips on healthy nutrition to children
Child Health

Healthy Eating Habits for Children: Guidelines and Tips for Mindful Nutrition

Ensuring that children maintain a healthy and balanced diet is vital for their physical and mental well-being. Failing to meet a child’s daily nutritional requirements can impede their growth and development, hinder learning capacity, and increase the risk of deficiency diseases and growth abnormalities. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive guide to what foods to feed and how to feed your child for optimal growth. According to Ayurveda, a child’s diet should align with their body constitution, whether it be Vata, Kapha, or Pitta, to ensure the food is suitable for their body type.

Here are seven Ayurvedic eating tips to consider for children:

  1. Begin the day with water. Drinking a glass of boiled and cooled water first thing in the morning helps cleanse the body, stimulate bowel movements, boost metabolism, enhance the immune system, and prevent kidney stones and bladder infections.
  2. Stimulate all six senses by including all six tastes in every meal, including sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter, and astringent. This approach can have different effects on a person’s body and mind, and it’s said that providing a small portion of sweets before a meal can activate a child’s digestive fire.
  3. Incorporate at least one tablespoon of ghee into your child’s daily diet. Ghee is especially essential for teenagers and children as it helps develop their immunity, strengthen bones and muscles, provide energy, and improve cognitive functions and brain development.
  4. Use spices such as ginger, turmeric, and cardamom in the right amounts to stimulate your child’s digestive fire, strengthen their immune system, and shield them from seasonal sicknesses. You can add these spices to a glass of milk for a tasty and healthy drink.
  5. Offer wholesome meals, including plenty of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and high-quality fats. This type of diet stabilizes a child’s physical and emotional balance and promotes healthy growth. Milk and milk products are also important components of a wholesome Ayurvedic diet.
  6. Consider incorporating dried fruits, nuts, almonds, and walnuts into your child’s diet. These foods are rich in antioxidants that help detoxify the body, provide energy, aid in cognitive development, and help prevent constipation.
  7. Include foods rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, such as flaxseed, chia seeds, soybean, and walnuts. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for children’s brain health, improving sleep quality, and reducing the symptoms of ADHD and asthma.

Guidelines for Healthy Eating Habits in Children

To maintain a balance of the doshas and avoid restlessness and hyperactivity in children, it is important to establish a consistent eating routine. This also helps prevent unhealthy snacking. A light and easily digestible meal are recommended for dinner, as heavy meals can disrupt digestion and disturb sleep.

Encourage your child to practice mindful eating, by focusing on the food and eating in a relaxed state, without any distractions such as gadgets. It is important to serve warm, home-cooked meals to ensure proper nutrition.

Proper portion control is essential, as overfeeding can cause lethargy, while inadequate nutrition can result in weakness. Monitoring their intake of junk food and replacing it with healthier options is also recommended.

Avoid using food as a reward or punishment, as it is important to teach children the benefits of healthy eating for both their minds and body.

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Srinivas Raitha February 17, 2023 at 5:37 am

Great information. Now a days children like to eat junk and other unhealthy food. Parents should implement above guidlines and grow their children.
The fact is that parents themselves are more attracted to unhealthy habits.

Wonderful tips you have given for the children and thank you so much for the artcles, which educate us enormously.

Good day.

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak February 17, 2023 at 5:43 am

thank you


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